Read the text below and find words in the text which mean the following.
1. doctor who looks after people's general health: GP means general practitioner 2. choose private healthcare 3. large centre with several doctors and kinds of services 4. general expression for all of the services offered by hospitals, clinics, dentists, opticians, etc. 5. tax paid by most adults which covers the costs of healthcare for everyone 6. British name for the service that covers hospitals, clinics, dentists, etc. 7. charge for the medication the doctor prescribes, which you pay at a pharmacy 8. small centre with just two or three doctors
“In Britain, healthcare is paid for through taxes and national insurance payments taken directly from wages and salaries. The government decides how much will be spent on the National Health Service, but a lot of people feel they do not spend enough. Hospital treatment and visits to a family doctor (or GP) at a surgery or clinic are free, but there is a prescription charge. Dentists and opticians charge fees. Private healthcare is available and a large number of insurance schemes exist to enable people to 'go private'.
Translate into English. Лікуватись приватно; державне страхування; плата за призначені ліки; державна служба охорони здоров’я; аптека, ліки; сімейний лікар.