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Present Simple and Present Continuous

Variant 1

Choose the correct answer:


1. She usually ___ the bus to school.

1) catches

2) catch

3) is catching

4) was catching


2. My brother ___ tennis every Saturday.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing

4) was playing


3. What is the noise? Jane ___ in the next room.

1) sing

2) sings

3) is singing

4) are singing


4. Linda ___ in Los Angeles all her life.

1) live

2) lives

3) is living

4) are living


5. My granny is in the kitchen. She ___ cakes.

1) cook

2) cooks

3) is cooking

4) are cooking


6. Fred ___ English well.

1) speak

2) speaks

3) is speaking

4) are speaking


7. Look! Douglas ___ baseball for his University team.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing

4) are playing


8. John and Jack ___ test now.

1) write

2) is writing

3) are writing

4) is writing

9. ___ he drive to work every day?

1) Does

2) Is driving

3) Are

4) Do


10. I usually ___ tea for breakfast.

1) drink

2) drinks

3) am drinking

4) is drinking


11. The train ___ at 6 in the evening.

1) arrives

2) is arriving

3) arrive

4) are arriving


12. It___ now.

1) rains

2) is raining

3) rain

4) are raining


13. She ___ tennis well.

1) isn’t playing

2) doesn't play

3) don't play

4) isn’t play


14. Look! He ___.

1) is swimming

2) swim

3) swims

4) are swimming


15. ___ to her friend?

1) Does this house belong

2) Are this house belonging

3) Do this house belong

4) Does this house belongs


16. I ___ the rule now.

1) understand

2) understands

3) am understanding

4) is understanding


17. This flower ___ well.

1) smells

2) are smelling

3) smell

4) is smelling

18. Look at Mary! She ___ flowers.

1) smell

2) smells

3) is smelling

4) has smelling


19. What ___ in the kitchen, Chris? We are waiting for you in the garden.

1) do you

2) are you doing

3) you do

4) you are doing


20. The family ___ dinner now.

1) is having

2) have

3) has

4) are having


21.She ___ what you said.

1) isn’t understanding

2) don’t understanding

3) doesn’t understand

4) don’t understand


22. Be quiet. The baby ___.

1) sleeps

2) is sleeping

3) sleep

4) are sleeping


23. My brother ___ tennis every Saturday.

1) play

2) plays

3) is playing.

4) are playing


24. Water ___ at 100 degrees Celsius.

1) are boiled

2) is boiling

3) boil

4) boils


25. The water ___. Can you turn it off?

1) are boiled

2) is boiling

3) boil

4) boils


Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. In Britain the banks usually ___ at 9.30 in the morning.

1) open

2) opens

3) opened

4) opening


2. The City Museum ___ at 5 o'clock in the evening.

1) closing

2) close

3) closes

4) is closing


3. Tina is a teacher. She ___ mathematics to young children.

1) teaches

2) teach

3) is teaching

4) taught


4. My job is very interesting. I ___ a lot of people.

1) meet

2) is meeting

3) meets

4) meeting


5. Peter ___ his hair twice a week.

1) wash

2) washes

3) washed

4) was washing


6. Food is expensive. It ___ a lot of money.

1) cost

2) costing

3) is costing

4) costs


7. Shoes are expensive. They ___ a lot of money.

1) cost

2) costing

3) is costing

4) costs


8. ___ from Monday to Friday?

1) Do she work

2) Is she working

3) Does she work

4) Has she work

9. Julia and I are good friends. I ___ her and she ___ me.

1) likes, like

2) liking, likes

3) is liking, like

4) like, likes


10. Let's go out. It ___ now.

1) isn’t raining

2) wasn’t raining

3) not rain

4) not raining


11. Julia is very good at languages. She ___ four languages very well.

1) spoke

2) speak

3) speaks

4) spoken


12. Hurry up! Everybody ___ for you.

1) is wait

2) is waiting

3) are waiting

4) is waiting


13 ___ to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'

1) Is you listen

2) Are you listening

3) Do you listen

4) Do you listening


14. ___ to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.'

1) Do you listen

2) Are you listening

3) Is you listening

4) Does you listen


15. The River Nile ___ into the Ocean.

1) flow

2) flows

3) is flown

4) flowing


16. The river ___ very fast today - much faster than usual.

1) flow

2) is flowing

3) are flows

4) flows


17. We usually grow vegetables in our garden, but this year we ___ any.

1) are not growing

2) is not growing

3) don’t grow

4) doesn’t grow

18. A: How's your English?

B: Not bad. I think it ___ slowly.

1) improve

2) is improving

3) improves

4) improving


19. Rachel is in London at the moment. ___ at the Park Hotel?

1) Is she staying

2) Does she stay

3) Are she stays

4) Is she stay


20. She always ___ there when she's in London.

1) stay

2) stays

3) is staying

4) are stays


21. ___ what I mean?

1) Do you see

2) Is you seeing

3) Are you seeing

4) Do you sees


22. Ssh! ___ to the radio.

1) I am listening

2) I listen

3) I listening

4) I listens


23. ___ this painting?

1) Do you like

2) Are you liking

3) Do you liking

4) Have you like


24. You are very quiet. What ___ about?

1) do you think

2) is you thinking

3) are you thinking

4) do you thinking


25. Who ___ in that beautiful house?

1) live

2) lives

3) is living

4) are living


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 3355. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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