WASTE OIL AND OIL PRODUCTS The compositions of extragents, adsorbents and process characteristics for regeneration of the base hydrocarbon of industrial mineral and motor waste oils as well as oil products applied as coolant lubricants in metal-working industry (removal, cutting of metal, hydraulic gears etc) have been developed. By the contrast to sulfuric acid and alkali refining, the extragent technology of waste oil (oil products) refining allows one to increase the oil refining (clarification) degree to 99.83% in one stage during the phase contact (liquid-liquid, solid-liquid) in a turbulent flow at the extragent: feedstock ratio from 1:20 to 1:60 without heating. Under these conditions a very distinct phase separation occurs. The period of the isolation of the refined oil (oil product) from the extract, as compared to sulfuric acid refining is decreased 1,500 times. The extragent does not cause the equipment corrosion, removes from the waste oil only the contaminants: water, resinous and oxidized compounds, and metal powders. The efficiency of the feedstock refining technology is reached using a novel high-selectivity and environmentally friendly extragent. One ton of the extragent may purify from 50 to 60 tons of the waste oil (oil product). A repetitive secondary application of the industrial waste oil speeds up the metal removal (increases the efficiency of the machine) reduces the consumption of the abrasive dust. The adsorbent in the amount of 1-3 wt % dispersed in the feedstock refines motor oils up to 98-99% in 1-1.5 hours, without extracting non-consumed oil additives. A device and a method to control the refining degree of waste oil have been developed.
Exercise 23. Answer the following questions. 1. What does the extragent technology of waste oil allow to do? 2. Does the extragent cause the equipment corrosion? 3. How is the efficiency of the feedstock refining technology reached? 4. What does a repetitive secondary application of the industrial waste oil speeds?
Exercise 24. Put the verbs in brackets into correct grammar form. 1. Oil products (to apply) as coolant lubricants in metal industry. 2. The extragent (to remove) contaminants from the waste oil. 3. One ton of the extragent (to purify) 50 – 60 tons of the waste oil. 4. The consumption of the abrasive dust (to reduce) by a repetitive secondary application of the industrial waste oil. 5. Last year a device and a method to control the refining degree of waste oil (to develop).
Exercise 25. Translate into English. 1. Очищення сірчаної кислоти чи лугу відрізняється від технології очищення екстрагентів обробленої нафти. 2. Нафтопродукти можуть використовуватись в якості змащувально-охолоджувальних рідин у металургійній промисловості. 3. Адсорбент, розподілений у сировині у кількості 1–3% очищує дизельне паливо до 98 – 99% за 1 – 1,5 години. 4. Вторинне використання промислової обробленої нафти зменшує витрати абразивного порошку.
Exercise 26. Read and translate the text.