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Vocabulary. · bored – нудний; той, що нудьгує

· happy – щасливий

· angry – злий

· sad – сумний

· upset – засмучений

· bored – нудний; той, що нудьгує

· scared, frightened – наляканий

· fear – страх (to be / live in fear of – бути / жити у страху)

· surprised – здивований (to be surprised – бути здивованим)

· tired – втомлений (to be tired)

· I am tired – я втомлений

· to smile – усміхатися

· to laugh - сміятися

· to cry – плакати

· to shout - кричати

· to be full of energy – бути повним енергії

· to be afraid of – боятись чогось I am afraid of spiders.

· to feel [fi:l] good, fine — почувати себе добре

· to be in a good (bad) mood [mu:d] бути в гарному (поганому) настрої

· to express [iks'pres] one's feelings — виражати свої почуття

· to hide [haid] one's feelings — приховувати свої почуття

· to control one's feelings — контролювати, стримувати свої почуття

· to let off steam [sti:m] — давати вихід почуттям, спустити пару

· to be a nervous person – бути нервовим

· to be a calm person – бути спокійним

· I love my parents. – Я люблю своїх батьків.

· I like to play football. – Мені подобається грати у футбол. (Я люблю.)

· I hate to play football.– Я не люблю (Я ненавиджу) грати у футбол

· I prefer coffee to tea – Мені більше подобається кава, ніж чай.

· I want to watch TV – Я хочу дивитися телевізор


Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and answer the question:

How do they feel?

happy sad angry
scared tired upset
bored surprised  
to smile to cry  

Model: I am … (happy) I am happy


Exercise 4. Read the text (Прочитайте текст):

Jim is my close friend. We make friends and are happy to spend our time together. We watch TV, listen to music, play football or read books. My friend smiles a lot and he never cries, he is never sad or upset. He loves his parents and has a lot of friends. He is full of energy, but sometimes he is tired.

Jim is a well-built boy. He is very handsome. He is tall and slim, with fair skin and short dark hair. He always looks well-dressed. He is always friendly and loves to have fun. He has a fantastic sense of humour. He hates to go shopping but he likes to collect stamps.

Jim is fond of water sports. He likes swimming and he spends a lot of time near the water. He wants to be a swimmer.

All in all, I am glad to have Jim as my friend. It’s pleasure to be with him and I really enjoy his company. I’m sure we’ll always be close friends.


Exercise 5. Read the text again and circle the adjectives\phrases related to the new topic. ( Прочитайте ще раз текст і виділіть прикметники чи цілі фрази із новою лексикою):

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences (Доповніть речення):

1. Jim is my close friend. We make friends and are … to spend our time together.

2. My friend … a lot and he never cries, he is never … or upset.

3. He … his parents and has a lot of friends.

4. He is full of …, but sometimes he is ….

5. He is tall and …, with fair skin and short dark hair.

6. He has a fantastic sense of ….

7. He … to go shopping but he … to collect stamps.

8. He … swimming and he spends a lot of time near the water.

9. He … to be a swimmer.

10. All in all, I am … to have Jim as my friend.

11. I’m sure we’ll always be close friends.


Exercise 7. Answer the questions (Дайте відповіді на запитання):

1. Who is my close friend?

2. What do we do when we are together?

3. Does my friend smile?

4. Whom does he love?

5. Is he tall and slim?

6. What does he like?

7. What does he hate?

8. Is Jim fond of sport?

9. What does he do?

10. Does Jim have good appearance?

11. Does Jim have any negative qualities?

Exercise 8. Do you love, like, not like or hate these things? Write sentences

1. chocolate 5. football

2. cowboy films 6. cats

3. aeroplanes 7. cars

4. tea 8. jazz music

Exercise 9. Which do you prefer – tea or coffee? Write answers as in the example:

1. tea or coffee? e.g.: I prefer coffee to tea.

2. dogs or cats? 6. strawberry or chocolate ice-cream?

3. sunbathing or sightseeing? 7. watching sport or doing sport?

5. BMV or Rolls Royces?


Exercise 10. Answer the questions using “want” or “hope”:

1. You are thirsty. What do you want? e.g.: I want a cup of tea.

2. The lesson feels very long. What do you hope?

3. You are hungry. What do you want?

4. Your friend feels ill. What do you hope?

5. You’re tired. What do you want?

6. You’re upset. What do you want?

7. It is very cold weather. What do you hope?

Exercise 11. Answer the questions using the example:

When did you last feel...

1. angry? 2. surprised? 3. upset?

e.g.:I felt angry this morning when I read the newspaper.

Exercise 12. Complete the table with the parameters of your friend (Заповніть таблицю, вносячи дані про свого друга):

My friend is …

My friend has …

My friend likes \ hates…

My friend’s hobby is..


Model: My friend is a good-looking person. He has dark short hair, large blue eyes. He is tall and slim. He is very attractive. His hobby is swimming. He likes to play football and hates to garden. He smiles a lot and my friend is full of energy. He is very happy, but sometimes he is tired and sad.

Topic Main Points
Appearance Good-looking, fair skin, dark hair, casual clothes, wavy hair, straight nose, long hair, tall, slim, of medium height, attractive, plump (age, height, face, eyes, hair) Ex.: He is 17 and he is a good-looking person with dark short hair, round face, large eyes, fair skin, straight nose. He is slim and tall.
Personal qualities, character Fantastic sense of humour, friendly, lazy, generous, popular, smile a lot, sad, happy, tired, upset, scared, surprised Ex.: He smiles a lot, and he is very happy person. He is full of energy. He is always in a good mood and can control his feelings. Sometimes he is tired or disappointed and can let off steam.
Hobbies/interests Swimming, painting, playing football, gardening, singing, dancing, travelling (likes, dislikes) Ex.: His hobby is swimming. He likes also to play football but he hates to garden.


Exercise 13. Read and translate the article:


“Are you a happy person? Are you afraid of something?”

When people ask you these or similar questions sometimes you don’t have a correct answer. It is very difficult to speak about emotions and feelings. Some people think that they are happy because they have a good job, future career or simple the big sum of money.

Others think that they are happy because of their inner state of mind, their mood, character or feelings. They are easy-going and light-hearted. Some of them are sure that happiness lies in dear and loved people near them.

People are unique. Some of them always think only of themselves. They express their feelings all the time.

Some, on the other hand, are nervous. They can’t control their emotions and very often let off steam. It is very hard for such kind of people to hide their emotions.

Very often our emotions are under our control. When a person is in a very dangerous situation and afraid of something, the body automatically produces a chemical (хім.речовина) in blood. This chemical is called adrenalin. With adrenalin in the blood system, you actually feel stronger. Sometimes when you are absolutely scared, the body can produce too much adrenalin. Then you are paralyzed (паралізований) with fear.

Human feelings and emotions are very secret. We never know what we would feel in every new situation. It is proved (доведено) that emotions never repeat, they are unique by each person even in the same situation.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1032. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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