Article 111. Negligent Causation of Damage to Health
1. Causation of severe damage to health due to negligence, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from one hundred up to two hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to three months, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred eighty up to two hundred hours, or by restriction of freedom for a period up to three years, or by detention under arrest for a period from three to six months. 2. Causation of severe damage to health by negligence to two or more persons, - shall be punished by restriction of freedom for a period up to four years, or by deprivation of freedom for a period up to two years. 3. Causation by negligence of damage to health of medium gravity, - shall be punished by a fine in an amount from fifty to one hundred monthly assessment indices, or in an amount of wages or other income of a given convict for a period up to one month, or by engagement in public works for a period from one hundred and twenty hours up to one hundred and eighty hours, by correctional labour for a period up to one year, or by restriction of freedom for a period up to two years, or by detention under arrest for a period up to three months. 4. Causation by negligence of damage to health of medium gravity to two or more persons, - punished with a fine in an amount of fifty to two hundred monthly assessment indices or in amount of the wage or other income of the convict for the period from one to two months, or engaging in public work for a period from one hundred to two hundred hours, or restriction of freedom for a period up to three years, or arrest for a period from four to six months.