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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

XVII. Укажите номера предложений в которых –ing-форма переводится на русский язык с помощью слова «будучи» и страдательного причастия.

1. Being a good specialist he is much spoken about.

2. Having finished the experiment the scientist wrote a complete report of the results obtained

3. Being very busy I couldn’t come to see you.

4. Being completely treated the patient was discharged from the hospital.

5 Being purified the water could be safely used for drinking purposes.

6. The lecture on muscles was being delivered for 2 hours yesterday.

7. The water being polluted was not suitable for drinking.

8. While the patient is being operated on by the surgeon an experienced nurse must be standing by ready for any emergency.

9. Being asked he always answer all the questions.

10. Being known well for its side effects the drug was used only in extreme cases.

11. The woman examining a child is out pediatrician.

12. The drug was being developed in our institute.

13. Being vaccinated the child didn’t fall ill.

14. Being widely spread the pathology was studied by many scientists.

15. The hospital was being built in this region for 5 years ago.


Раздел II Заполнитепропуски:


1. Together with the kidneys, the liver _____ the detoxifying organ for the body.

2. The data from 173 patients _____ analyzed last week.

3. Usually this drug _____ not produce any side-effects.

4. The students _____ been writing the test for twenty minutes when I came.

5. The patient _____ no temperature and was disgorged.

6. The nurse _____ just finished to take the patients’ temperature when the doctor in charge entered the ward.

7. The new patient _____ being examined now by the doctor on duty.

8. He _____ not know the answer to this question now.

9. The drug _____ tested in our laboratory last week.

10. In two days the patient _____ discharged from the clinic

11. Anatomy _____ to study the structure and function of the human body.

12. Two-way nervous conduction _____ described by Kukhne (1886) and Rabukhin (1887).

13. Medical treatment _____ been greatly improved in recent years.

14. The experiment performed _____ not give any new results.

15. The nurse _____ not filling in a case history now.

16. We ____ been working over this problem for several years but still we are far from its solution.

17. The examination paper __ being checked at the moment.

18. When the doctor ___ examining a patient he used new equipment.

19. One should ______ very careful using this drug.

20. At 5 o’clock tomorrow I ____be listening to the lecture on new chemical pollutants and their effect on human health.

21. Viruses ____ been studied for the last 20 years.

22. The body ____ known to have long, short and broad muscles.

23. Every day he ____ four lessons.

24. All muscles ____ divided into voluntary and involuntary.

25. This drug ____ tested in the clinic within next three month.

26. There ____ a close relationship between the viruses and bacteria.

27. The patient ____ all these symptoms yesterday.

28. The body ____ known to have long, short and broad muscles.

29. Yesterday we ____ four lessons.

30. I ____ filling in a case history now.

31. There ____ more than 400 skeletal muscles in the human body.

32. This drug ____ tested in clinic within the next three months.

33. Bacteria _____ the best known and most studied form of prokaryotic organisms.

34. The doctor ____ already examined the patient.

35. They _____ having their English lesson from 9 till 10.30 yesterday.

36. We ____ three classes every day.

37. Lipids ____ structural and energetic functions.

38. Each organ ____ blood vessels.

39. The results____ not been tested in the clinic yet.

40. It ____ Friday yesterday.

41. Irregular bones _____ not easily categorized by shape

42. This scientist ____ just returned from the conference

43. She____ not work at the hospital before entering the Medical University.

44. The girl ____ be operated on for gastric ulcer tomorrow.

45. They _____ not study at the Preventive Medical Faculty.

46. The word cell ____ introduced by Robert Hooke in 1665 shortly after the invention of the microscope.

47. My friend _____ not go to visit his relatives last summer

48. There ____ be a conference in our university next month.

49. They ____ just had the lecture.

50. How _____ the air enter and travel in human body?

51. My friend ____ been learning English for 4 years already.

52. What ____ the role of bronchioles?

53. My friend_____ not want to be a surgeon

54. The patient ____ reading a book when the doctor entered the ward

55. They ____ have finished the construction of the clinic by June

56. The small intestine ____ the most important absorbing organ of the digestive tract.

57. The nurse ____ finished her work before the patient was admitted to the clinic

58. The drug ____ to be tested thoroughly before clinical use.

59. The conference ____ devoted to the problems of modern medicine.

60. The nurse ____ been working at this hospital since last year.

61. There _____ more than 400 skeletal muscles in the human body.

62. The second year students _____ writing the test now.

63. All cells _____ the plasma membrane.

64. The doctor in charge _____ to examine this patient.

65. There _____ millions of different types of cell.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 615. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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