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The Bureau of Standards was set up by legislative enactment in 1901. It was placed under the control of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor (now Commerce), but has always functioned with a considerable degree of independence. Its director is appointed by the President, upon nomination by the Secretary of Commerce; its staff is under civil service regulations and protected to an almost unique degree from political pressure.

Its original duties were simple--the erection of suitable scientific standards for weights and measures. Page 198.

Gradually the Bureau began to take on other duties. Its scientific staff provided a nucleus for further investigations on the Government's behalf, (and later on behalf of industry at large.) On account of its excellent equipment and expert staff, other departments got into the habit of referring dubious materials and devices to it for analysis and test. Page 198.

Which brings us to ask a blunt and necessary question. Why does a service run by taxpayers' money refuse information covering competitive products--to that same taxpayer? The answer is obvious but not altogether convincing. It is argued that the general release of test results covering competitive products by the name of maker will promote commercial injustice. Page 203.

In the long run would not the great savings which the Government achieves through the Bureau's work be multiplied a hundred fold if all could take advantage of its findings-both ultimate consumer, manufacturer and dealer? Page 204.

Furthermore there is no reason why the citizens who pay for the Bureau and the other Government laboratories should not have the right to initiate a series of tests when the field is important and the known information either inadequate or non-existent. Manufacturers and promoters can now secure all the results of competitive tests (maker's names deleted); and they have initiated thousands of new tests which the Bureau has conducted often without cost to themselves. Has not the ultimate consumer an equal right? Page 204.

The Bureau of Standards meanwhile has ruled that proper coцperation of the federal authorities with state and other governmental bodies, justifies the release to the latter of technical information. It is willing to approve or condemn commercial products by name in a table giving comparative quality or performance. Local governments can thus secure what the taxpayer can not. If any state or city government wishes to know what is the best typewriter ribbon or lubricating oil to buy, its officers need only write the Bureau to learn the detailed results of tests that have been made upon the product before its acceptance or rejection for Government purchase under specification. If the article has not already been tested by the Bureau, it is likely that the needed analysis can be arranged for without charge. Page 216.

It is clear from the foregoing that a real start in the testing technique has been made in American Government--federal, state and municipal. There is the beginning of solid ground Under our feet. It is equally clear that an.enormous amount remains to be done, both in the direction of coцrdinating and making available the results of present activities, and in the development of new activities. Uniform state laws and city ordinances would seem to be essential next steps. Another is the release to taxpayers of the invaluable information of the Bureau of Standards, and of the other federal, state and municipal bureaus. Page 217.

During 1926 sixty-two associates representing various industries were stationed at the Bureau of Standards. The Portland Cement Association maintains a corps of eight chemists and physicists at the Bureau. The Natural Terra Cotta Society has two, the National Dyers and Cleaners has three, the Society of Automotive Engineers four. Circular, No. 296, describes in part the gigantic association of the Bureau with big business. Such intimate union as this justly merits the condemnation which President Coolidge has pronounced against collaboration of government with business.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 440. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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