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Before reading

1. Answer the question before you read the text: What would you call "a typical American dish"? What is the quick­est way of getting something to eat?

2. Read and translate the Text American food and eating habits.

Text I


(as seen by an American)


Speaking about typical American food, well, we have a phrase "as American as apple pie", so that's the first thing that comes to mind. I suppose that a hamburger is rather American and pancakes with maple syrup. Pumpkin pie, of course. Hot dogs, I guess, would be another American thing. We've had people from all over the world come into America throughout its history and so we've rather absorbed all the world's cooking. You know, pizza is a very American thing now. I am not positive but I believe it really comes from Italy.

Now, for main dishes (especially for dinner) Americans eat a lot of red meat, but more and more people are eating fish and poultry. Beef is the most popular red meal followed by pork, and, least popular, lamb. In general, Americans like thick steaks There are three ways to cook the meat: rare (not cooked very much), medium, and well done (cooked a lot).

The favorite American vegetable is the potato. It is served in many ways, but the most common are: baked potato, mashed potato, and french fries. Corn, too, is a truly American vegetable. It is especially popular to eat the whole ear (cob) holding the ends with your fingers. This is called "corn on the cob".

Eating out is popular in the USA. Some restaurants are open even for breakfast, Many restaurants, especially the better ones, open at about 11.30 a.m., others are-open twenty-four hours a day. It is often necessary to make a reservation, otherwise the restaurant you chose may be filled up. By the way, do not expect to share a table with other parties. It just isn't done. If you want to ask for a bill, which is usually cal­led the check, signal the waiter with a raised hand. If that doesn't work, you can say: "Excuse me, may we have the check, please".

As the charge for service is not included in your restaurant check, everyone from waiters to doormen anticipate tips. The amount you give should take into account the quality of service you receive. You should give 15 percent for good service, 20 per­cent for outstanding service and 10 percent for less than adequate service. Figure the tip on the total of the bill (excluding tax). Don't tip the headwaiter, though. Now, many restaurants post menus in the window so you can see the prices before you en­ter. If they do not, it is acceptable to enter the restaurant and ask for a menu before you sit down. If it is too expensive, it is OK to leave. If you do not eat all your food, you may ask for a "doggie bag". The waiter will put your uneaten food in a paper or plastic bag or box and you can take it home. You should not do it at an expensive first class restaurant, of course.

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