Студопедия — Reported Speech. Introductory Verbs
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Reported Speech. Introductory Verbs

Introductory Verbs Direct Speech Reported Speech
ü agree соглашаться demand требовать   ü claim заявлять offer предлагать   ü promise обещать   refuse отказаться   ü threaten угрожать to V “Yes, I’ll do it again.” “Tell me the truth!” “I witnessed the crime.” “Would you like me to drive you home?” “I will pay you on Friday.” “No, I won’t tell you her secret.” “Keep quiet or I’ll punish you.” He agreed to do it again. He demanded to be told the truth. He claimed to have witnessed the crime. He offered to drive me home. He promised to pay me on Friday. He refused to tell me her secret. He threatened to punish me if I didn’t keep quiet.


Introductory Verbs Direct Speech Reported Speech
advise советовать allow позволять ask спрашивать beg умолять command приказывать encourageубеждать, поощрять forbid запрещать instruct инструктировать invite приглашать order приказывать permit разрешать remind напоминать urge побуждать warn предупреждать want хотеть smb. to V “You should talk about your problem.” “You can use my phone.” “Please, close the door.” “Please, please don’t hit the dog.” “Move to your right.” “Go ahead, say what you think.” “You mustn’t come home after eleven.” “Mix the eggs with the flour.” “I’d like you to come to my party.” “Don’t leave your room again.” “You may speak to the judge.” “Don’t forget to turn the lights off.” “Try to have sympathy for the family.” “Don’t touch the wire with wet hands.” “I’d like you to be more polite.” He advised me to talk about my problem. He allowed me to use his phone. He asked me to close the door. He begged me not to hit the dog. He commanded me to move to my right. He encouraged me to say what I thought. He forbade us to come home after eleven. He instructed me to mix the eggs with the flour. He invited me (to go) to his party. He ordered me not to leave my room again. He permitted/allowed me to speak to the judge. He reminded me to turn the lights off. He urged me to try to have sympathy for the family. He warned me not to touch the wire with wet hands. He wanted me to be more polite.


Introductory Verbs Direct Speech Reported Speech
accuse sb of обвинять admit (to)признавать apologise forизвиняться boast aboutхвалиться   ü complain of (to sb about)жаловаться ü denyотрицать   insist onнастаивать suggestпредлагать Ving “You acted as if you were guilty.” “I’m sorry I hurt you.” “Yes, I was wrong.” “I’m the fastest runner of all.” “You always argue.” “No, I didn’t eat your cake.” “You must wear that blouse.” “Let’s order a pizza.” He accused me of acting as if I were guilty. He admitted (to) being wrong. He apologized for hurting me. He boasted about being the fastest runner of all. He complained to me about my arguing. He denied eating/having eaten my cake. He insisted on me/my wearing that blouse. He suggested ordering a pizza.


Introductory Verbs Direct Speech Reported Speech
exclaimвосклицать explainобъяснять inform sbинформировать ü agreeсоглашаться   ü claimзаявлять   ü complainжаловаться   ü denyотрицать   ü promiseобещать   ü suggestпредлагать that-= “It’s a tragedy!” “It’s a complicated problem.” “Your request is being reviewed.” “Yes, she’s very kind.” “I saw the accident.” “You never ask my opinion.” “I have never met her!” “I won’t be late.” “You ought to give her a call.” He exclaimed that it was a tragedy. He complained that it was a complicated problem. He informed me that my request was being reviewed. He agreed that she was very kind. He claimed that he had seen the accident. He complained that I never asked his opinion. He denied that he had ever met her. He promised that he wouldn’t be late. He suggested that I (should) give her a call.
explain to sbобъяснять кому-то to smb how “That’s how I succeeded.” He explained to me how he had succeeded.
wonderwhere/what/why/how (2 Subjects) -= He asked himself, “How old is she?” He asked himself, “Where are my keys?” He wondered how old she was. He wondered where his keys were.
wonder (1 Subjects) whether where/what/how to V He asked himself, “Shall I invite them?” He asked himself, “Where shall I go?” He wondered whether to invite them. He wondered where to go.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1094. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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