Cockney represents much-localized, non-standard English. It is the working-class accent used in London (especially in the East End).
Major changes taking place in RP (cockneyfication of RP):
1. Weak /ı/ is replaced by schwa /ə/ in unstressed postions: qual ə ty, happ ə ly, maj ə sty, etc.
2. /t/ acquires glottal pronunciation before consonants: foo t ball, qui t e good, par t ly, etc.
3. /l/ is vocalized (is pronounced like /ʊ/ or /ɔ/): mi ɔ k, myse ɔ f, mid ʊ, etc.
4. /r/ not present in spelling appears in intervocalic position after mid or low vowels: the idea r of it, I saw r it, a comma r in, etc.
5. The coalescence and dropping of jod: /t/ + /j/ = /ʧ/, /d/ + /j/ = /ʤ/ (affricalization): education, gradual, virtue, statue, etc.; /s/ + /j/ = /ʃ/, /z/ + /j/ = /ʒ/ (assibilation): issue, hosier, etc.; dropping of /j/: tune /tu:n/, duke /du:k/, super, etc.
6. Smoothing (tightening / reduction) of the sequences /аıə/, /аυə/ (reduced to a long open vowel): you are /jɒ:/, power /pɑ:/, our /ɑ:/, fire /fɑ:/, etc.; /υə/ → /ɔ:/: sure /ʃɔ:/, tour /tɔ:/, etc.
Nuclear / Terminal / Kinetic Tones
The nucleus (pl. nuclei /-iai/) is the stressed syllable in a syntagm, which is more emphasized than the others and takes a nuclear tone.
The Low / Mid Fall
sounds definite, complete, final, firm, weighty, serious, emotionally neutral, cool, reserved.
| The High Fall
sounds final, light, brisk, interested, personally concerned, involved, surprised; in general questions – insistent and business-like.
| The Low Rise
sounds non-final, friendly, polite, interested, encouraging, in special questions sometimes surprised and puzzled.
| The High / Medium Rise
sounds light, airy, casual, echoing, repeating, calling for repetition; with ascending scales – disapproving, disbelieving and threatening.
| The Fall-Rise
sounds: in statements – emotional, contradicting, not sure, reproachful, apologetic; in questions – insistent, pleading; in imperatives – warning.
| The Rise-Fall
sounds impressed, awed, self-satisfied, challenging.
| The Level Tones
sound non-final, show the expectation of continuation.
Intonation Pattern
| Meaning
| The sliding scale with the high fall
| sounds serious, concerned, weighty, edifying, instructive and scolding
| The sliding scale with the low fall
| sounds weighty but formal
expresses concern and personal involvement
| The sliding scale with the fall-rise
| sounds weighty, implicatory;
concerned, reproachful, hurt, grudgingly admitting, persuasively reassuring, regretful; Questions sound pleading.
Statements sound persuasively reassuring, plaintive, pleading, apologetic, regretful, appreciative.
Special and generalquestions sound plaintive, pleading, despairing, long-suffering, warm.
Imperatives sound plaintively or reproachfully pleading, persuading.
Exclamations sound intensely encouraging, appreciative, protesting.
| The scandent scale with the high fall
| sounds surprised
| The scandent scale with the rise-fall
| sounds encouraging
| The scandent scale with the low fall
| sounds self-satisfied, playful, joyful and delighted; irritable
| The scandent scale with the low rise
| sounds encouraging further conversation, non-final, non-categoric;
in statements – soothing, reassuring, sometimes surprised, disbelieving;
in general questions – genuinely interested;
in special questions – friendly, sympathetically interested, sometimes puzzled, wondering;
in imperatives (requests) – soothing, reassuring, encouraging;
in exclamations – friendly, airy, casual
| The low level scale with the low fall
| sounds cool, calm, detached, reserved, sometimes unsympathetic and disapproving
| The high level scale with the high fall
| sounds final, categoric, light, airy, brisk and interested; conveys personal concern and involvement.
In special questions it sometimes sounds very insistent and business-like.
| The high level scale with the fall-rise
| Statements sound appealing to the listener to continue with the topic of conversation; expressing gladness, regret, surprise.
Special and generalquestions sound very emotive.
Imperatives sound reassuring, pleading.
Exclamations sound sympathetic, encouraging.
| The descending stepping scale with the rise-fall
| sounds censorious, antagonistic, disclaiming responsibility.
| The descending stepping scale with the low rise
| sounds in statements self-confident, disbelieving, reproachful; in special questions it is cold, business-like, challenging;
in general questions it is disapproving, insistent, interested, concerned;
in imperatives it sounds calmly patronizing.
| The descending stepping scale with the fall-rise
| Statements with this pattern sound grudgingly admitting, contradicting, dissenting, reproachful, apologetic;
questions sound insistent, pleading, plaintive;
imperatives are urgently warning.
| The descending stepping scale with the low fall
| sounds definite, complete, final, firm; categorical, weighty, serious; sometimes unsympathetic, defying and scolding.
| The descending stepping scale with the high fall
| sounds final, categoric, light, airy, brisk, interested, conveys personal concern or involvement. Very often it has some edifying, scolding and instructive effect; it can also have persuasive appeal.
| The ascending scale with the high fall
| sounds protesting, querulous, irritated, disapproving. In special questions, imperatives and exclamations, this intonation pattern can sound with notes of unpleasant, critical or affronted surprise.
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