a) Mind:before раньше, впереди, перед, скорее чем; раньше чем; прежде/перед тем, как; beforehand заранее, заблаговременно
1. Before the calculation was performed the scientists had given all the data to the machine. 2. Before the calculation the scientist could not answer this question. 3. Before the magnetic tape reader was invented the punched tape reader had been used. 4. Don’t come before I call you. 5. He would die before lying. 6. Your whole life is before you. 7. The derailment of the train took place just before my eyes. 8. That happened just before you arrived. 9. Do it before you forget. 10. He is before me in class. 11. It will be five years before we graduate from the University and become engineers. 12. Don’t forget to be beforehand with your boss. 13. You’d have done it beforehand. 14. One should think beforehand.
4.26 a) Make sure you know well, translate the sentences.
a) well - здоровый; хорошо; очень, гораздо, далеко; удачно, благополучно; разумно, правильно; b) well off богатый; состоятельный; зажиточный; c) as well - пожалуй, стоит; вдобавок; сверх того; тоже; также; заодно; d) as well as - так же, как и; e) well enough; all very well вполне годный; сносный; неплохой; по-своему хороший; f) extremely well отлично; perfectly well прекрасно; pretty well вполне хорошо; сносно; весьма, хорошенько; как следует;
1. This machine works well. 2. Digital computers can solve analogue problems as well. 3. All computing machines must have output units as well as input units. 4. This machine is well enough. 5. Nowadays computers are available not only for well-off people. 6. This up-to-date model is perfectly well. 7. You’ve done it pretty well, indeed!