Ex.4. Familiarize yourself with the following idioms, consult your dictionary and translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Think of situations where you could use them.
1. We worked all night to finish the job and we delivered the goods at 9.00 a.m. 2. We spent many hours searching for a solution to the problem; it was a tough nut to crack. 3. If my stockbroker recommends a share, you can bet your bottom dollar that it will go down. 4. Are you going to lend me the money or not? I’d like a straight answer. 5. The Prime Minister is convinced that there will soon be a sea change in the relations between East and West.
Ex.5. Comment on the following: “It is happier to be sometimes cheated than not to trust” (S. Johnson)
Lesson 3 Text: World Trade Organization Grammar: Infinitive or Gerund?
Terms to remember: