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Exercise 4. Translate word combinations with the terms “oil”, “pipe (line)”, “sump”, “pump”, “valve”.

aviation oil, engine oil, fluid oil, winter oil, fuel oil, hydraulic oil, lubricating oil, scavenge oil, solid oil, summer oil, synthetic oil, thick oil, thin oil, used oil, volatile oil, nonfreezing oil, multipurpose oil, reciprocating engine oil, gas turbine lubricating oil, mineral oil;

oil feed line, oil-return line, oil scavenge line;

oil sump, wet sump, dry sump, tank sump, wet sump engine, dry sump engine.

oil pump, fuel pump, hydraulic pump, pressure pump, booster pump, scavenge pump, air pump, emergency pump, engine-driven pump, gear pump.

air valve, by-pass valve, check valve, drain valve, control valve, regulator valve, shut-off valve, relief valve.

Exercise 5. Match the English-Ukrainian equivalents.

oil cooler масляний манометр

oil filter нагнітаюча масломагістраль

wet sump engine система відкачування масла

pressure regulator підшипник турбіни

dry sump engine збереження масла

oil storage двигун з сухим відстійником

turbine bearing регулятор тиску

oil scavenge system двигун з масляним картером

oil pressure indicator маслорадіатор

oil feed pipeline масляний фільтр


Exercise 6. Find in the text above the synonyms to the following words.

Main, aim, to place, to use, to allow, damp, work, up-to-date.


Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations.

Vital importance, principal purpose, a constant flow of oil, bearing surfaces, wet sump system, lubricating oil, an external tank, oil tank, pressure pump, scavenge pump, oil cooler, relief valve, to prevent excessive pressure, to drain the oil, accessory housing, drainage points, foreign particles, metal screen, ram-air cooling, cooling medium, oil lines.


Exercise 8. Pick out Ukrainian equivalents to the English words and word combinations.

a) relatively, to be of vital importance, to come in contact, to utilize, an external tank, to mount, to store, proper, flow divider, separate, to attach, welded, shape, similar, tо drain, strainer, to remove, foreign matter (particles), ram-air cooling, a cooling medium;

b) використовувати, торкатися (дотикатися), відносно, бути життєво важливим, зовнішній бак, зберігати, належний, монтувати, охолодження швидкісним напором повітря, подібний, переміщувати (прибирати), відділяти, сітчастий фільтр, форма, розподільчий паливний кран, прикріплювати, зливати, сторонній предмет (частинки), охолоджувальна речовина, зварений.

Exercise 9. Answer the questions using the following patterns.


N + serve(s) for + V-ing …

does the lubrication system

do oil tanks

What purposes do oil pumps serve for?

do oil lines

does the oil filter

does the oil cooler


N + is used to V... or N + is used for V-ing...

is the scavenge pump

is the pressure pump

What purposes are oil filters used for?

are oil coolers

are oil lines

Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and word combinations. Translate the sentences.

(an external tank, engine proper, vital importance, a constant flow, friction, store, the flow of oil, all foreign particles, the pressure pump, to drain the oil, a cooling medium, by-pass valves)

1. The function of the lubrication system is of ____________.

2. The lubrication system reduces ____ of all rotating parts of the engine.

3. It permits ________ of the lubricating oil across the bearing surfaces.

4. Wet sump engines _________ the lubricating oil in the ___________.

5. Dry sump engines use _________________ for oil storage purposes.

__________ delivers oil to the various points in the engine where lubrication is necessary.

The scavenge pump is used _________________ from the sumps.

8. Filters remove ___________________ from the lub­ricant.

9. Filters are provided with ________________.

10. Some oil coolers utilize fuel as ________________.

11. Oil lines provide _________________ through the system.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of the oil system?

2. Where is the lubrication system mounted in modern airplanes?

3. What are the principal purposes of the oil system?

4. What parts of the reciprocating engine require lubrication?

5. Are there many parts in the piston engines requiring lubrication?

What are the main units of a typical oil system?

Where are the oil tanks located?

What materials are the oil tanks constructed of?

9. What does the lubricating oil cool in such engines?

10. What cools oil?

11. What oil must be used in the reciprocating engines?

12. What can you say about the oil consumption in the reciprocating engines?

13. What can you say about the design of the lubrication system for modern gas-turbine engines?

14. What are the principal pur­poses of the lubrication system for the gas-turbine engines?

15. Is the lubrication system of the gas-turbine engine less complicated? Why?

16. Name the units requiring lubrication.

17. What is used for oil storage?

18. What is the purpose of the lubricating system for the gas-turbine engines?

19. What do the pressure and scavenge pumps serve for?

20. What is used to remove air bubbles from oil?

21. What is the function of oil filters?

22. What for must the filters be provided with by-раss valves?

23. Where does the oil drain into?

24. Is the flow of lubricating oil constant in the lubrication systems for aircraft engines?

What are the principal types of the lubrication systems?

What is the difference between the dry sump and wet sump systems?


Exercise 12. Compare the oil systems for piston and gas-turbine engines.



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