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B. Station/ground handling management

Due to rising costs and an increasing demand for passenger service the

management and coordination of airport operations demands an even higher

degree of knowledge and skill than was previously required.

This popular and highly successful course provides Airlines and Handling

Agencies with the opportunity to have their key operations people trained to a recognized industry standard.


- International recommendations for airport operations, the rights and duties of a Station Manager, handling agreements and the provision of services for other airlines.

- How to cooperate with and get cooperation from other authorities at an airport.

- Planning, evaluating and costing station operations. Calculating the number of staff required. How to calculate the type and amount of equipment needed and make a financial case for it.

- The impact of aircraft performance, meteorology, ATC and security regulations on airport operations.

- Managing day-to-day passenger operations, cargo, catering, ramp safety, fraud prevention and baggage issues.

- Management skills.



1. Say a few words about the programs of the courses mentioned in both pans of text 2.

2. Compile an advertisement about these courses to be published shed in a local newspaper.



Passport Control. The outgoing passengers may leave the country only if they have an exit visa and a foreign passport. The incoming passengers must have an entry visa, a foreign passport and a vaccination certificate. The visas and foreign passports should be produced to the Passport officer at the Passport Control.

Customs Control. At every International Airport there is a Customs Control. A passenger may carry duty free articles provided they are for personal use. Restricted articles may be imported, but in this case they are liable to Customs duty.

At the customs Control passengers must fill in a Customs declaration and then produce it to the Customs officer, who checks the declaration and inspects the passengers' luggage. Any article that has not been declared or produced is liable to forfeiture and the person concerned is liable to prosecution.

As for the crew it is not obligatory to fill in a Customs declaration. The crew members are only asked some questions about their hand luggage which is then inspected on board the aircraft.

Some things are prohibited to be exported - weapons, narcotics, antiques and objects of art (paintings, drawings, icons, sculptures), precious metals, crude and processed natural precious stones, valuables, etc.

If you have nothing more than the duty-free allowances and no prohibited or restricted goods go straight through the GREEN CHANNEL unless asked to stop by an officer.

If you have more than the duty-free allowances listed or if you have prohibited or restricted goods go into the RED CHANNEL and declare them to an officer.

Plant Quarantine Inspection. Any load or baggage containing seeds,bulbs, cuttings, vegetables and fruit are subject to, the Plant Quarantine inspection. A passenger must have a special licence to carry plant materials. This document should be produced to the State inspector of the Plant QuarantinePoint.

Veterinary Control. Transportation of animals, birds, live fish, insects, products of animal origin is under the inspection of the Veterinary Control. A passenger should have a medical certificate for his animal (a dog, a cat) to carry it in the passenger cabin.



Render the main information of this text. Say a few words about each passage.



Role-play the following dialogues (11 - 20).


Passport Control Officer: Your passport, please. Passenger: Here you are.

P.C.O.: How long are you staying in this country?

P.: Five days. I'm here on business.

P.C.O.: Your passport and visa are in order. Have a pleasant stay, sir. P.: Thank you.



Passenger: Here are my documents.

Officer: Thank you. Will you, please, wait for some minutes while I'm inspecting your passport and visa.

(A moment later).

Officer: Your passport is OK, but the visa is elapsed. You are not entitled to leave the airport.


Official: Health check here. Where are you from, sir? Passenger: From...

0.: Your vaccination certificate, please.

P.: Here you are.

O.: Thank you. Everything is OK. You may proceed to Passport Control.




0.: Your vaccination certificate, please.

P.: Here you are.

0.: How long is it since you had your yellow fever inoculation.

P.: Let me see. Two months.

0.: Thank you. Passport Control is that way.


0.: Would you please proceed to the Customs, sir? The Customs procedures have already started.

P,; Sure, but where is it?

0,; The Customs Centre is to your right in Departure Lounge.



Off1eer: Any fruit to declare?

Passenger: No fruit. But I've got some flowers.

O.; Will you please follow me to the Plant Quarantine Point.

P,; All right.

(At the Quarantine Point). Inspector: Your name, please.

P,: Mrs. White.

I.; Please, show me your flowers. Mrs. W.: Here they are.

1.; Have you got a license? Mrs, W.: I'm sorry. I haven't.

I.: It is prohibited to carry flowers with bulbs. Mrs. W.: I didn't know about that.

I: They are liable to forfeiture, Mrs. White.



Officer: A dog or a bird to declare, please?

Passenger: I've got a dog.

0,: You are kindly requested to proceed to the Veterinary Control. (At the Veterinary Control).

Inspector: Medical certificate, please? P.: Here it is.

I.: It's OK.


Customs Official: Good afternoon, sir, is this your suitcase?

Passenger: No, the brown one is mine.

C.O.: Oh, I see. Have you anything to declare?

P.: No, I haven't. My bag only contains personal things. Shall I open it? C.O.: No, thank you, sir, that won't be necessary.


Customs Officer: Whose luggage is this? Open the suitcase, please. Passenger: All this luggage is mine.

C.O.: You have articles above the limit.

P,: How much duty do I have to pay?

C.O.: There is a 100% duty on this article.

P.: And what articles have no duty on them?

C.O.: Here is a duty-free quota list. P.: Thank you, sir.



C.O.: I'm sorry, but this article falls under Customs restriction.

P.: Oh, I didn't know.

C.O.: Any foreign currency on you?

P.: Here it is. Not exceeding the allowed quota.

C.O.: Thank you, miss. The inspection is over.


UNDERSTANDING CHECK Answer the following questions:

1. What are the passengers requested to fill in at the Customs Control?

2. What's the meaning of the question a Customs Official may ask you: «Have you anything to declare»?

3. What are the usual customs regulations?

4. What do you do if you have nothing to declare?

5. What do they check at the Passport Control?

6. What are the duties of the health check section at the Customs?

7. Is the passenger's vaccination certificate always checked? Why?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 425. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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