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Thinkers are both indirect and controlling. They're analytical, persistent, systematic problem-solvers. They can also be seen as aloof, picky, and critical. Thinkers are security-conscious and have a high need to be right, often leading them to an overreliance on the collection of data. In their quest for information they tend to ask many questions about specifics, and their actions and decisions tend to be extremely cautious. Although they are great problem-solvers, Thinkers could be better decision-makers. They are slow to reach a decision, but given a strict deadline, they will rarely miss it.

The primary concern of the cautious Thinker is accuracy. This often means that emotions take a back seat since they are sub­jective and tend to distort objectivity. Their biggest fear is of uncontrolled emotions and irrational acts which might prevent the achievement of their goals. They are uncomfortable with emo­tionality and irrationality in others. Thinkers strive to avoid embarrassment by attempting to control both themselves and their emotions. They are careful to avoid risk.

Thinkers tend to be serious and orderly and are likely to be perfectionists. They tend to focus on the details and the process of work and become irritated by surprises and "glitches." Their theme is, "Notice my efficiency," and their emphasis is on com­pliance and working within existing guidelines to promote quality in products or service.

Thinkers like organization and structure and dislike too much involvement with other people. They work slowly and precisely by themselves and prefer objective, task-oriented, intellectual work environments. They are precise, detail-oriented, disciplined about time, and often critical of their own performance. They tend to be skeptical and like to see things in writing. They like problem-solving activities and work best under controlled circumstances.

The primary strengths of Thinkers are their accuracy, de­pendability, independence, follow-through, and organization. Their primary weaknesses are their procrastinating and con­servative nature, which promotes their tendency to be picky and overcautious. They tend to gravitate toward such occu­pations as accounting, engineering, computer programming, the hard sciences (chemistry, physics, math), systems analysis, and architecture.

The greatest irritations for Thinkers are disorganized, illogical people. In business environments, they want others to be credible, professional, sincere, and courteous. In social environments, they like others to be pleasant and sincere.

Thinkers generally have offices with highly organized or clear desk tops and charts, graphs, exhibits, or pictures pertaining to the job on the walls. They are noncontact people who are not fond of huggers and touchers and who prefer a cool handshake or a brief telephone call. This preference is reflected in the func­tional but uninviting arrangement of their desks and chairs.

To increase flexibility, Thinkers need to openly show concern for and appreciation of others, occasionally try shortcuts and time savers, and try to adjust more readily to change and disorgani­zation. They also work to improve timely decision-making and the initiation of new projects, to compromise with the opposition,

to state unpopular decisions, and to use policies more as guidelines than as rigid decrees.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 561. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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