Business Organization
The economic system is made up of people with basic needs that they must satisfy to survive. As most people cannot produce all the goods and services they need, we depend on other persons or businesses to make them for our consumption. Business is the activity of producing, buying and selling goods and services. A business organization is a firm, a company or a business that makes, buys or sells goods, or provides services, to make a profit. Businesses vary in size. Large companies are referred to as corporations. Many consider the corporation the ideal way to organize business. Large companies operating in many countries are multinationals. Big business can refer to large business organisations or to any business activity that makes a lot of money. Small companies are referred to as small businesses or small firms. When we start a business we talk about setting up a business or establishing a business. New businesses are called start-ups. Once a business has been established we talk about being in business or running a business. To do business means to trade or deal with a company or country. It’s not easy to organize a business and to operate it successfully. When a company is not successful, it may go out of business. The economic situation, as well as decisions taken by the owners of a company, affect how it grows and changes. You may expand your business, specialize in something, you may also diversify your business.
Exercises in Word Study
Ex.1.Form verbs and adjectives from the following nouns: profit, operation, economy, decision, change, expansion, activity, success, diversity, dependence.
Ex.2. Give the English for: купувати і продавати товари; надавати послуги; отримувати прибуток; заробляти гроші; створювати бізнес; керувати підприємством; торгувати; економічна ситуація; рішення; власник компанії; діяти на; розширювати бізнес; спеціалізуватися з чогось; задовольняти потреби; залежати від; споживання; нещодавно створена компанія.