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Baltimore/Washington International Airport is strategically located at the heart of the Washington-Baltimore consolidated metropolitan area - the fourth largest market in the United States with 6.7 million people. The area's excellent network of highways and rail service allows BWI to draw travellers from a very broad area, including Maryland, Washington, D.C., Southern Pennsylvania, Delaware, Northern Virginia and West Virginia. This capture area gives BWI access to a total market of more than eight million,

Southwest Airlines chose BWI as its first East Coast airport in 1993 because. BWI remains uncongested and has a high level of traveller satisfaction due to its ease of access, parking and baggage delivery. Under the US Air/British Airways alliance, BA assumed the US Air daily nonstop BWI - London service to London's Gatwick Airport. Air Aruba, the national carrier of Aruba, began nonstop scheduled service between BWI and Aruba,

continuing to Curagao. And Roadway Global Air, a new global air freight company, initiated all-cargo service operating four time weekly toits hub in Terre Haute, Indiana.

In addition, USAir and Continental made major increases in service;byyear's end, USAir had 97 daily jet departures and Continental nearly tripled its jet service.

Also Icelandair initiated daily summer service on its BWI- Reykjavik- Luxembourg route.

An important facility improvement was realized when BWI became the first airport in the Mid-Atlantic region to open a full-service, 24-hour cold storage facility and refrigerated over-the-road trucking operation al its Air Cargo Center.

Major customer service improvements included the opening of Express Service Parking, which has a direct shuttle bus to the terminal. -

Final design work was completed for the new international facility, a state-of-the-art, two-level concourse design.

The additional construction program will include both an extension and the renovation of the current international pier and position BWI for growth well into the next century.

With BWI's significant growth in airline service during the last quarter of this year, and major Airport improvements planned or completed, the Airport is now poised to enter the 21st Century as an airport which exceeds customer expectations for convenient facilities and service.



Pick out all key words needed for the airport description.



Find and analyse all the verbs and verb forms in text 13.


Entitle text 13. Render the text in 5-6 sentences.



Following a number of proving flights to London City Airport, the Dernier 328 was approved to operate into this centrally located airport in the former Royal Albert and King George V docks, situated only 6 miles/l0 lift from the financial district of London,(the City).

Surrounded by residential areas, London City Airport has a number of special requirements and procedures that must be taken account of prior to flights taking place. The principle difference of this airport is its steep approach which is set at an angle of 5.5 degrees. While this also provides clearance of obstacles, the main reason for the steep approach requirement is noise abatement. On the steeper approach, aircraft noise is at a higher altitude than would be with a conventional 3 degree approach. The resulting decrease of the area affected by noise is considerable.

The steep approach path angle is one important requirement to be met by aircraft operating into London City Airport. No less important is the capability to meet the requirements for take-off from the airport's relatively short runway (3,935 ft/I,99 in). For certification, aircraft must prove that they have the necessary power to continue take-off and clear obstacles following the (assumed) failure of one engine. The proving flights in September showed that the Dornier 328 has the performance to meet the requirements for operation into this inner-city airport.


Translate the text. Put 3 key questions on the text.


1. Airport design, airport capacity, the general layout of an airport.

2. Terminal building functions.

3. Key terminology to describe passenger and baggage processing. 4. Asking directions at the airport.

5. Main problems of planning, constructing and reconstructing airports. 6. Description of Kyiv Borispil International Airport. 7. Description of some major international airports abroad. 8. Computers in Airport services.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 520. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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