Exercise 14. Answer the following questions
1. Why can a person be happy? What makes you happy? 2. What makes you be sad/tired? 3. Are you a nervous or calm person? Why? 4. Is it difficult for you to control emotions? Why? 5. When are your emotions under control? 6. How often do you feel adrenalin in blood? In what situations? 7. What emotions do you think are positive/negative? Exercise 15. Translate the sentences: a) from English into Ukrainian: 1. It is very difficult for me to control my feelings. I can burst out crying in any particular situation. 2. I am a calm person and express my feelings correctly all the time. I am tactful and know what to say. 3. Marry is full of energy! She is very happy today, because she has a date. 4. I am in a good mood and feel fine. 5. The teacher is very nervous and disappointed, so all students are afraid that he can let off steam. b) from Ukrainian into English: 1. Вона дуже знервована – у неї сьогодні побачення, а вона не купила ще сукню. 2. Він – спокійний і серйозний. Для нього дуже легко вміти контролювати свої почуття або взагалі їх приховувати. 3. У мене сьогодні багато роботи. Я така втомлена і в поганому настрої. 4. Я люблю посміхатись, це завжди створює хороший настрій людям. 5. Сьогодні вона повна енергії та почуває себе добре. Exercise 16. Think it over and answer the questions:
1. What are some things or events that make you feel happy? 2. What are some things that make you feel angry? 3. Is it easy to control your emotions? 4. Are you full of energy? What makes you feel so? 5. What/who makes you let off steam? 6. Describe a time when you were angry or worried. Did you express your feelings?
Lesson 17. Type of Emotions (Positive) Світ почуттів (позитивні) Happiness - щастя / Interest - інтерес / Love - любов / Hope - надія Gratefulness - вдячність / Contentment – задоволеність, вдоволення / Unspecified - невизначений / Accomplishment – досягнення, достоїнства / Relief - утіха / Amusement – задоволення, приємне здивування Exercise 1. Read and learn: