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Past Simple and Past Continuous

Variant 1


Choose the correct answer:


1. At three o’clock yesterday afternoon Mike and his son ___ the dog.

1) was washing

2) washed

3) were washing

4) were washed


2. Princess Diana ___ a lot of countries.

1) visiting

2) was visited

3) visited

4) was visiting


3. Mother ___the window twice last week.

1) cleaning

2) was cleaning

3) has cleaning

4) cleaned


4. Did you ___ the film on TV last night?

1) watch

2) watched

3) watching

4) have watch


5. At nine o’clock yesterday morning, the plane ___ to Tahiti from New York.

1) was flying

2) flying

3) was flied

4) flied


6. I played tennis yesterday but I ___ win.

1) do not

2) does not

3) did not

4) was not


7. Yesterday he ___ to work by car.

1) was going

2) went

3) was went

4) going


8. ___ shopping when I saw you yesterday morning?

1) Did you go

2) Were you going

3) Was you going

4) Did you went

9. I ___my teeth three times yesterday.

1) cleaned

2) clean

3) was cleaning

4) was cleaned


10. Did she ___ to the theatre last week?

1) go

2) went

3) going

4) was going


11. I ___ at home from work when it began to snow.

1) walked

2) was walking

3) was walked

4) walk


12. What ___ when the phone rang?

1) did you do

2) does you do

3) were you doing

4) are you doing


13. It ___ when we went out.

1) raining

2) rained

3) was raining

4) rain


14. When ___ acting?

1) was you starting

2) was you start

3) did you start

4) did you started


15. He ___ home early yesterday in the evening because he felt ill.

1) go

2) was going

3) gone

4) went


16. I ___ a noise, so I went to see what it was.

1) heard

2) hear

3) was hearing

4) hearing


17. The party ___ very good, so we didn’t stay long.

1) was not

2) did not

3) were not

4) do not

18. We ___ a lot of work yesterday.

1) did

2) do

3) was doing

4) doing


19. The party ___ at midnight.

1) was finishing

2) was finished

3) finished

4) finish


20. Caroline ___ to the cinema three times last week.

1) was going

2) was gone

3) went

4) go


21. What ___ at 11.30 yesterday?

1) did you do

2) were you doing

3) did you doing

4) had you done


22. I saw Barbara but I didn’t ___ Jane.

1) see

2) saw

3) seen

4) seeing


23. She __ TV last night.

1) watched

2) was watching

3) has watched

4) watching


24. She ___ the room an hour ago.

1) was cleaning

2) clean

3) cleaned

4) has cleaned


25. In 1985 we ___ in Canada for 3 month.

1) was living

2) were living

3) leaved

4) have leaved


Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. It ___ heavily while I ran for the bus.

1) rained

2) was raining

3) raining

4) was rained


2. ___ lunch when the fire alarm rang?

1) Did you eat

2) Did you eating

3) Were you eating

4) Was you eat


3. The students ___ when the teacher walked into the room.

1) stopped talking

2) talking

3) were stopping talking

4) were stopped talking


4. We ___ to the car to keep dry when it started to rain.

1) ran

2) were runned

3) was ran

4) were running


5. The train arrived into the station and we ___ on the platform.

1) went

2) was going

3) gone

4) were go


6. What ___ when the dog ran into the room? - I was cooking.

1) did you do

2) were you doing

3) do you do

4) was you do


7. While I was watching TV, someone ___ on the window.

1) knocked

2) was knocking

3) were knock

4) was knock


8. I ___ a bath when the phone rang last night.

1) had

2) was having

3) was had

4) were having

9. ___ to me? - Yes. You asked me if I had done my homework.

1) Did you listen

2) Were you listening

3) Did you listening

4) Were you listen


10. It was a beautiful day. The sun ___ and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.

1) shone

2) was shining

3) were shine

4) shine


11. I ___ a book when she sent me an SMS.

1) read

2) was reading

3) were read

4) reading


12. We ___ a picnic when it began to rain.

1) had

2) were had

3) were having

4) have


13. He ___ his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.

1) was break

2) broke

3) breaking

4) was breaking


14. When you called last night I ___ my homework.

1) did

2) do

3) was doing

4) were do


15. How fast ___ when the accident happened?

1) did he drive

2) was he driving

3) did he driving

4) was he drive


16. What ___ when the dog ran into the room? - I jumped out of the window.

1) did you do

2) do you did

3) were you doing

4) were you do


17. No wonder she fell off her bike. She ___ where she was going.

1) didn’t look

2) wasn’t look

3) didn’t look

4) wasn’t looking

18. When ___ the accident? - As he was climbing up the ladder.

1) did he have

2) do he have

3) was he having

4) was he have


19. My friend ___ for me when I arrived late.

1) didn`t wait

2) didn`t waiting

3) wasn`t waiting

4) wasn`t wait


20. Not many people ___ personal cars in the 1950s.

1) had

2) was having

3) were having

4) have


21. When I was young I ___ to be a pilot.

1) was wanting

2) were want

3) wanted

4) wanting


22. He told me that he ___ at his diploma for several months.

1) was working

2) worked

3) were worked

4) was working


23. His parents ___ all the time.

1) were quarreling

2) quarreled

3) was quarreled

4) quarreling


24. From six to seven I ___ dinner.

1) cooking

2) cooked

3) was cooking

4) were cook


25. He couldn't believe in what he ___ and ___.

1) were see, hear

2) were seeing, hear

3) saw, heard

4) seeing, hearing



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