English words for negative emotions
angry - сердитий:"She was angry with her boss for criticising her work." annoyed - надокучливий:"I'm very annoyed with him. He hasn't returned any of my calls." "She was annoyed by his comments." ashamed - присоромлений: "How could you say such a thing? You should be ashamed of yourself!" betrayed – зраджений: "He betrayed my trust (довіра) when he repeated my secret to everyone." сonfused - збентежений: "I'm sorry I forgot your birthday – I was confused about the dates." cheated - обманутий: "Of course I feel cheated – I should have won that competition." cross - роздратований: "I was cross with him for not helping me, as he said he would." depressed - пригнічений: "After he failed (провалив) his English exam, he was depressed for a week." disappointed: - розчарований: "She was disappointed by her son's poor (поганий) results at school." excited - схвильований: "I'm excited by the new opportunities that the internet brings." emotional – схвильований, емоційний: "When he heard the news, he became quite emotional. " envious – заздрісний: "I'm very envious of her happiness – I wish I was happy too." embarrassed - збентежений: "I felt so embarrassed that I went bright red." furious [ ΄fjuriәs]- несамовитий: "I was furious with him for breaking (розбити) my favourite vase." frightened - зляканий:"As a child she was frightened of the dark." horrified - нажаханий: "I'm horrified by the amount (кількість) of violence (насильство) on television today." irritated - роздратований: "I get so irritated when he changes TV channels without asking me first." intrigued - заінтригований: "I'm intrigued to hear about your safari in Kenya." jealous – ревнивий, заздрісний: "She was jealous of her sister's new toy." jaded [ ΄d3eidid] - виснажений, змучений: "After 10 years at this company, I just (саме) feel jaded. " lazy - лінивий:"I can't be bothered (набридати) to do anything today – I feel really lazy!" negative - недоброзичливий: "I feel very negative about my job – the pay is awful (жахливий)." reluctant - неохочий: "I'm reluctant to buy a new car – the one we have is fine." sad - сумний: "It makes me sad to see all those animals in cages (клітки) at the zoo." scared - наляканий: "Are you scared of heights (висоти)?" stressed - напружений: "I feel really stressed at work – I need a break." "He was stressed out by all the travelling in his job." terrific – страхітливий, страх: "I feel terrific today!" terrible - страшний: "I've got a blinding (нестерпний) headache and I feel terrible. " terrified - нажаханий: "She's terrified of spiders (павуки) whenever (коли б не) she sees one." tense - напружений: "You look a bit tense. Did you have a bad day at work?" upset – засмучений: I'm sorry you're upset – I didn't mean to be rude (грубий)." unhappy – нещасний: "I was unhappy to hear that I hadn't got the job." victimised – зроблений жертвою, обдурений: "My boss kept criticising (продовжував критикувати) me and not the others, so I felt quite victimised. " Exercise 2. Look at each word below and write P next to it if you think the meaning is positive and N if you think the meaning is negative (Подивіться на слова-прикметники і позначте які з них позитивні, а які негативні): angry, tasteful, kind, rich, scared, brilliant, full, horrible, sad, great, boring, impossible, hate, worried, in despair, impatient, hungry, harmful, narrow-minded, best, possible, stupid, nice Exercise 3. Say according to the picture what makes you feel very angry \ happy (Скажіть, що з запропонованого робить вас дуже злим чи щасливим): That makes me very angry That makes me very happy!
college life, pop music, bad news on TV, church ceremonies, insects in general, a good exam result, to learn English, vampire films, Monday mornings, Friday afternoons, to fly by plane, Chinese food, peak hour traffic, to jog, to study for an exam, to ride a bicycle, women drivers, domestic pets, mathematics
Exercise 4. Translate the sentences (Перекладіть речення): 1. I am very angry when I play football. 2. I am very happy when I read a good book. 3. I am surprised when I watch a TV program. 4. I am scared when I watch a horror film. 5. I am in despair when I watch a soup opera. 6. Pop music makes me feel happy. 7. I feel tired when I learn English. 8. I feel sad when I work in garden. 9. Bad news on TV makes me feel scared and angry. 10. I am polite and honest. 11. I am a hard-working person because I like to help my mother about the house 12. I am friendly because I have a lot of friends. 13. I am a romantic person, I like to watch good films and listen to classical music. Exercise 5. Discussion questions: 1. What makes you be happy? 2. What makes you be angry? 3. Are you a hard-working person? Why? 4. Are you a scared person? Why? 5. Are you sad sometimes? Why? 6. What do you feel when you listen to music? 7. What do you feel when you watch a horror film? 8. What do you feel when you are with your friends? 9. How do you feel during exam time? 10. How do you feel when you do sport? 11. "Do you believe money can buy happiness?" 12. What are the qualities that you think are necessary in a person? 13. What are the qualities that are the most important for you?
Тема 1.3: Traditions (Традиції) Lesson 19. Traditions of my family (Традиції моєї сім’ї)