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Fuel Sampling

There are different methods of fuel sampling: direct samp­ling and offset sampling. For samples either glass or metal containers may be used. Plastic containers should never be used for direct sampling from tanks, because static charges may accumulate. Metal containers are preferred for fuel samples transported to distant laborato­ries. All containers must be clean and dry before use and while storing. Direct samples should be drawn into clean one-litre glass jars. When offset sampling, the removed "dead-fuel" should be drawn into a clean vessel made of non-corrodible metal, e.g. aluminium or stainless steel. The final 1-litre sample should be taken in a clean glass jar, as for direct sampling.

Note: direct sampling – пряме взяття проб

offset sampling – зміщене взяття проб


Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and word combinations.

(a metal carrying frame, polyethylene, water, at the centre, solid particles, samples, the water detector test, direct sampling, metal containers, dissolved water).

1. Glass jars or metal containers are used for ______________.

2. Glass jars are used in ___________________ for some protection.

3. Plastic containers should never be used for _______________.

4. ____ are preferable for fuel samples transported to distant laboratories.

5. A stopper is made of glass or ________________.

6. The jar is swirled to concentrate any contaminant ______________.

7. The samples are examined for __________, fibres or water droplets.

8. The samples are also visually examined for the presence of _______.

9. Engineers test the contents of the tanks with __________________.

10. Any kerosene normally contains a quantity of ________________.

Exercise 11. Complete the sentences.

1. There are different methods of fuel sampling: (пряме взяття проб та зміщене взяття проб).

2. Plastic containers are never used for direct sampling, because (тому що можуть накопичуватися статичні заряди).

3. Special containers are used for samples required for certain non-routine laboratory tests, such as (водяні реакції, корозія срібла та корозія міді).

4. Metal containers for fuel samples (доправляються літаками до віддалених лабораторій).

5. Dark glass bottles are used (які забезпечині скляними та пластиковими корками).

6. The samples are visually examined (на присутність води та інших забруднювачив).

7. Samples taken from aircraft tanks during or after fuelling (можуть мати каламутний вигляд).

8. Any kerosene normally contains (деяку кількість розчиненої води).

9. Bottom samples should be drawn from all tanks during (наочних перевірок після сильного дощу).

10. A special meter must check (провідність палива раз на місяць).


Exercise 12. Put questions to the underlined words using the following pronouns.

1. Metal carrying frame gives some protection to the glass jars. What?

2. There are different methods of fuel sampling: direct sampling and offset sampling. What?

3. Metal containers are transported to distant laboratories. What?


4. A stopper is made of glass or polyethylene. What? What... of?

5. Some airlines draw samples from the aircraft tank after fuelling.

What? When?

6. Kerosene contains some quantity of dissolved water. What?

7. Jet aircraft operate at high altitudes. What? At what altitudes?

After a period of temperature stabilization the haziness will disappear. When? What?

The conductivity of the fuel in each tank was checked with a special meter. What? What … with?

Water reaction, silver corrosion and copper tests are non-routine laboratory tests. What?


Exercise 13. Translate the sentences with Gerund in the function of the subject.

1. Defuelling is the removal of fuel from the aircraft tanks.

2. Specialists training requires special equipment.

3. Defuelling at a maximum rate of 350 gallons per minute takes 16 minutes.

4. Overloading may result in failure of overstressed parts.

5. Grade changing may be undertaken only by a suitably quaulified person.

6. Fuelling should be stopped and the unit removed if a serious leak develops.

7. Overheating the engine is prevented by providing some cooling system.

Increasing the fuel flow rate makes it possible to fuel more aircraft for the same time.

Exercise 14. Read and translate the text.

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