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Variant 1


Choose the correct answer:

1. Where’s Simon? ___ is in the kitchen.

1) She

2) I

3) He

4) We


2. I’ve written a letter to ___.

1) she

2) her

3) me

4) it


3. What did those people want? ___ asked ___ to help ___.

1) They, me, them

2) Them, I, they

3) Them, me, they

4) They, I, they


4. Have you seen Simon today? Yes, ___ saw ___ this morning.

1) me, he

2) I, him

3) me, him

4) I, he


5. There’s someone at the door. Who is it? ___ is Peter.

1) He

2) She

3) It

4) They


6. Peter and ___ are going out this evening.

1) mine

2) I

3) them

4) it


7. ___ are going to the cinema.

1) She

2) He

3) I

4) We


8. Where are my keys? I put ___ on the table.

1) he

2) him

3) them

4) his

9. What did you think of the film, Simon? ___ enjoyed ___ very much.

1) I, it

2) me, it

3) he, his

4) I, his


10. ___ car wasn’t as expensive as ___.

1) Mine, her

2) My, hers

3) Mine, hers

4) My, her


11. ___ flat isn’t as big as ___.

1) Ours, theirs

2) Our, their

3) Ours, their

4) Our, theirs


12. You can wash __own dirty clothes yourself!

1) my

2) your

3) his

4) her


13. He’s always using my shampoo. Why doesn’t he buy ___?

1) his own

2) my own

3) her own

4) your own


14. We helped them move the piano. They couldn’t have done in on ___.

1) my own

2) their own

3) his own

4) her own


15. Sue’s children are too young to look after ___.

1) themself

2) himself

3) themselves

4) itself


16. I don’t need any help. I can take care of ___.

1) yourself

2) myself

3) themselves

4) mine


17. Sarah and I didn’t really enjoy ___ at the disco last night.

1) themselves

2) ours

3) themself

4) ourselves

18. They’re good friends. They like ___ very much.

1) themselves

2) each other

3) ourselves

4) myself


19. Can I have ___ potatoes, please?

1) anything

2) some

3) much

4) nothing


20. He lost ___ in the Fire. His house and all his possession were burnt.

1) everything

2) something

3) anything

4) nothing


21. It’s a secret. ___ knows about it.

1) Everybody

2) Nothing

3) Anybody

4) Nobody


22. There isn’t ___ watching TV at the moment.

1) everybody

2) somebody

3) anybody

4) nobody


23. ___ house is much bigger then ___.

1) They, we

2) Their, ours

3) They, my

4) Their, us


24. Who wants a cup of coffee? ___.

1) Me

2) My

3) Mine

4) Myself


25. Who painted ___ flat? ‑ Nobody. ___ painted it ___.

1) your, They, ourselves

2) you, We, we

3) your, I, myself

4) his, They, themselves


Variant 2


Choose the correct answer:


1. He asked me to help ___.

1) he

2) I

3) him

4) they


2. They invited ___ to the party.

1) us

2) I

3) he

4) she


3. Is it your book? ___.

1) Yes, my.

2) Yes, it is mine book.

3) Yes, it is mine.

4) Yes, it my.


4. I have ___ friends.

1) much

2) many

3) any

4) somebody


5. He hasn't ___ money.

1) much

2) many

3) few

4) a few


6. Have you got ___ milk?

1) some

2) something

3) any

4) anything


7. We bought ___ new books.

1) any

2) us

3) me

4) some


8. They didn’t write___ at the lesson.

1) something

2) anything

3) nothing

4) anybody

9. He has hurt ___.

1) himself

2) he

3) herself

4) yourself


10. The students didn’t learnt ___ interesting there.

1) nobody

2) nothing

3) anything

4) something


11. ___ very cold today.

1) All

2) Everywhere

3) Its

4) It's


12. Don't wash your hair with that shampoo. It's ___.

1) mine

2) he

3) your

4) my


13. This is ___ car.

1) hers

2) her

3) you

4) he


14. Have you seen ___ good films recently?

1) any

2) some

3) few

4) a little


15. I don't want ___ to drink.

1) some

2) any

3) anything

4) few


16. She didn't tell ___ about her plans.

1) nobody

2) anybody

3) nothing

4) no


17. Give ___ your phone, please.

1) me

2) yours

3) she

4) his

18. How ___ cheese do we need?

1) many

2) much

3) long

4) any


19. How___ work did you do last night? ___, I went to the cinema.

1) much, any

2) many, no

3) much, none

4) many, some


20. He has ___ books at home.

1) little

2) much

3) any

4) few


21. That’s not Mary’s room. ___ room is next to the living room.

1) Her

2) She

3) Hers

4) His


22. She made the cake ___.

1) yourself

2) himself

3) herself

4) myself


23. We have ___ time, so we can't go with you.

1) many

2) few

3) a few

4) no


24. Will you go ___ in summer?

1) any

2) anywhere

3) somewhere

4) some


25. I don’t need any help. I can take care of ___.

1) yourself

2) myself

3) themselves

4) mine


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