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The configuration of runways, the main and exit taxiways is an important clement which influences the capacity of an airport. Exit taxiways are quite Important for clearing landing aircraft from runways rapidly. Lack of space for loading and unloading in the terminal area will result in delays and the number of operations an airport can handle in a peak period will be limited.

Weather conditions have a profound effect on airport capacity as well. The capacity of an airport during poor visibility conditions is usually less than in load visibility conditions.

Besides, the number and types of navigation aids available to pilots and controllers influence airport capacity. The development of computers aids controllers in processing aircraft at a more rapid rate.


Make sure that you know the following words: capacity, runway, taxiway, loading, handle, peak period, visibility conditions, navigation aids, controller.



Tell what is understood by the term “airport capacity”.



Name all the tense-forms in text 2.


If an airport is to handle large volumes of international and domestic passenger traffic, a three-level-operation terminal building may be useful and necessary, where the international and domestic passengers are processed on separate levels. One level can be used only for international passengers, one level for domestic passengers, and the ground level for baggage and service facilities.

Arrangement for the efficient handling of baggage constitutes an essential part of processing passengers. An ideal arrangement is one in which the baggage is ready and waiting for arriving passengers as they reach the baggage claim area.



Translate text 3. Entitle the text.



Put five questions on text 3.



- Shall we discuss the functions of the terminal building?

- Yes. Firstly, I'll just mention a variety of activities any airline. needs space for:

- passenger and baggage-handling (processing) counters such as ticket counters (booking offices), check-in counters;

- baggage claim area or luggage retrieval;

- an information counter (inquiry office), and information board; - telecommunication facilities;

- mail express and light cargo processing; - flight catering activities; - crew rest facilities;


- mail express and light cargo processing;

- flight catering activities;

- crew rest facilities;

- Thank you, I see. I'll try to remember all this. And what should I know

when speaking about facilities for the convenience of passengers?

- Will you define them yourself?

- I'll try to. First of all it is a central hall where passengers may rest while

waiting for their flights.

- Right you are. It is called «lounge» or «lobby», or «concourse» (an American term).

- So first of all it is the central lobby. There may be situated duty-free shop, various gift shops and newstands, a post-office department, public telephones, a first-aid room, chemist's... What else? Will you prompt me?

- Look at this layout of halls at a typical airport.

- There are also: hairdresser's, mother-and-child room (a nursery for passengers with small children), toilets, left-luggage department, luggage lockers, lost and found.

- In the terminal there are also facilities for dispensing food (restaurants, cafes, snack-bars) where passengers can have their meals.

- I see that this airport has two halls: an arrival hall (for those who arrive) ond a departure hall (for those who leave).

- Yes, and there is also a transit hall for transit passengers. Besides, being an international airport and serving international traffic this airport has also customs inspection, passport and health control.

- You haven't mentioned currency exchange.

- Oh, yes.


Make sure that you can name all the services carried out in the terminal building.



Answer the following questions:

1. What conveniences for passengers are provided in the terminal


2. What activities are performed by airlines in the terminal building?

3. What additional facilities are provided for at an international airport?




1. – What time does Flight 68 arrive in Kiev?

– Flight 68 arrives in Kiev at 11.00.


What airport, please?

- Borispol.

- It can't be delayed, can it?

- It arrives without delay, in proper time.

2. - Where should I check-in?

- The second counter on your right. The flight number is indicated above the counter.

- Thank you. And where is a currency exchange office?

- Turn right when you go out of this door. Then you'll see the staircase. Go upstairs and you'll have it on your left.

- Thank you.

3. - Will you show me the way to the terrace to see the airfield? - It is upstairs.

- Where are the stairs?

- The staircase is in the centre of the concourse, sir. You can see it from there.

- Is a transit hall also upstairs?

- No, it is on the ground floor. Turn right on the next corner. - Thank you for information.

4. - Will you tell me how much time <<there is before the check-in dead-line? - The check-in dead line is 40 minutes prior to the scheduled departure. So you have 10 minutes left.

- Thank you. I'd like to buy some newspapers or magazines to read during; the flight. Where are the newsstands?

- Over there. But don't be late. We're finishing check-in. But they propose shopping on board. During your flight you can do some duty-free shopping, including periodicals.

- Oh, thank you. I won't risk and I'll follow your advice.

5. - Where is the baggage claim area?

- It is in the left wing of this building, over there,

- Where have I put my baggage claim tags? Let me think. - Don't worry and try to remember.

- Oh, here they are, in my pocket. Here you are. Thank you. What kind of transportation have they between the airport and the centre of the city? - There are airlines buses. It will take you some 30 minutes to get there b~ bus. The charge is reasonable. There are also taxi-ranks but I recommend going by bus.


Ask directions as if you want to reach some point or to find some facilities al the airport. Ask for some information about the flights or the airport design.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 477. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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