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How I see myself How others see me

(Dan, 33)I’m ambitious, self-confident, and generous. I’m also very impatient. Some people really like me. Others think I’m arrogantand maybe aggressive.
(Jane, 18)I’m alwayscheerful.I’m easy-going,and I’ve got lots of energy. My parents don’t think I’m very responsible.My friends just think I’mcrazy.
(Nick, 45)I see myself as honest, hard-workingand generally tolerant. Other people probably think I’m a bitdull,without much sense of humour.

Exercise 15. Match the following adjectives with their antonyms:

1) boring a) greedy
2) hard-working b) agreeable
3) stupid c) indifferent
4) idealistic d) cowardly
5) active e) ill-natured
6) generous f)clever/smart/intelligent
7) punctual g) docile
8) offensive h) exciting
9) ambitious i) passive
10) obstinate j) lazy
11) brave k) pragmatic
12) kind-hearted l) careless / unreliable

Exercise 16. Ask your partners the following question about his/her best friend. Make sure to listen carefully to what your partner has to say.

1. Is your friend usually in a good mood?

2. Is it important for your friend to be successful in whatever he/she does?

3. Does your friend notice your feelings?

4. Does you friend often give presents, or pay for lunch or a coffee?

5. Does your friend work hard?

6. Does your friend become angry or annoyed (надокучливий) if

he/she has to wait for something or someone?

7. Can you trust (довірити) your friend with a secret?

8. Does your friend listen well when you are speaking?

9. Does your friend keep his/her feelings to him/herself?

10. Is your friend usually not worried by things, no matter what happens?

11. Does your friend think the future will be good?

12. Does your friend often change his/her opinion about things?

13. Does your friend often postpone ([pә΄ spәun] - відкладає) things

he/she has to do?

14. Is your friend happy one moment and then sad the next?

15. Does your friend like to be with people?

Exercise 17. Which of these adjectives describes the quality asked about in each of the survey questions?

· generous

· easygoing

· ambitious

· cheerful

· hardworking

· trustworthy

· impatient

· optimistic

· sensitive

· moody

· sociable

· indecisive

· reserved

· lazy

· attentive


Exercise 18. Fill in the gaps with the necessary vowels and read the text about close friends ( Доповніть пропуски необхідними голосними і прочитайте текст про близьких друзів ):

What Makes a Close Friend!

For all of us, close personal friends are important. Good friends are above all r…1 …bl. (1) people who you can trust to keep a s.cr. t (2). If you have a problem to s.lv. (3), or a confession to make, they will 1. st. n (4) and give you helpful. dv. c. (5). Their g … n … r … s … t … (6) is such that they do not expect anything in return, but they know with certainty that you would do the s …m … (7) for them.

Close friends are unlikely ever to let you d… wn (8) or make you feel ridiculous when you tell them about your pr. bl. ms (9). On the contrary, they are a real source of strength when you feel w …k (10) and in need of support. They will tell you s ….nc… r …1… (11) what they think, and help you find your way out. As a result, your fr … ndsh. p (12) will grow even stronger.

Exercise 19. Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the box. There are more words than you need:

pleased funny impression like sensible across humour sense good appear

A:Have you met the new boss yet?

B:No, tell me – what’s he (1)...?

A:Well, I met him this morning and my first (2)... was very positive.

He came (3)... as pleasant, and I hear he’s got a great sense of (4)....

B:So he’s made a (5)... impression on you then?

A:Yes. He used to work in the sales department and the people I know

there say he’s got a lot of common (6).... I think he’s just what

we need here.

Exercise 20. Read and translate the text:

What is Character?

Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation (репутація) is the shadow (тінь). Character is the tree.” Our character is not just what we try to display for others to see, it is who we are even when no one is watching. Good character is doing the right thing because it is right to do what is right.

Everyone has character. People sometimes think of character as something a person either has or doesn’t have. They may say, “He has character,” meaning he has good character. We intuitively recognize the truth that everyone has “character” and we distinguish (розрізняти) between “good” and “bad” character.

Our character is the foundation (основа) for true success. A person may have money, position, or power, but unless he has “good” character he or she is not truly successful. Our character is what really determines (визначати) our success in any area of life. Our character is what guides (керувати) any situation of our life.

We do not often think of character as having such a direct effect on our successes or failures (невдачі). But when we consider the individual qualities that together make up a person’s character, we can easily see that it does. Abraham Lincoln, for example, became President after repeatedly (постійно) losing elections. His principle was: “Never give up”.

The world today needs better characters. We must work to improve (покращити) our own character, teach good character to our children, and help those around us to improve their character!

Character development is essential for success of our society (суспільство). That is why character is the key to success!


Exercise 21. Discuss, agree or disagree:

1) Character development is the way to success.

2) There are no people without character. Every character is unique.

3) Tell about the situations when your character helped you or interfered (завадити) you to get success. Describe this situation and name the trait of character.

4) We look for people who have similar characters with us. Tell how much in common you have with your friends.

5) Character is much easier kept than recovered (виявляти).

6) Character can’t be developed in ease and quiet. You need everyday “struggle and fight ” to develop it.


Lesson 16. Emotions (Емоції)

Exercise 1. Read and mind your pronunciation:

[ Ә ]th en, th ere, clo th es, bro th er, mo th er, wi th, toge th er, wea th er;

[ ә] – teach er, doct or, coll ar, neighb our, fam ous, ang er, a bout, a sleep;

[a:]a sk, b a sket, p a rty, gr a ss, f a ther, au nt, l au gh, tom a to, p a st, p a ss;

[u:] – gr ou p, t oo, f oo d, d o, l o se, fr ui t, b eaut y, cr ew, sh oe, r u le, tr ue, bl ue;


Exercise 2. Read the following tongue twisters as quicker as possible:

(1) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

(2) She sells sea shells down by the sea shore.

(3) If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?

(4) What noise annoys an oyster?

The noise that annoys an oyster

is a noise that knows no oyster.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 4383. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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