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Variant 1


Choose the correct answer:


1. The cruise ship is ___ of all.

1) the biggest

2) big

3) bigger

4) biggest


2. Bob is ___ than Mary.

1) short

2) shorter

3) the shortest

4) more shorter


3. Your car is ___ than mine.

1) the expensivest

2) the most expensive

3) more expensive

4) expensiver


4. Mike is ___ of all.

1) the tallest

2) the most tallest

3) the taller

4) taller


5. This task is ___ than the other one.

1) more difficult

2) difficulter

3) the most difficult

4) the difficult


6. This sound is ___ I’ve ever heard.

1) the loudest

2) louder

3) loud

4) the more loud


7. That singer is very ___.

1) popular

2) popularest

3) the most popular

4) popularer


8. ___ a car is, ___ it is to park..

1) Smaller, easier

2) The smaller, the easier

3) The smallest, the easiest

4) Small, easy

9. Sometimes I feel my English is getting ___.

1) worse

2) the worst

3) bad

4) the most worst


10. This is ___ way to the station.

1) the shortest

2) short

3) shorter

4) the most short


11. This highway is ___ than that highway.

1) wider

2) widerest

3) wide

4) the most wider


12. That is ___ building in the city.

1) the highest

2) higher

3) the most high

4) higerest


13. This subject is ___ for you now.

1) the most important

2) the much important

3) the worst important

4) better important


14. It is ___ book I have ever read.

1) the interestest

2) less interesting

3) more interesting

4) the most interesting


15. This text is ___ than that one.

1) difficult

2) less difficult

3) the most difficult

4) the difficultest


16. This news are ___ than I thought!

1) better

2) gooder

3) the goodest

4) the bestest


17. She is ___ than my sister.

1) oldest

2) older

3) the most oldest

4) the oldest

18. My ___ brother graduated from Moscow University.

1) elder

2) oldest

3) the oldest

4) the most older


19. ___ house is the library.

1) Near

2) Nearer

3) The nearest

4) The most near


20. Who is ___ footballer in Europe?

1) better

2) the best

3) the most

4) less


21. The weather is ___ today.

1) the much better

2) gooder

3) much better

4) best


22. The ___ the better.

1) sooner

2) soonest

3) more soon

4) most soonest


23. This was ___ watch that they had in the shop..

1) the cheapest

2) more cheap

3) cheaper

4) the most cheapest


24. Volvo is ___ than Lada.

1) safe

2) safer

3) safest

4) the most safe


25. I think that was one of ___ days of my life.

1) the worst

2) bad

3) worse

4) less


Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. The yacht is ___ than the speedboat.

1) bigger

2) more big

3) more bigger

4) biggest


2. Lessy is ___ dog in the world.

1) more attentive

2) the most attentive

3) attentivest

4) attentiver


3. This lesson is ___ than yesterday.

1) difficult

2) difficulter

3) more difficult

4) the most difficult


4. Hip-hop is ___ than Rock.

1) more popular

2) popularer

3) popularest

4) popular


5. Unix is___ than Windows.

1) safer

2) safest

3) more safe

4) safe


6. I think that was one of ___ days of my life.

1) the worst

2) bad

3) worse

4) less


7. He is one of ___ people I know.

1) the most stupid

2) more stupid

3) the stupidest

4) less stupid


8. I don’t understand why the study is ___ in our life!

1) the most important

2) more important

3) most important

4) better important

9. Was the exam as ___ as you’d expected?

1) more difficult

2) difficult

3) less difficult

4) the most difficult


10. He is much ___ any of his brothers.

1) more dangerous than

2) most dangerous than

3) dangerous than

4) dangerous


11. I live in the ___ city of Russia.

1) best

2) most good

3) most best

4) good


12. The weather is ___ today.

1) the much better

2) well

3) much better

4) more well


13. December is ___ than August.

1) colder

2) more cold

3) coldest

4) cold


14. Today, I feel ___ than yesterday.

1) weaker

2) more weak

3) weak

4) weakest


15. It is ___ book, than I read earlier.

1) the interestest

2) interester

3) interesting

4) more interesting


16. I hate ___ weather.

1) winder

2) windy

3) windest

4) more wind


17. I don’t read this book, it is ___ of all.

1) the most boring

2) boringest

3) more boring

4) boring

18. My brother got up ___ than I did.

1) early

2) earlier

3) more earlier

4) more early


19. My sister is ___ than I.

1) cleverer

2) more clever

3) the most clever

4) clever


20. This picture is ___ in this gallery.

1) beautiful

2) more beautiful

3) the most beautiful

4) worse beautiful


21. England is ___ than Wales.

1) more larger

2) larger

3) large

4) more large


22. My father is ___ than my mother.

1) older

2) old

3) more old

4) more older


23. Lisa works in ___ museum in Russia.

1) the most famous

2) more famous

3) the famousest

4) famoust


24. He paid ___ than you for the ticket.

1) less

2) least

3) worst

4) worse


25. This is ___ way to the station.

1) the shortest

2) short

3) shorter

4) the most short



Variant 1


Choose the correct answer:


1. Jack ___ play football since childhood.

1) must

2) should

3) need

4) can


2. ___ I ask you?

1) Must

2) Should

3) Have

4) May


3. Steven ___ read and write until he was seven years old.

1) must

2) can

3) could not

4) could


4. You’ve been reading all day. You ___ be tired.

1) can

2) could

3) must

4) should


5. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday.

1) can

2) had to

3) need

4) will


6. I recommend you to apologize. You ___ apologize.

1) would

2) should

3) must

4) shall


7. ___ I have one of these cakes?

1) Could

2) Must

3) Have to

4) May


8. ___ you speak any foreign languages?

1) May

2) Can

3) Have

4) Might

9. His suggestion may be of little value, but you ___ discuss it all the same.

1) may

2) need

3) might

4) should


10. I went to the doctor yesterday and I ___ wait for an hour.

1) had to

2) must

3) should

4) can


11. Hello, ___ I speak to Tom, please?

1) shall

2) will

3) can

4) would


12. If you want to become a teacher, you ___ go to the college.

1) may

2) should

3) have to

4) must


13. Sue ___ be able to help them.

1) can

2) have to

3) were to

4) shall


14. You ___ cross the road without looking first. It’s dangerous.

1) need not

2) must not

3) must

4) can not


15. I’ll ___ go now. My friends are waiting.

1) may

2) can

3) have to

4) be able to


16. I ___ to work tomorrow.

1) must

2) should

3) could

4) have


17. You ___ give your grandparents more attention.

1) would

2) may

3) ought to

4) has to

18. We haven’t got much time. We ___ hurry.

1) must

2) needn’t

3) can

4) had to


19. ___ you speak slowly, please?

1) Must

2) Could

3) May

4) Should


20. I ___ leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well.

1) have to

2) was to

3) had to

4) must


21. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.

1) did

2) may

3) can

4) could


22. ___ you help me carry this downstairs?

1) May

2) Should

3) Must

4) Could


23. Jane was so tired. She ___ have slept for a week.

1) could

2) should

3) would

4) must


24. My grandfather ___ speak six languages many years ago.

1) should

2) shall

3) could

4) need


25. ___ you like a cup of coffee?

1) Will

2) Could

3) Would

4) Should


Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. ___ you speak any foreign languages?

1) May

2) Can

3) Have

4) Must


2. Liz ___ get tired of her job. It is so boring.

1) has to

2) must

3) should

4) can


3. Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office.

1) might

2) mustn't

3) has to

4) shall


4.Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later.

1) has to

2) need

3) might

4) have to


5. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday.

1) must

2) had to

3) need

4) would


6. You look tired. You ___ go to bed.

1) should

2) ought

3) are to

4) may


7. You ___ do it. I've already done it.

1) must not

2) need not

3) ought not

4) may


8. That’s impossible! That ___ be the truth!

1) must not

2) may not

3) can not

4) would not

9. ___ we stay or leave?

1) Will

2) Would

3) Shall

4) Can


10. Jane was so tired. She ___ have worked days and nights.

1) should

2) must

3) need

4) can


11. Where ___ we meet?

1) may

2) had to

3) shall

4) would


12. But I ___ have read it last year.

1) mayn't

2) couldn't

3) can't

4) haven’t


13.There were many long words which I ___ understand.

1) couldn't

2) can't

3) aren't able to

4) mayn’t


14. When you receive the new books ___I try to read one of them?

1) must

2) could

3) might

4) would


15. I ___ understand why you won't let me.

1) couldn't

2) can't

3) mayn't

4) have to


16. Can you find your way to the hotel? Yes I ___.

1) could

2) am able

3) can

4) may


17. Can you pronounce my name properly? I ___ if you would speak more slowly.

1) could

2) may

3) can

4) would

18. Are you strong enough to lift that box.? Yes, I ___.

1) could

2) am

3) can

4) do


19. Will you speak more clearly please? I ___ hardly hear you at all.

1) could

2) can

3) can't

4) must


20. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.

1) did

2) can

3) could

4) would


21. Can you fix my car today? Yes, I ___.

1) may

2) could

3) can

4) must


22. You haven’t eaten all day. You ___ be hungry.

1) must

2) could

3) can

4) may


23. He tried very hard, but he ___ swim back to the boat.

1) can’t

2) couldn’t

3) mustn’t

4) mayn’ t


24. I ___ have known when she was coming home because I didn't have a watch.

1) can't

2) couldn't

3) won't

4) mayn’t


25. ___ you just jump?

1) Can't

2) Don't

3) If

4) mayn’t


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