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A Visit to the Doctor

Doctor ˏWell,| what’s the ˈmatter with ˋyou, Mr. ˌWalker?||
Patient You’d ˈbetter ˈask me what is ˎnot the ˌmatter with me, ˌdoctor.|| I ˈseem to be ˈsuffering with ↑all the ˈillnesses iˎmaginable:| inˏsomnia,| ˏheadaches,| ˏbackache,| ˈindiˏgestion,| ˈconsti͵pation| and ˈpains in the ˎstomach.|| To ˈmake ˈthings ↑still ˏworse| I’ve ˈcaught a ˏcold,| I’ve ˈgot a ↑sore ˏthroat| and I’m ˋconstantly ˌsneezing and ˎcoughing.|| To ˈcrown it ˏall,| I had an ˋaccident the other ˏday,| ˈhurt my ˈright ˏshoulder,| ˈleg and ˏknee| and ˈnearly ˈbroke my ˎneck.|| If I ˈtake a ˈlong ˏwalk,| I ˈget ˙short of ˎbreath.|| In ˏfact,| I ˈfeel ˈmore ˏdead| than aˎlive.||
Doctor I’m sorry to hear that. Anyhow, I hope things aren’t as bad as you imagine. Let me examine you. Your heart, chest and lungs seem to be all right. Now open your mouth and show me your tongue. Now breathe in deeply through the nose… There doesn’t seem to be anything radically wrong with you, but it’s quite clear that you’ve run down, and if you don’t take care of yourself you may have a nervous breakdown and have to go to hospital. I advise you first of all to stop worrying. Take a long rest, have regular meals, keep to a diet of salads and fruit and very little meat, keep off alcohol. If possible, give up smoking, at least for a time. Have this tonic made up and take two tablespoonfuls three times a day before meals. If you do this, I can promise you full recovery within two or three months.
Patient And if I don’t, doctor?
Doctor Than you’d better make your will, if you haven’t yet done so.
Patient I see. Well, thank you, doctor. I shall have to think it over and decide which is the lesser evil: to follow your advice or prepare for a better world.

20. Read and translate the following text. Use your own intonation patterns with the Rise-Fall where possible. Lay stress-tone marks according to the rules and practice reading it. Transcribe the words in bold.

The Benefits of Exercise

Working full-time can be a very stressful experience for most people; long hours and the pressure to be successful in a competitive society both contribute to the build-up of anxiety. If you are feeling nervous, there’s no better way to relax than to exercise. However, many people return to work too exhausted to move. People are criticized for being lazy and inactive, and for watching too much television which is not beneficial to our health. Taking regular exercise can be both relaxing and pleasant and people who feel healthy often also feel more confident. You don’t need to be especially energetic to take up a sport; simply choose one that is suitable to your character.


21. Listen to the dialogue. Fill in the gaps with the missing pronouns and verbs. Find sentences where the High Fall is used. What additional meanings does it give these sentences? Practice the dialogue with a partner.

A Anyway, I suppose ___ heard about Mark and Sonia?

B No, what?

A Oh, ___ know? ___ emigrating to New Zealand.

B Really? How come?

A I think ___ having a lot of problems lately – you knew their house ___ burgled last year, while ___ asleep in bed?

B No, ___ actually… how awful!

A Yeah, and Sonia ___ suffering with her nerves ever since, ___ even off work for a while, I think.

B Oh no, I had no idea.

A And now apparently, Mark ___ made redundant from his job!

B The poor things!

A I know… so that’s why ___ decided to make a fresh start in New Zealand. I think Mark ___ paid quite a lot of redundancy money, so ___ going to start up their own business.

B Oh… well I hope it works out for them. ___ know when ___ leaving?

A ___ know but I think ___ going before the end of the month.

B Oh, right – ___ give them a call to wish them all the best.

A Yes, ___ sure ___ appreciate that.


22. Read the following dialogues with your own intonation laying stress-tone marks according to the rules. Use the High Fall, the High Rise, the Rise-Fall and the Fall-Rise in the dialogues. Explain, what meanings these nuclear tones convey.

1. - How’s your father keeping? - He’s been off work for a day or two. - What’s wrong with him? - He’s gone down with a cold. - Tell him I hope he soon feels better. - That’s very kind of you. I’ll pass it on. 2. - Where’s Tony this evening? - He’s not feeling very well. - Really? What’s the trouble? - I think he must have eaten something. - Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy. - Thank you very much. I’ll tell him what you said.  
3. - How’s your brother these days? - He hasn’t been too well just recently. - I’m sorry to hear that. What’s the matter? - I think he’s been overworking. - I hope he soon gets over it. - Thank you. He’ll be pleased to hear you asked after him.   4. - I haven’t seen Bob lately. How is he? - As a matter of fact, he’s laid up. - Oh, dear. What’s up with him? - We don’t know. But we are having the doctor in tomorrow. - Let me know if there’s anything I could do. - Thanks very much. I’ll tell him you inquired about him.  

23. Read the text below. Transcribe the words in bold. Imagine that you are a doctor, and your partner is a hypochondriac. Make up and present your own dialogue in a role-play using the words in bold. Make your speech emotional by using the High Fall, the High Rise, the Rise-Fall and the Fall-Rise.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1114. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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