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Fill in the gaps using the words from the box below.

Arithmetic / a means of communicating / circuits / program / data / memory / addition / subtraction / division / multiplication and exponentiation / switch / medium / media / capabilities / in / back / use / to control / terminals / diskettes / disks and magnetic tape / dull / routine / originality / according to / reads / into

1. First, every computer has... for performing operations such as: …. 2. However, most computers, whether large or small have three basic …. 3. Second, computers have … with the user. 4. After all, if we couldn't feed information … and get results …, these machines wouldn't be of much …. 5. However, certain computers are used … directly things such as robots, trains and city traffic. 6. Some of the most common methods of inputting information are to use …. 7. The computer's input device … the information … the computer. 8. A computer is a... that processes information in the form of... and... and can store this information in a.... 9. A computer can replace people in … tasks, but it has no …; it works … the instructions given to it.

1.25 Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions, conjunctions & adverbs from the following list: with, like, of, in, on, for, to, according to, like, by, unless, because, almost, before, out.

1. Computers have a means … communicating … the user. 2. Computer operates... a mechanical brain. 3. A computer's...put device reads the information... the computer. 4. Computers can be defined as devices which accept information … the form … instructions, perform mathematical and /or logical operations … the information, and then supply results … these operations. 5. The program, or part … it, which tells the computers what to do and the data, which provide the information needed to solve the problem, are kept … a place called memory. 6. … …putting information, two common devices are used a printer that prints the new information … paper, or a cathode-ray-tube (CRT) display screen, which shows the results … a TV-like screen. 7. It can find the solution … a problem … a fraction … the time it takes a human being to do the job. 8. But it works … the instructions given … it. 9. A computer seems to operate … a mechanical 'brain', but its achievements are limited … the minds of human beings. 10. A computer cannot do anything … a person tells it what to do and gives it the appropriate information; but … electric pulses can move at the speed … light, a computer can carry … vast numbers of arithmetic-logical operations … instantaneously. 11. A person can do the same, but in many cases that person would be dead long … the job was finished.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2015. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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