Informative, to know, discovery, to invent, information, brain, invention,
To develop, knowledgeable
c) Translate the following combinations and sentences: - відомий науковець, молодий вчений, людський мозок, складна дисципліна, працювати над, сучасний винахід, важливий для суспільства; - Людський мозок виконує мільйони процесів за 1 секунду. - Книга цього молодого вченого є дуже інформативна. - Науковці ще не винайшли ліки від раку. - Інтернет – це один із найважливіших винаходів сучасного суспільства. - Фізика, хімія та математика – це складні дисципліни для мене. - Багато науковців та вчених працюють зараз над розвитком комп’ютерних технологій. Exercise 12. Reading task: Text A weapons зброя progressive прогресивний a primitive tool примітивне знаряддя a stone камінь a hand axe ручна сокира evolution еволюція natural/exact science природнича/точна наука the humanities гуманітарні науки
It is very hard to even think about the state of early man оn the Earth when he had no home, no instruments or weapons, and no clothes. Man, unlike other living beings, has a more active and functional brain. However, his brain is not the only thing which has made him far more progressive and developed than any other animal. The first invention of man is said to be a primitive tool which consisted of a stone and served for different purposes. After this basic tool, man prepared the hand axe, knife, and many other tools and instruments. All these discoveries and inventions led to the evolution of human civilization. The word “Science” comes from the Latin word “Scientia” which means knowledge. Science is probably the most important and helpful subject of study for human race. We should distinguish between: 1) Natural sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, etc.) 2) Exact sciences (Maths, Computer Science, etc.) 3) the Humanities (History, Literature, Languages, Law Studies, etc.)
Text B research work дослідницька робота antibiotic антибіотик penicillin пеніцилін bacteria бактерія method of experiments метод експериментів to put forward висунути, представити a theory теорія
Inventions and discoveries are generally the direct result of research work. On certain occasions, however, inventions are a chance event. The famous antibiotic Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming when he was studying bacteria. Sometimes necessity makes the scientists discover new things. The age of science really began in the middle of the 17th century. Robert Boyle was the first scientist to introduce the method of experiments and its importance in the field of science. In this period, various institutions of science and inventors started working in different countries of Europe such as England, France and Germany. Many famous scientists of ancient and medieval era like Galileo, Newton, etc. put forward many principles and theories in the different fields and areas of science.
Exercise 13. Speak about these inventions and their inventors: