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Refinery Plant and Facilities

Processing configurations. Each petroleum refinery is uniquely configured to process a specific raw material into a desired slate of products. In order to determine which configuration is most economical, engineers and planners survey the local market for petroleum products and assess the available raw materials. Since about half the product of fractional distillation is residual fuel oil, the local market for it is of utmost interest. In parts of Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia, heavy fuel oil is easily marketed, so that refineries of simple configuration may be sufficient to meet demand. However, in the United States, Canada, and Europe, large quantities of gasoline are in demand, and the market for fuel oil is constrained by environmental regulations and the availability of natural gas. In these places, more complex refineries are necessary.

Topping and hydroskimming refineries. The simplest refinery configuration, called a topping refinery, is designed to prepare feedstocks for petrochemical manufacture or for production of industrial fuels in remote oil-production areas. It consists of tankage, a distillation unit, recovery facilities for gases and light hydrocarbons, and the necessary utility systems (steam, power, and water-treatment plants). Topping refineries produce large quantities of unfinished oils and are highly dependent on local markets, but the addition of hydro treating and reforming units to this basic configuration results in a more flexible hydroskimming refinery, which can also produce desulfurized distillate fuels and high-octane gasoline. Still, these refineries may produce up to half of their output as residual fuel oil, and they face increasing economic hardship as the demand for high-sulfur fuel oils declines.

Conversion refineries. The most versatile refinery configuration today is known as the conversion refinery. A conversion refinery incorporates all the basic building blocks found in both the topping and hydroskimming refineries, but it also features gas oil conversion plants such as catalytic cracking and hydrocracking units, olefin conversion plants such as alkylation or polymerization units, and, frequently, coking units for sharply reducing or eliminating the production of residual fuels. Modern conversion refineries may produce two-thirds of their output as unleaded gasoline, with the balance distributed between high-quality jet fuel, LPG, low-sulfur diesel fuel, and a small quantity of petroleum coke. Many such refineries also incorporate solvent extraction processes for manufacturing lubricants and petrochemical units with which to recover high-purity propylene, benzene, toluene, and xylenes for further processing into polymers.

Off-sites. The individual processing units described above are part of the process-unit side of a refinery complex. They are usually considered the most important features, but the functioning of the off-site facilities are often as critical as the process units themselves. Off-sites consist of tankage, flare systems, utilities, and environmental treatment units.

Tankage. Refineries typically provide storage for raw materials and products that equal about 50 days of refinery throughput. Sufficient crude oil tankage must be available to allow for continuous refinery operation while still allowing for irregular arrival of crude shipments by pipeline or ocean-going tankers. The scheduling of tanker movements is particularly important for large refineries processing Middle Eastern crudes, which are commonly shipped in very large crude carriers (VLCC) with capacities of 250,000 tons or more. Generally, intermediate process streams and finished products require even more tankage than crude oil. Nonvolatile products such as diesel fuel and fuel oils are stored in large-diameter cylindrical tanks with low-pitched conical roofs. Tanks with floating roofs reduce the evaporative losses in storage of gasolines and other volatile products, including crude oils. The roof, which resembles a pontoon, floats on the surface of the liquid within the tank, thus moving up and down with the liquid level and eliminating the air space that could contain petroleum vapour. For LPG and butanes, pressure vessels are used.

Flares. One of the prominent features of every oil refinery and petrochemical plant is a tall stack with a small flame burning at the top. This stack, called a flare, is an essential part of the plant safety system. In the event of equipment failure or plant shutdown, it is necessary to purge the volatile hydrocarbons from operating equipment so that it can be serviced. Since these volatile hydrocarbons form very explosive mixtures if they are mixed with air, as a safety precaution they are delivered by closed piping systems to the flare site, where they may be burned in a controlled manner. Under normal conditions only a pilot light is visible on the flare stack, and steam is often added to the flare to mask even that flame. However, during emergency conditions the flare system disposes of large quantities of volatile gases and illuminates the sky.

Utilities. A typical refinery requires enough utilities to support a small city. All refineries produce steam for use in process units. This requires water-treatment systems, boilers, and extensive piping networks. Many refineries also produce electricity for lighting, electric motor-driven pumps, and compressors and instrumentation systems. In addition, clean, dry air must be provided for many process units, and large quantities of cooling water are required for condensation of hydrocarbon vapours.


Exercise 13. Write down the terms for the following definitions.

1. _____________ – a factory where oil is refined.

2. ­­_________ – natural substance that industrial products are made from.

3. _________ – pipes used for carrying oil over long distances.

4. _________ – a large container for holding liquid or gas.

5.__________– a large container for boiling water to provide steam for an engine.

6. _________ – a tall stack with a small flame burning at the top.

7.__________ – the gas that water produces when it is boiled.


Exercise 14. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

Conversion refinery alkylation topping refinery raw material tankage petrochemical manufacture catalytic cracking flare system

A petroleum refinery is configured to process a _____ ______ into a desired slate of product. A _____ ______ is the simplest refinery configuration to process feedstock for _______ ______ or for production of industrial fuels. It consists of a ______, a distillation unit, and the necessary utility systems. A _______ _____ is the most versatile refinery configuration. It incorporates all the basic building blocks in the topping and hydroskimming refinery, but it also features gas oil conversion plants such as ______ _____ and hydrocracking units, olefin conversion plants such as ________ and polymerization units, etc. Off-sites consist of tankage, ______ _____, utilities and environmental treatment units.


Exercise 15. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the purpose of the petroleum refinery?

2. How do engineers and planners determine which configuration is most economical?

3. How is the simplest refinery configuration called?

4. What does a topping refinery consist of?

5. What is the most versatile refinery configuration today?

6. What does a conversion refinery incorporate?

7. What do off-sites consist of?

8. What are the main utilities of a typical refinery?

9. What do many refineries also produce?

10. What is an essential part of the plant safety system?


Exercise 16. Give definitions for the terms.

Petroleum refinery Feedstock

Topping refinery Tankage

Conversion refinery Flare system

Fractional distillation Utilities

Water-treatment plant Pipeline


Exercise 17. Indicate the suffixes of the following words. Decide what part of speech they are and write down the words they are formed from.

Configuration ____________ extraction ___________

Fractional ____________ equipment ___________

Distillation ____________ treatment ___________

Environmental____________ compressor ___________

Dependent ____________ movement ___________

Regulation ____________ particularly ___________

Conversion ____________ evaporative ___________


Exercise 18. Pick out pairs of synonyms from the following words.

Feedstock, to determine, remote, to result in, out put, versatile, prominent, to purge, pipeline.

Production, raw material, conduit, regulate, to clean (to clear), multi-purpose (universal), to lead to, conspicuous, distant (far-off).


Exercise 19. Put the verbs in brackets into correct grammar form.

1. Engineers and planners already (to survey) the local market for petroleum products.

2. The simplest refinery configuration (to call) a topping refinery.

3. A topping refinery (to consist) of tankage, a distillation unit, recovery facilities and utility systems.

4. Modern conversion refinery may (to produce) two-thirds of their output.

5. Nonvolatile products, such as diesel fuel and fuel oils (to store) in large cylindrical tanks.

6. Dry air must (to provide) for many process units.


Exercise 20. Put all types of questions for the following sentences.

1. Many refineries also produce electricity for lighting, water-treatment systems, boilers and piping networks.

2. Each petroleum refinery is configured to process a specific raw material into a desired slate of products.

3. A topping refinery consists of tankage, a distillation unit and the utility systems.


Exercise 21. Some words have different meanings. Circle the variant with the closest meaning to the underlined word.

1. In order to determine which configuration is most economical, engineers and planners survey the local market for petroleum products.

a) appraise b) examine c) inspect

2. These refineries produce up to half of their output as residual fuel oil and they face increasing economic hardship as the demand for high-sulfur fuel oil declines.

a) decreases b) deteriorates c) slopes

3. Since these volatile hydrocarbons form very explosive mixtures if they are mixed with air, as a safety precaution they are delivered by closed piping systems to the flare site.

a) farsight b) providence c) precautionary measures


Exercise 22. Read and translate the text.

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