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Relater Relationship-oriented Moves, acts, and speaks slowly Avoids risk Wants tranquility and peace Enjoys teamwork Good counseling skills Socializer Relationship-oriented Moves, acts, and speaks quickly Risk-taker Wants excitement and change Enjoys the spotlight Good persuasive skills
Thinker Task-oriented Moves, acts, and speaks slowly Wants to be accurate Enjoys solitary, intellectual work Cautious decision-makers Good problem-solving skills Director Task-oriented Moves, acts, and speaks quickly Wants to be in charge Gets results through others Makes decisions quickly Good administrative skills  

2. Answer the questions based on the text:

- Why is it important to distinguish different types of communication styles?

- What styles are described in the text you’ve read?

- How can you characterize the Socializer?

- What are the primary strengths of the Director?

- What are the features of the Thinker?

- How does the Relater differ from the others?

- What type can you refer yourself to?

- How do the four styles look at a glance?


Choose one of your favorite celebrities or personages from a book or a movie and identify their communicative style. Think of some particular situations (scenes) which best disclose their style of communication.


4. Try this fun self-quiz to find out your dominant communication style. Here the classification of communication styles is different from that offered in the text above. Afterwards read about the different styles and reflect on how you can work with others of a different style. Choose the number of the statement that most closely resembles you [14]:


1. At a large social gathering, you are most likely to:


a. interact with many different people, strangers included.

b. talk one-on-one mostly with people you already know.

c. use the opportunity to make important contacts.

d. leave as soon as it is polite to do so.


2. When you first arrive at a meeting you are usually...

a....a bit late, and try to sneak in the back without being noticed.

b....purposely a bit late, you like to get there when things have started happening already.

c....arrive right on time and feel impatient if the meeting starts late.

d....arrive early so that you can be ready and organized when the meeting starts.


3. If you were famous in your field, which career would most suit you?


a. Movie star

b. Head of a company

c. Inventor

d. Humanitarian


4. What style of entertainment do you most enjoy watching?


a. Something warm and friendly.

b. Something quirky and intellectual.

c. Something political or satirical.

d. Something wild, outrageous and/or fun.


5. Of these four personality traits, you consider your strongest to be:


a. Compassion

b. Assertiveness

c. Imagination

d. Persistence


6. The statement that most closely describes you is:


a. Sensible and frugal.

b. Rational and quick-witted.

c. Sensitive and reliable.

d. Creative and fiery.

7. Which appeals to you the most?


a. Taking action on a calculated risk.

b. Creating harmonious human relationships.

c. Discovering the secret behind a complex mystery.

d. Going to an exciting social event.


8. Which rules you more?


a. Your heart

b. Your head

c. Your wallet

d. Your libido


9. New and non-routine interaction with others:


a....usually stimulates and energize you.

b....revitalizes you, if you have a special connection with someone in the process.

c....taxes your reserves, and you aren't afraid to let people know it.

d....taxes your reserves, so you quietly slip away when no one is watching.


10. When doing group projects, which part of the process is most important to you?


a. Creating relationships with people.

b. Sorting out who is playing what role in the project.

c. Organizing the way the project is done.

d. Making sure the process of doing it is fun and exciting.


11. If you suddenly have some spare time on a weekend, what you usually most WANT to do is:


a....contact several friends and see if there is something fun going on.

b....have some quality time with one or a just a few people.

c....get a number of important things done on your TO DO list.

d....focus your energy on one specific hobby or project.


12. You want to buy a special gift for a new friend that you don't know very well. You are most likely to:


a. Buy the first thing you see that you intuitively think they would like.


b. Carefully find just the right thing, after much comparison-shopping.

c. Buy the same special gift you always buy for special people.

d. Get someone else to buy the gift, or just give your friend some money.


13. Which description most fits you?


a. Hard working and ambitious

b. Animated and gregarious

c. Focused and efficient

d. Cooperative and gentle

14. Most of the time, when working, you prefer:


a. To do your job quietly on your own.

b. To be an integral part of a team working together.

c. To influence the team in new and creative directions

d. To be the leader and structure-maker for the team


15. When the phone rings do you


a....answer it immediately and talk at length.

b....look forward to the call, but wait a few rings before answering.

c....deal with whoever it is quickly and efficiently.

d....hope someone else will answer it.


16. Your favorite type of clothing to wear:


a Something comfortable, practical and low key.

b. A unique ensemble that makes a statement.

c. An expensive-looking power outfit.

d. Something easy-going and nice.


17. Which genre of fiction to you most prefer:


a. Mystery, documentary or science fiction

b. Feel-good story or romance

c. Epic, historical or action

d. Comedy, psychological thriller, glitzy


18. Which is more admirable:


a. The ability to organize and be methodical.

b. The ability to take charge in a chaotic situation.

c. The ability to motivate others to succeed.

d. The ability to make people feel comfortable and included.


19. In terms of comedy, I most closely identify with people who can:


a....tell a heartwarming, funny story.

b....tell a good joke.

c....create great characters through movement, voice, costume, etc.

d....tell a witty one-liner, pun, or wordplay.


20. If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to:


a....make sure they understand my position on things.

b....make sure the relationship doesn't get damaged.

c....avoid that person for a while.

d....find a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.


Communication Style Quiz - Answers

Circle the answers you chose. Then, count the number of A's, D's, N's, and C's you have at the bottom


1. a. D b. N c. A d. C

2. a. N b. D c. A d. C

3. a. D b. A c. C d. N

4. a. N b. C c. A d. D

5. a. N b. A c. D d. C

6. a. C b. A c. N d. D

7. a. A b. N c. C d. D

8. a. N b. C c. A d. D

9. a. D b. N c. A d. C

10. a. N b. A c. C d. N

11. a. D b. N c. D d. C

12. a. D b. N c. C d. A

13. a. A b. D c. C d. N

14. a. C b. N c. D d. A

15. a. D b. N c. A d. C

16. a. C b. D c. A d. N

17. a. C b. N c. A d. D

18. a. C b. A c. D d. N

19. a. N b. A c. D d. C

20. a. A b. N c. C d. D


Read on about the various Communication styles. Keep in mind, the descriptions that follow are extreme examples to illustrate how they differ. Most people are a combination of the four styles, and some people are so unique, they don't fit into any quadrant. Use the descriptions simply as a guideline to help you see how workplace communications can be greatly affected by an individual's style


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