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1. Make up a short dialogue o Booking tickets for a flight» on the basis of

the following:

- A successful journey is that which is well prepared and organized. When does it begin?

- I think it begins when we decide to make a travel and ask for detailed information about tickets and everything concerning our flight.

- Yes, you are right. And for detailed information about flights one should contact the airline offices. Usually they recommended to book a ticket in advance. «In advance)) means «Beforehand».

- And what does the word «to book» mean in the word-combination «to book a ticket»?

- Really, it may seem unusual to you. Here it means «to buy». By the way, can you guess the meaning of «booking office))?

- I think, it is an office where they book tickets.

- Right. What do you usually say when buying a ticket at a ticket counter (booking office) or ordering it by phone?

- I'll ask about the fares. “What is a normal fare to …”?

- What class - first or economy (that is, «tourist»)?

- A return ticket (a round trip ticket) has a great advantage compared with

a one-way ticket (single) as you'll have an opportunity to choose your flight

and save much time.

- Yes, that's• right.

2. Use the following word combinations in sentences of your own: to reserve a seat in advance; to cancel the order; to confirm reservations; to book a return ticket; to mention in the time-table; to make reservations through the Agency.

3. Answer these questions, use both questions and answers iii a short dialogue (mini-dialogue):

Can't it be delayed? Where should I check in? What time does Flight 89 arrive? What gate? What is the charge? Do I have to change anywhere?



The day before your journey, please, study again the data in your ticket:

- airport of departure

- the airline you are going to fly by /your carrier/

- flight number

- departure check-in time.

This is the time by which passengers should be at the airline check-in desk to be accepted for the flight.

The time indicated on each of the flight coupons of your ticket is the departure time of the aircraft. The interval before this time is the minimum time necessary for all standard airport, customs, passport and other formalities concerning your flight.

If no time fixed you should inquire about the check-in time when you buy your ticket or make your reservation.

You are kindly requested to present yourself at the airport desk one hour and 30 minutes, or one hour at least prior to scheduled departure.

in you fail to arrive at the check-in in due time, you will not be accepted for transportation on the flight for which you have reserved a seat.

Please, inform the officer at the check-in desk about your destination and present your airline ticket. In case your route includes several stopovers or a change of flight, kindly indicate the final destination to which your baggage

should be tagged.

Before the check-in of your baggage, the old tags should be removed from it, otherwise it could be sent to a wrong destination. Please, carefully fill in the address labels and stick them on your baggage, which will be carried in the cargo compartment.

Numbers of pieces carried as well as baggage weight presented at the check-in desk will be marked by the airport officer on your flight coupons in boxes «checked/unchecked baggage)) and «pieces/kg» on the lower part of the ticket.

The above marks shall be the basic data to be taken into consideration in case of damage during transportation.

Each one of your pieces of baggage will be tagged with a baggage tag with ~; serial number and the final destination of your baggage.

The other piece of the baggage tag is sticked to the cover of your baggage.

Please, check the following before proceeding further:

- if the number of pieces and kg are correctly marked on the flight coupons;

- if the destination is correctly marked on the baggage tag. In case of any

stakes, please, ask the airport officer to correct it right away.

After the check-in you will be given a boarding pass containing your family name, flight number and departure time, exit number, etc. Please, keep this boarding pass at hand and present it together with the other documents to the passport and customs control authorities, until you board (lie airplane.

We advise you to keep the piece of boarding pass remaining with you till the end of your journey, as it may be requested on the board of the aircraft or in the transit/transfer airports.


Make sure that you know the words and word combinations: airport of departure; flight number; check-in (time, desk); flight coupon, to inquire, reservation; prior to scheduled departure, in due time, reserve a seat; destination, stopover, to tag, the baggage label, cargo compartment; pieces of baggage, checked (unchecked); boarding pass, transit, transfer, customs control, to board the airplane, journey.



Make a list of instructions about ticketing for those who are going to travel by air answering the following questions:

1. What should everyone know about ticketing procedure?

2. What should everyone know about check-in procedure?



You are kindly requested to buy your ticket or confirm your reservation within the time limits specified. If that is not done your reservation will be cancelled.

The passenger ticket and baggage check for an international flight issued in your name is personal and cannot be conceded to another person. Please study carefully the notes on your ticket and particularly the contract conditions and remarks and notices in it. Your ticket is issued at the normal fare and is valid for one year as of the date of commencement of flight. If no portion of the ticket is used then it is valid for one year as of the date of issue. A ticket issued at other than the normal fare is valid for the indicated period only and is subject to the conditions of the fare applicability, stipulated on the ticket.

So the ticket is good for carriage for one year from the date of commencement of carriage but in case no flight coupon of this ticket was used - from the date of issue except as otherwise provided in this ticket, in carriage tariffs, conditions of carriage or related regulations.



Translate text 2



Put 10 questions on the text (of different types: general, special, alternative, disjunctive).




Would you kindly show me the way to the airline booking office? 'Student-airport officer: It's over there, on your left.

S-p: Would you tell me what the fare to... is? Student-agent: One way or return?

S-p: One way.

S-a: The normal adult one-way economy fare is... roubles.

S-p: And for a child?

S-a: Children under five years of age go free of charge on domestic flights

if they don't occupy a separate seat. The charge for children under twelve is

50 per cent of the adult fare.

S-p: Then one-way adult ticket and one for a child older than five, please.

S-a: What flight and what date do you want?

S-p. Flight 723, Monday, the 10th of May.

S-a. Let me see your passport, please.

S-p: Here it is.

S-a: Wait a minute, please... Here you are.

S-p: Thank you. And how long is my ticket valid?

S-a: Tickets are valid for one year from the date of issue.

S-p: Thank you for the information.



Make up a list of questions which may be asked when booking a ticket for

air travel.


FOLLOW-UP ACTIVITIES Reproduce the dialogue


Passengers are invited to reserve their seats well in advance. Application can be made at any airline office or travel agency. The seat may be, however, reserved only after the ticket of the respective flight has been purchased.

Confirmed seat is indicated in the «Reservation Status» box of the ticket by code «OK».

Code «RQ» indicates that it was not possible to confirm the requested seat yet. If passenger has reserved his seat in advance for the return or continuing flight, he is in some cases obliged to reconfirm intention to use such reservation to the air-carrier at the departure point of the return or continuing flight. Failure to comply may result in the cancellation of the onward or return reservations.

Should it be not possible to use the seats reserved, we ask the passengers to let us know as early as possible. Passengers cancelling then scats too late or failing to report for departure or being insufficiently documented so that they are not allowed to travel, may be required to pay a fee which is 25% of the applicable one-way fare.



Ukraine International Airlines has interline agreements with over 50 carriers - including Cathay Pacific, Continental Airlines, Delta, North-west Qantas & Virgin Atlantic, to name but a few, as well as the major European carriers. With our schedules to 10 European cities, you can now make same day connections to most destinations worldwide.

Furthermore, we can ticket you to your final destination, offering the best possible fare.

So don't delay, give us a call on (044) 216 6730.



Ukraine International now offers all passengers in Kiev the opportunity to make reservations not just over the phone, but also by fax.

Our Telephone Sales Agents speak not only Ukrainian and Russian, but also English, French and German.

The dedicated numbers to call are:

Telephone: (044) 216 6730

Fax: (044) 216 8225

All reservations requests made by fax will be immediately actioned, and a fax sent back detailing not only the flights details and fare, but also the booking locator.



Translate text 3 in writing. Say what you know about ticket reservation. Say what texts 4 and 5 are about.



Sick and invalid passengers and expectant mothers can be transported only when all conditions stipulated by the carrier are complied with.

Dangerous goods and articles can be carried only subject to special condi­tions. For safety reasons, articles or materials which are dangerous or are sub­J0 to special transport conditions may be carried only under carrier approval. These regulations apply principally to: compressed gases (flammable/non­flammable), corrosive materials, explosives, munitions, weapons, easily flammable materials, oxidizing materials, magnetized materials, radioactive mate­dais and other restricted articles such as mercury, poisons and other materials q1 listed in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. Sporting and hunting weapons can only be accepted as registered baggage. Weapons must be unloaded, with safety catch on and suitably packed.

Both our airline and travel agencies will be pleased to give detailed infor­mation concerning the passport, visa, health and/or other regulations, theless, they cannot accept responsibility for passengers being improperly or Insufficiently documented. Without proper passport, visa and health docu­mentation as required by countries of exit, transit and entry the passenger may not be accepted for transportation.


Pick out all unknown words and translate them.

Make sure that you can translate the following words denoting articles not permitted for carriage:

Restricted articles: compressed gases (e.g. butane, oxygen, propane); corrosives (e.g. acids, lyes); wet batteries; explosives (e.g. munitions, fireworks); flammable liquids and solids (such as matches, lighter fuel, flammable aerosols); oxidising materials; poisons; radioactive materials; mercury, magnetic materials; binoculars, cameras and sporting guns (are permitted for carriage only packed in baggage).



Name the main rules of carriage.



Baggage. Your free allowance may be limited by any combination of weight, number of pieces and dimensions. Baggage in excess of the free allowance is subject to extra charge. Please, check with your reservations or ticket office before starting your journey.

For security reasons carry-on baggage, which can be placed underseat or overhead, is generally limited to one piece, which should not exceed 8 x 14 x IS inches (21 x 36 x 46 cm).


Certain articles will be carried free, over and above the free baggage allowance, if retained in your custody.

For details please see inside your British Airways ticket.

Do identify your baggage outside and inside - name labels identify your baggage in the event of mishandling.

Do remove all old labels.

Do lock your bags.

Do not overpack your bags.

Do pack all important papers, medicines, cash, jewellery, glass and liquids in carry-on baggage.

Do not pack Restricted Articles as detailed in your British Airways ticket. Note: toy guns, knives etc. are forbidden and will be confiscated.

Check-in. Do ensure you arrive at the airport early enough to complete pre-departure check-in, Government requirements and personal activities.

Travel documents. It is the responsibility of passengers to ensure that their documents are valid, however British Airways will gladly furnish information concerning passports, visas and vaccination requirements. You are also advised to obtain official advice from the Embassies or Consulates of the countries to be visited.

Smoking. Certain areas in, British Airways aircraft are set aside for passengers who smoke. Do not smoke outside these areas or in the toilets.

If you wish to be seated in either a smoking or non-smoking area, please request this when you check-in.


Read this BA ticket information and find the words that mean the same as: 1) luggage; 2) be bigger than; 3) kept; 4) taken away from you: 5) make sure; 6) supply, give.



- What is an international ticket?

- An international ticket is concurrently a contract and an accounting document.

- What does it mean as a contract document?

- As a contract document a ticket provides for the contract of international carriage between a passenger and a carrier. Under this contract a carrier undertakes to carry a passenger and his baggage to a point of destination having provided the passenger with a seat according to the purchased ticket; the passenger undertakes to pay for his carriage or his excess baggage, if any, an established fare. Any questions?

- Yes. I understand that the contract of carriage establishes the rights and obligations both of a passenger and a carrier. But you've mentioned that a ticket is also an accounting document? What is its role in this function? I. - Right of you to ask such a question. As an accounting document a ticket gives the right to settle accounts between the issuing carrier and.the carriers. participating in transportation. Negligent completion of the ticket may delay and complicate settlement of accounts between carriers. So a ticket as an Important document must be completed with extreme carefulness. This requirement fully applies to ticket boxes, the number and purposes of which are stipulated by the Warsaw Convention and other international agreements.

- Thank you, It is useful to learn this information.

- Is there anything you'd like to add to my information?

- Only that a ticket is also a personal document and is completed for each passenger. It should be used only by the person whose name appears in it.

- Yes, one should know that it is very important and should be strictly observed a ticket may in no case be transferred or resold to any other person. In case a resale or transfer of a ticket is established the ticket is cancelled and not refundable.



Make sure that you know the words: excess, purchase, undertake, destina­tion, rights and obligations, accounting document, negligent completion, sett­lement of accounts, with extreme carefulness, stipulate, transfer, sell, resale, cancel, refund.



Answer the following questions:

l. What is an international ticket?

2. Why is a ticket an accounting document?

3. Why is a ticket a contract document?

4. Why is a ticket a personal document?


A ticket presents a booklet with tear-off coupons of different colours. On the front cover of the ticket there are the airline's flag, its address and complete name of the ticket. In the upper right-hand corner of the ticket there are the airline form number of four digits and a serial number of eight digits And in the upper left-hand corner a Roman numeral indicates the number of bight coupons contained in the ticket.

On the inside part of the front cover (page 2), on pages 3-8 <<Conditions of Contracb>, «Advice to International passengers on limitation of liability» are printed; there is also indication of town terminal address and the time of check-in at the airport. There are also lists of articles allowed to be carried free and restricted to carriage.

These are followed by the tear-off coupons of three colours. <<Audit Cou­pon» /green colour/ serves for verification of correctness of application of fares and for control purposes. Upon completion it is withdrawn and together with the ticket sales report is forwarded to the International Revenue Accoun­ting Centre. A passenger receives a ticket without this coupon.

«Agent Coupon>> (pink colour) is a document to be retained by the selling office. Upon completion it is detached.

«Flight Coupons>> (yellow colour). There may be from 1 to 4 such coupons in a ticket depending on the number of transfers. At every point of departure one flight coupon is to be detached from the ticket. A flight coupon is not to be accepted if the following flight coupon appears to have been used.

The inside part of the back cover of the ticket -«Passenger Coupon>) - is a document to be remained in the passenger's possession upon completion of carriage and serves as evidence of the contract of carriage.


Make sure that you know the words and word-combinations: tear-off cou­pon, front cover, upper right-hand corner, digit, liability, flight coupon, detach (withdraw), to forward, control purposes, revenue, retain, transfer, inside part, evidence of the contract.


1) Translate all the prepositions in text 8.

2) Analyse and translate the following extracts from text 8 containing Infinitive structures:

a) There may be from 1 to 4 such coupons.

b)... one flight coupon is to be detached.

c) A flight coupon is not to be accepted.

d)... if the following flight coupon appears to have been used. e)... is a document to be remained.


Answer the following questions:

1. What information about the airline is given on the front cover of an international ticket?

2. Are all flight coupons of the same colour?

3. What parts of a ticket can be detached and why?

4. What part of a ticket finally remains in the passenger's possession?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 463. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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