Lesson 18. Type of Emotions (Negative)
Світ почуттів (негативні) Unspecified - невизначений / Sadness - сум / Afraid - переляканий / Disinterest - безкорисливість,байдужість / Confused - збентежений / Anxiety [æŋ ΄zaiәti] – неспокій, тривога / Suffering - страждання / Shame - сором / Hopelessness - безнадійність / Frustration - крах / Disgust - огида / Anger - гнів / Contempt - презирство / Neutral [ ΄nju:trәl] - невизначений / Surprise - подив / No - відмова Exercise 1. Read and learn: Negative Emotions Sad The sad teenager is sitting alone. Lonely and moping, moping and lonely. Dislike The woman dislikes what she hears. Madder and sadder, yelling and complaining. Scared The scared woman is protecting her baby. Screaming and trembling, panicking and screaming. Nervous The nervous businessman is waiting for the interview. Tapping his fingers, tapping his feet. Bored The bored father is ready to go home. Checking his watch, waiting impatiently.