VOCABULARY. Diverse – многообразный, разнообразный
Diverse – многообразный, разнообразный bird’s eye – с высоты птичьего полета skyscraper – небоскреб iron ore – железная руда nonferrous – нежелезный, цветной the Corn Belt – кукурузный пояс fertile – плодородный livestock – крупный рогатый скот commercial farming – товарное производство сельскохозяйственных продуктов mineral deposit – месторождение минерального сырья headquarter – штаб-квартира, головной офис Boeing Company – компания «Боинг» multi-engine jet aircraft – реактивное воздушное судно high-tech firm – высокотехнологичный, использующий высокие технологии, хай-тек ripen – зреть, созревать, улучшать orchard – фруктовый сад pasture – выгон, пастбище, выпас, еда, корм, подножный корм, пастись Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно: 4. BRITAIN’S ECONOMY IN BRIEF Private enterprises form Britain’s economy. Private sector accounts for 79 per cent of output and 95 percent of employment. Manufacturing has an important role in the economy. Britain excels in high-technology industries, such as pharmaceuticals, aerospace and offshore equipment, where British companies are among the world’s largest and most successful. Britain’s chemical industry is the third largest in Europe. Traditionally, Britain is a major producer of basic industrial chemicals, plastics and fertilizers. ICI is the largest chemical company in the world and the world’s largest paint manufacturer. Britain’s pharmaceutical industry is on of the world’s biggest exporters of medicines, accounting for around 12 per cent of the world market. Machine-building is an area where British firms excel, especially in construction equipment, wheeled tractors, internal combustion engines, textile machinery, medical equipment, pumps and compressors. Britain has the largest electronic industry in the world. Products include computers, communication equipment and a large variety of components. As well as an extensive range of computer hardware and associated equipment, British firms design computer applications software and are particularly strong in specialist markets such as computer-aided design (CAD), mathematical software, geographical information systems and data visualizations. Britain’s aerospace industry is the third largest in the Western world. British aerospace (BA) produces both civil and military aircraft. The company has a 20 per cent share in the European multinational giant Airbus Industries, which manufactures a family of airbus airliners. Britain has the largest energy resources of any country in the European Union and is a major producer of oil and natural gas. The main energy sources are coal, nuclear power and water power. The two largest British oil companies are British Petroleum (BP) and Shell Transport and Trading. Services account for two-thirds of Britain’s GDP. Britain is a major financial center, housing some of the world’s leading banking, insurance, and other financial services and markets. The heart of the financial industry is the collection of banks and markets in and around the City of London.