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At stopover airports and/or destinations please look for your checked baggage. It should be kept in mind that most suitcases, travel bags etc. are very similar in kind and unintentional substitutions are quite possible. Such happenings should be avoided if you compare the serial number of the baggage tag with the one stuck on each piece of baggage.

If you continue your journey by another flight and/or airline, please of baggage.

- if your baggage had duly arrived and if not, ask that a «Property Irregularity Report» be prepared immediately for you.

- if it is necessary to present your baggage in person to the customs control authorities /as it is the practice in the country/.

Please, examine carefully each separate piece of your checked baggage upon arrival and inform right away the airport officers for any irregularity established by you.

If you arrive to a foreign country and some of your baggage is missing you in entitled to a limited amount of local money to buy articles of first nece­ssity, such as toilet articles, etc. Some of the airlines offer men's and ladies' toilet kits instead,

Before leaving the airport it is advisable to take advance information about the different formalities, concerning your further journey such as: the check-­in dead-line, airport and customs regulations, surface transportation between the airport and the city.



Any onward or return reservation shall be subject to reconfirmation in accordance with and within the time limits specified in the company's regu­lations.

Failure to comply with any such requirement will entitle the company to cancel your onward or return reservation.

For transatlantic and intercontinental flights the time limit for reconfir­mation is 72 hours /three days/ in advance of the departure time.



Answer the following questions:

1. What should one do to avoid unintentional substitutions?

2. What should one do if (s)he continues the journey by another


3. What evidence should be given and by whom in case there is something

wrong with one's baggage?

4. What advance information should one take before a return flight?

5. What should be reconfirmed before a return flight and why?



Make up a dialogue about the loss of your bag/box/suitcase/ briefcase /trunk following the model given below. You may have any alterations or substitutions.

Clerk: Can I help you, sir?

Visitor: Yes, I'm afraid I have a problem. One of my suit-cases is missing. Won't you help me. to find it?

C.: I see. Could I have your ticket and luggage tags, sir?

I'll have to check that. Will you describe your suitcase, please? V.: Let me see. It's big, light brown with straps across. C.: All right. Wait here, I'll see what I can do. (Some time later)

C.: I have some good news for you. They've got your case in

V.: Thanks a lot. When can I get it? I need it badly.

C.: Don't worry. Let me know your address and we'll deliver the case as

soon as it arrives.

V.: That's very kind of you, thanks.



1. Baggage Carriage Regulations.

2. Baggage check-in procedure.

3. Passport Control, Health Control and Customs Control formalities.

4. Role-playing (situational practice) in relevant situations of passengers servicing at an international airport.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 512. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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