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In the above example, Robert Breckenridge spoke grammatically correct German, but he failed culturally. Mr. Hartmann, who is rather formal by United States standards, resents being called by his first name and resents the familiarity of the greeting. But he resents even more that Mr. Breckenridge put his feet on the table and chewed gum while talking. '"How can one do serious business with someone like that?" he thinks.

As the example shows, culture and language are intertwined and are shaping each other. It is impossible to separate the two. Language is not neutral codes and grammatical rules. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a message, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices. We all agree that language helps in communicating with people from different backgrounds. However, we may be less aware that cultural literacy is nec­essary in order to understand the language being used. If we select language without being aware of the cultural implications, we may at best not communicate well and at worst send the wrong message.

In our own environment we are aware of the implications of the choices. For example, if an American says, ''How are you?" other Americans register the phrase as Hello, the equivalent of Guten Tag, Bonjour, or Ohio Gozayimasu, rather than the literal meaning. A foreigner in the United States, who knows some English but is not familiar with the cul­ture and usage of English, may attribute a very different meaning to the phrase and inter­pret it much more literally. Klaus Hartmann, for example, may


1. Consider the phrase as too personal and think that it is none of Robert's business how he is.

2. Think that Robert literally means what he says and proceed to answer the question.

3. Consider Robert insincere because it becomes obvious that Robert is not really inter­ested in the answer.

The point is that words in themselves do not carry the meaning. The meaning comes out of the context, the cultural usage. For example, a German who has lived in the United States for many years will take on, often unknowingly, many American behavioral pat­terns. She may be more outgoing and enthusiastic, less formal, more optimistic. When she goes back to Germany, she speaks German but increasingly with an American frame of ref­erence. At social functions, she will introduce herself by first and last name rather than by last name and professional title. "Ingrid Zerbe, erfreut Sie kennenzulernen" (Ingrid Zerbe, pleased to meet you) rather than "Dr. Zerbe, erfreut Sie kennenzulernen." The Germans are at a loss; they don't know how to address her. They could say "Frau Zerbe," but if she has a professional title that would not be correct. In any case, nobody cares about her first name anyway. Ingrid Zerbe, on the other hand, finds those Germans getting stiffer all the time; with every visit they are becoming more reserved. It is getting more difficult to estab­lish a connection and feel comfortable.


2. Answer the questions based on the text:

- What is intracultural communication?

- How can you define intercultural communication?

- What are the main characteristics of intercultural communication that differ it from intracultural?

- What does the term “culture” include?

- Cultures enable people to find answers to some important questions. Can you list those questions?

- What role belongs to values in communication? What values are the most important?

- What strategy for learning about another culture can be applied to any culture?

- How do cultural values define a person’s behavior? Give examples.

- Is it possible to separate culture and language? Are they interconnected?


3. Work in pairs. Make dialogues about two businessmen who are meeting about a business dial. One of them wants to open a restaurant similar to the one he has seen in a foreign country and tries to prove that the undertaking will be successful. Another one doesn’t agree and says that the restaurant won’t be popular because of cultural differences.


4. Look at the following statements and the list of countries. For each statement, choose at least one country that you think fits the bill, first individually, and then compare your results with your neighbor’s.

List of countries:






Czech Republic










United Kingdom










Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 856. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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