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A. в повествовательном предложении

1) 1. friend 2. come 3. to 4. my 5. week 6. will 7. visit 8. next 9. me   5) 1. entered 2. his 3. to 4. doctor 5. ward 2 6. examine 7. the 8. patients   9) 1. to 2. are 3. according 4. doctor's 5. usually 6. hospitalized 7. recommendation 8. patients 9. their   13)
  1. secrets
  2. biologists
  3. discovered
  4. of
  5. many
  6. have
  7. life
2) 1. organs 2. blood 3. different 4. body 5. carries 6. nutrients 7. of 8.to 9.the   6) 1. bed 2. the 3. patient 4. in 5. doctor 6. stay 7. his 8. to 9. recommended   10) 1. days 2. on 3. this 4. ago 5. duty 6. was 7. student 8. two   14)
  1. much
  2. paid
  3. to
  4. cells
  5. attention
  6. stem
  7. is
  8. now
3) 1. main 2. is 3. the 4. heart 5. of 6. organ 7. circulation 8. blood     7) 1. better 2. followed 3. prescriptions 4. and 5. the 6. his 7. felt 8. patient 9. doctor’s   11)
  1. 16
  2. the
  3. divide
  4. into
  5. even
  6. bronchioles
  7. times
  8. smaller
  9. bronchi
  1. the
  2. doctor's
  3. all
  4. out
  5. prescriptions
  6. nurses
  7. carry
  8. usually
4) 1. of 2. is 3. course 4. six 5. training 6. years 7. the   8) 1. body 2. many 3. the 4. there 5. in 6. different 7. human 8. organs 9. are   12)
  1. is
  2. three
  3. small
  4. comprised
  5. of
  6. parts
  7. the
  8. intestine
  1. people
  2. the
  3. of
  4. to
  5. any
  6. is
  7. task
  8. physician
  9. help
В. в отрицательном 1) 1. not 2. their 3. passed 4. examinations 5. they 6. yet 7. have     5) 1. translated 2. time 3. was 4. the 5. in 6. not 7. text   9) 1. heard 2. a 3. has 4. about 5. such 6. never 7. condition 8. he     13)
  1. chemistry
  2. like
  3. my
  4. does
  5. organic
  6. not
7. friend  
предложении   2) 1. follow 2. was 3. prescriptions 4.it 5. doctor’s 6. difficult 7. not 8. to   6) 1. ready 2. student 3. question 4. this 5. my 6. is 7. to 8. not 9. answer     10)
  1. joints
  2. not
  3. allow
  4. movement
  5. fibrous
  6. do
  1. side
  2. did
  3. the
  4. have
  5. not
  6. drug
  7. any
  8. effects
    3) 1. my 2. does 3. biology 4. like 5. friend 6. not     7) 1. did 2. follow 3. recommendations 4. the 5. want 6. patient 7. doctor's 8. to 9. not   11)
  1. conditions
  2. not
  3. the
  4. been
  5. laboratory
  6. tested
  7. has
  8. under
9. drug   15)
  1. in
  2. his
  3. student
  4. this
  5. not
  6. examination
  7. passed
  8. physics
  9. has
    4) 1. to 2. clear 3. doctor 4. diagnosis 5. the 6. not 7. district 8. was     8) 1.translate 2.cannot 3.article 4.student 5.the 6.dictionary 7.without 8.this 9. using     12)
  1. operated
  2. this
  3. not
  4. been
  5. yet
  6. patient
7. has   16)
  1. does
  2. my
  3. know
  4. friend
  5. well
  6. English
  7. not


C. в безличном 1) 1. follow 2. one 3. prescriptions 4. doctor’s 5. should 6. all 7. strictly 8. the   5) 1. to 2. it 3. this 4. read 5. necessary 6. was 7. text 8. yesterday     9) 1. a 2. it 3. is 4. medical 5. be 6. to 7. not 8. easy 9. student   13) 1. prescriptions 2. to 3. not 4. it 5. follow 6. was 7. doctor’s 8. easy   D. в общем вопросе 1) 1. differential 2. it 3. difficult 4. is 5. diagnosis 6. to 7. make 8. a     5) 1. yet 2. on 3. this 4. his 5. passed 6. anatomy 7. student 8. has 9. exam   9) 1. function 2. the 3. have 4. large 5. does 6. digestive 7. intestine     13) 1. hepatitis 2. this 3. ill 4. is 5. or 6. with 7. patient 8. disentery     E. в специальном вопросе 1) 1. holidays 2. you 3. your 4. where 5. spend 6. are 7. summer 8. going 9. to   5) 1. go 2. yesterday 3. why 4. the 5. did 6. doctor 7. friend 8. your 9. to     9) 1. faculties 2. in 3. what 4. university 5. are 6. there 7. the   13)
  1. vaccination
  2. it
  3. is
  4. why
  5. undergo
  6. necessary
  7. to
предложении 2) 1.is 2. interesting 3. study 4. medical 5. at 6. to 7. the 8. it 9. university     6) l. is 2. perform 3. interesting 4. scientific 5. it 6. experiments 7. to   10) 1. students 2. know 3. it 4. anatomy 5. for 6. to 7. necessary 8. medical 9. is   14)
  1. be
  2. examining
  3. patient
  4. should
  5. attentive
  6. one
  7. a
  8. very
  2) 1. material 2. this 3. can 4. explain 5. me 6. difficult 7. you   6) 1 a 2. the 3. is 4. now 5. new 6. doctor 7. examining 8. patient     10)
  1. operation
  2. ever
  3. present
  4. been
  5. at
  6. they
  7. the
  8. have
  1. friend
  2. a
  3. second-year
  4. first
  5. is
  6. your
  7. student
8. or 2) 1. been 2. drug 3. long 4. this 5.you 6. have 7. how 8. taking     6) 1. did 2. what 3. you 4. yesterday 5. lecture 6. listen 7. to   10)
  1. this
  2. be
  3. when
  4. patient
  5. will
  6. on
  7. operated
  1. you
  2. the
  3. did
  4. university
  5. why
  6. medical
  7. enter
  3) 1. differential 2. it 3. diagnosis 4. to 5. was 6. make 7. difficult 8. a   7) 1. principles 2. always 3. of 4. one 5. hygiene 6. should 7. the 8. personal 9. follow   11) 1. to 2. hours 3. homework 4. it 5. me 6. my 7. takes 8. do 9. three   15)
  1. interesting
  2. to
  3. the
  4. it
  5. listen to
  6. was
  7. anatomy
  8. lecture
  9. on
    3) 1. used 2. this 3. before 4. drug 5. ever 6. has 7. been   7) 1. been 2. the 3. into 4. drug 5. introduced 6. just 7. practice 8. clinical 9. has   11)
  1. have
  2. St.Petersburg
  3. you
  4. got
  5. in
  6. relatives
  7. any
  1. there
  2. cells
  3. facts
  4. are
  5. many
  6. unknown
7. concerning     3) 1. examined 2. doctor 3. was 4. by 5. the 6. when 7. he 8. last     7) 1. well 2. know 3. it 4. anatomy 5. why 6. to 7. necessary 8. is     11)
  1. be
  2. where
  3. long
  4. can
  5. muscles
  6. found
  1. his
  2. doctor
  3. to
  4. when
  5. go
  6. the
  7. does
  8. patients
9. visit  
  4) 1. this 2. was 3. to 4. it 5. late 6. do 7. experiment   8) 1. make 2. diagnosis 3. it 4. a 5. difficult 6. final 7. was 8. to     12) 1.to 2.days 3.report 4.it 5.me 6.my 7two 8.took 9.do   16) 1. should 2. to 3. one 4. follow 5. prescriptions 6. doctor's 7. strictly 8. recover     4) 1. live 2. a 3. oxygen 4. can 5. time 6. men 7. without 8. for 9. long   8) 1. body 2. many 3. the 4. there 5. in 6. different 7. human 8. organs 9. are   12)
  1. working
  2. do
  3. you
  4. time
  5. days
  6. free
  7. have
  8. during
  9. your
    16) 1. this 2. operated 3. be 4. tomorrow 5. will 6. next 7. patient 8. or 9. week   4) 1. had 2. student 3. this 4. when 5. finish 6. to 7. the 8. experiment     8) 1.hospital 2.how 3.stay 4.in 5. long 6.did 7.your 8.patient 9.the   12)
  1. senior
  2. study
  3. subjects
  4. do
  5. what
  6. students
  1. are
  2. of
  3. what
  4. blood
  5. results
  6. test
  7. your
8. the




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