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Answer the following questions basing your answers on the material of unit 3.

1. How long before the departure time is it advisable to arrive at the airport? Why?

2. What airport formalities is the passenger requested to complete before he boards the plane?


In accordance with the international flight regulations the main part of the

baggage i.e. the checked baggage is carried in the cargo compartment of the airplane.

Besides the above mentioned articles you may take in the passenger cabin

a small part of your baggage, i.e. the cabin baggage.

With most of the international carriers however, the weight- and the

dimensions of the cabin baggage are strictly limited.

The baggage which is accepted by the carrier for air transportation should be properly packed and locked to avoid opening during ground handling and transportation.

Baggage which is not properly packed and locked may not be accepted for air carriage.

In view of the limited load capacities of aircraft, the airlines operating

international scheduled flights control the weight of passengers' baggage.

The international conditions of carriage allow each passenger to carry free of charge baggage to a certain weight or number of pieces, i.e. the so called free baggage allowance.

The following articles may be taken into the passenger cabin as free hand baggage:

- lady's handbag, purse or toilet bag provided they do not contain articles

which should be transported in the aircraft baggage compartment:

- small camera, pair of binoculars;

- umbrella, or walking stick;

- overcoat, wrap or blanket;

- reasonable amount of reading matter for the flight;

- infant's food for consumption en route, infant's carrying basket and carry cot;

- a fully collapsible invalid's wheelchair and/or a pair of crutches and/or braces or other prosthetic device for the passenger's use, provided the passenger is dependent upon them.

The free baggage allowance is entered in your ticket when issued and you are to pay additional excess baggage charges for any kilograms in excess.

It should be kept in mind, that all other baggage except the above mentioned must be weighed, no matter whether it is carried in the passenger cabin or checked for transportation in the cargo compartment. These include big ladies' bags, travel and/or sport bags, toilet bags and boxes for hats, portable radios and tape recorders, large cameras, portable typewriters, briefcases, large quantity of printed matter not meant for use during the flight,


The weight of the above mentioned articles should be taken into consideration in order to avoid difficulties and additional charges for excess baggage.

If you travel to/from a point on the territory of the USA and/or Canada, please have in mind that on the transatlantic routes the free baggage allowance is determined not only on the basis of weight but on volume and number of baggage pieces as well.



Make sure that you know the following: cabin baggage, weight, dimen­sions, pack, lock, handling, load capacity, free of charge, free baggage allowance, free hand baggage, consumption, en route, collapsible, excess, weigh, checked baggage, cargo compartment, reading matter, printed matter, articles, additional charges, volume, number of pieces.


Answer the following:

1.What can you carry to the cabin free of charge? How is this baggage


2. What baggage is carried in the cargo compartment? How is it called?

3. What is called free baggage allowance?

4. What does a passenger do if he has excess luggage?

5. What does the baggage handling procedure at an airport consist in?



1. Find in text 1 all complex sentences containing subordinate clauses, de­

fine their functions.

2. Find all nouns in the Genitive (Possessive) case.



- We have discussed many aspects of ticketing and reservation. Yet we are to discuss many other important things. Free baggage allowance, for example.

- In booklets and leaflets we often read about that. It is useful to learn so­me key words on this topic. What is free baggage allowance?

- In view of the limited load capacities of aircraft, the airlines operating international scheduled flights control as a rule the weight of passengers' baggage. The international conditions of carriage allow each passenger to carry free of charge baggage to a certain weight or number of pieces, i.e. the so called free baggage allowance. Baggage should not exceed 20 kilograms tourist class or 30 kilograms first class not including carry-on baggage, i.e. that which may be taken into the passenger's cabin as free hand baggage.

- And if you have some baggage?

- Each extra kilogram is paid for at the rate of one per cent of the cost of a first-class ticket. And one thing more. You should also know these terms: checked baggage and cabin baggage.

- What do they mean?

- The checked baggage is accepted by the carrier for air transportation, it should be properly packed and locked to avoid opening during ground han­dling and transportation. The checked baggage is carried in the cargo com­partment of the airplane.

- I see. And what about the cabin baggage?

- In some cases you may take in the passenger cabin a small part of your baggage, i.e. the cabin baggage. With most of the international carriers however, the weight and dimensions of the cabin baggage are strictly limited.

- Are all articles accepted as checked baggage?

- No. Some articles can be accepted for transportation only as cargo: refri­gerators, washing machines, boat engines, spare parts for cars, big quantities of articles intended for sale, etc. And now have some situational practice.




1. What terms describing baggage handling are used here?

2. What is this conversation about? What airport procedure is described? What definitions are given?

3. Can you guess the profession of those taking part in this conversation? Situational Practice: Dialogues 2 - 10.



Student-agent: Good morning. What can I do for you?

Student-passenger: I am afraid I have to pay for excess baggage. How ma­

ny pounds am I allowed?

S-a: You are allowed 20 kgs or 44 pounds on Economy class and 30 kgs or

bb pounds on First class.

S-p: Then how much do I have to pay for about 22 pounds extra?

S-a: What is your destination? S-p: London.

S-a: One moment, please. I'll check that for you... The excess charge

would be...

S-p: Thank you. Good bye.

S-a: You are welcome. Good bye.



P.: I am on your flight to San Francisco on Friday, the 23rd.

My suitcase weighs around 70 pounds. Can you tell me what additional

charge would be?

A.: I'd be glad to. Are you travelling First Class or Economy Class?

P.: Economy Class.

A.: Then the first 44 pounds are free and the remaining 26 pounds would

cost about... American dollars.



P.: I am to fly to Montreal. Do I check in here?

A.: Yes, ma'm. May I see your documents?

P.: Here you are.

A.: Thank you. Would you please put your bags on the scales.

Thank you. This is your boarding pass and baggage claim tags (checks).

P.: What shall I do with the tags?

A.: Please present these to reclaim your baggage in Montreal.

P.: I see. Thank you.



- Do I check in here for Eastern Flight 179 to Houston? - Do you already have your ticket?

- Yes, here you are.

.- Thank you. Can you put your luggage up here. please?

- Sure, I have two suitcases and two boxes.

- We allow only three pieces. You'll have to pay an extra charge. - Oh. Can I carry this one with me?

- No, I'm sorry. It won't fit under your seat... You can choose your seat at Gate 4. Enjoy your flight.


- Hello. Are you going to Houston?

- Yes. I'd like a window, seat/an aisle seat, please. - May I see your ticket?

- Here it is.

- You want a window seat/an aisle seat, smoking or non-smoking?

- Non-smoking.

- Fine. Seat 12A. Here is your ticket and your boarding pass. Enjoy your



(Buzz.) - Excuse me. May I see the contents of your pockets? - Of course.

- Thank you. Put everything in this container. Now go back and come through the detector again.

- Sure. (Buzz.). Oh, wait. It must be my metal comb. - That's fine.

- Oh, and here are also my car keys and a cigarette lighter.

- Put them with your other things. Now come through again.



- DoI check in for flight 98 here?

- That's right. May I see your ticket and passport, please? And your bag. Put it on the scales, please.

- Here it is. Do I need to weigh this small bag?

- Are you keeping it as hand luggage? - Yes.

- You must weigh that as well. Oh, it's too heavy. I'm afraid there'll be an excess luggage charge.

- I'll pay extra.



- Will you put your luggage on the machine'?

- Is it inside the free allowance?

- Yes, you are allowed that much. Here are your ticket and your boarding pass.Your luggage tag is attached to your ticket.

- Thank you. Which way do I go now?

- Passport Control is that way. Then the departure lounge is straight

ahead. Then you'll have to go through the check gate. - Thank you.



A.: Would you put your baggage on the scales here, please? P.: Should I do it myself? I have five pieces over there. A.: Oh, no, just a moment. I'll call a porter.

P.: Oh, thank you.

A.: Your documents are in order. You have no excess baggage. This is

your boarding pass and here are your luggage claim tags.

P.: Where shall I go next?

A.: To the Customs to begin exit formalities. P.: And after the Customs procedures?

A.: Right to the gates. The right gate is marked with the illuminated

electric board indicating your flight number. The indicator is seen from afar.

P.: Thank you very much.


Make up a list of phrases most often used in the given situations.




1.What situations were role-played above?

2. What typical actions were produced both by the passengers and the clerks in those dialogues?


Role-play all the dialogues given above in situations of passengers and

baggage registration at an airport.




A. Airport passenger services

What quality of service is provided at your airport? It is as good as the

knowledge and skills of your frontline staff. This highly rated course provides you with an Opportunity to have your

key people trained to a recognized industry standard in this vital area of airline operations.


- Use of ABC, OAG, TIM and TIMATIC. Passenger tickets/ATB, validity, restrictions, endorsements (pooled/joint venture services), forms of payment, discounts.

- Baggage.

- Check-in procedures.

- Special passengers.

- Passenger expenses enroute and interline traffic agreements. Passenger flow control, ramp safety, fueling with passengers on board.

- Delay procedures, flight irregularities, denied boarding compensation and flight interruption manifests.

- Lost and found, liability and fraud prevention.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 491. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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