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Get the Girls to School

The (educate) of girls is the surest way of reducing (poor). So why are ninety million primary school age girls not in school? It is because they contribute (economy) to the family by looking after younger children, or working in the fields. But these girls face a life of backbreaking work, with children who die of (prevent) diseases, subordination to a husband and his family, and an early death. And the uneducated woman transmits to her children the same doomed life. But it does not have to be like this. Educational campaigns have meant that (literate) is almost unknown in Southern India, and the infant (mortal) rate there is (consequence) the lowest in the developing world. And in Africa and south Asia, where women do most of the farming, education is allowing them to learn how to improve (efficient) farming practices and at the same time is raising awareness of the (ecology) needs of the land. While to rural families it might seem an unavoidable (need) to keep girls working at home, it is in both the national and international interest – as well as in the interest of the girls themselves – to (come) the short-term difficulties and provide these girls with the education they need.

Ex. 4. An international magazine asked students to write an article expressing their opinion about the following statement: Co-education is a disaster for girls. One candidate has made six mistakes in his article with the language of giving opinions and agreeing and disagreeing. Find those mistakes and correct them.

I am not agree with the statement “Co-education is a disaster for girls”. On my opinion co-educational school have both advantages and disadvantages for both sexes.

It is often suggested that girls do not do as well because they are more self-conscious in the company of boys. But girls and boys will never learn to get over their shyness unless they actually have a chance to get to know people of the opposite sex.

I am agree up to a point that girls learn to be more passive in co-educational schools, but the two sexes are not normally separated in society and young women must learn to compete with men.

Another argument against co-education is that boys mature more slowly than girls and that this holds the girls back. This is truth up at a point, but surely the boys compensate for this in other ways. The sexes are different after all and as far as I am concerning these differences are a good thing.

So let’s not separate boys and girls in our education system. In my point of view we are denying them important opportunities if we do so.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1064. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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