an advantage to have/ win an advantage (over)
to have the advantage of to take advantage of smth
to take advantage of smb to smb’s advantage
to turn smth to advantage to advantage
- to be profitable or helpful to smb
- in a way that shows its good points
- to be in a better position because of smth
- something useful or helpful
- to make use of smth
- to make the most of something
- to turn smb round one’s finger, to trick smb
- to have a better position or opportunity
Match the phrases with their translations.
1. to advantage
2. to smb’s advantage
3. to take advantage of smth
4. to have an advantage over smb
5. to turn smth to advantage
6. advantage
7. to have the advantage of smth
8. to take advantage of smb
| a) перевага, вигода, користь
b) перехитрити когось
c) мати вигоду з чогось
d) використати в своїх інтересах
e) у вигідному світлі
f) комусь на користь
g) скористатися чимось
h) мати перевагу над кимось
Translate into Ukrainian.
1. The picture shows to good advantage in this light.
2. Thank you, I’ll take advantage of your offer.
3. He would have turned his brains to advantage.
4. Living in a big city has a lot of advantages.
5. You are sure to have a moral advantage over the group.
6. How did you manage to take advantage of your rival?
7. He did nothing to his master’s advantage.