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Consumer rights quiz


1. You bought a new top from a high street shop last week but you have since changed your mind and want to take it back. What are your rights?

a.You can insist on a refund
b.You can insist you get an exchange
c.You can insist on a credit note
d.You do not have any rights


2.You purchased a TV yesterday, but when you installed it at home, it doesn’t work. You return it with a receipt to the shop. The staff agree that it's faulty but say you have to accept a repair. What are your rights?

a.You can reject the goods and ask for a full refund
b.You are only entitled to a repair
c.You will have to pay for a repair.

3.You purchased a TV from a high street shop five months ago and it has now stopped working. You have returned it with a receipt to the shop and they agree it's faulty but only offer you a repair. What are your rights?

a.You can reject the goods and obtain a full refund
b.A repair would be a reasonable offer
c.You should be entitled to a brand new telly

4.Any white goods you buy must:

a.be of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and as described
b.last for 6 years
c.come with a manufacturer's warranty

5.You agreed for a double glazing salesman to visit your home yesterday and you signed a contract. On reflection you realise that you might have been a bit hasty and you've committed yourself to something you can't afford. Where do you stand?

a.You have signed a contract and there's no way out
b.You have a seven day cooling off period to cancel
c.You can cancel but you will incur cancellation costs


6.You go to a shop and select a pair of shoes priced at £20. When you get to the till the sales assistant says they're wrongly priced and should be £30. He refuses to sell them at the cheaper price. What are your rights?

a.You can insist on purchasing them at £20
b.You don’t have any right to purchase at the lower price but could tell Trading Standards who investigate pricing errors
c.You are entitled to the goods free of charge because of the mistake

7. You buy a car from a private seller after seeing an ad in the local paper. Are your consumer rights the same as if you bought from a car dealer?

8.You buy a pair of shoes online. They arrive and you realise they're not quite the colour that you wanted. Can you return them and ask for your money back?

b.Yes, you have 28 days to change your mind, return the goods and claim a full refund.
c.Yes, you have seven days to change your mind and return the goods for a refund but the retailer can make a reasonable charge to cover return shipping costs.

9.You bought a digital music player two months ago and now it doesn’t work. You return it to the retailer who says you must have misused it and that you need a report to prove that it's faulty before he has to do anything. Is this correct?

a.Yes, the onus is on the customer to prove that the goods are faulty if this is disputed.
b.No, for the first six months there is a presumption that the goods were inherently faulty when sold unless the retailer can prove otherwise.

10. If you have suffered a breach of contract after paying for something by credit card, you can make a claim against the credit card issuer as well as, or instead of, the supplier, but under what conditions?

a.The cash price for a single item purchased is between £100 and £30,000
b.The cash price for a single item purchased is between £1,000 and £300,000
c.The transaction takes place in the UK only


11. You bought a pair of shoes in the January sales at a vastly reduced price but the first time you wear them a heel falls off. What are your rights?

1. You don't have any rights on sale items

2. You have exactly the same rights on sale items as you do on full price goods.

12. You've had double glazing installed by a local trader. You didn't get a written quote before the job started and the final bill is three times more than you expected. You are happy with the work done but where do you stand?
a. You have no rights if the work has been done properly
b. you don't have to pay anything at all if you think that the trader is trying it on.
c. If you didn't agree a price in advance you may be able to argue that the price is unreasonable and negotiate a reduction.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 376. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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