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Writing. 1. Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice:


1. Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice:


1) Julia rescued three cats..
2) The students handed in the reports..
3) Maria crashed into the blue car..
4) Alex learned the poem..
5) Steven has forgotten the book..
6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder..
7) They play handball..
8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor..
9) The girls had lost the match..
10) The teacher is not going to open the window..

2. Put in the correct form of the verb in Passive into the gaps.


1) The words by the teacher today. (to explain - Simple Present)
2) We a letter the day before yesterday. (to send - Simple Past)
3) This car. It's too old. (not/to steal - will-future)
4) This street because of snow. (already/to close - Present Perfect)
5) A new restaurant next week. (to open - will-future)
6) He to the party yesterday. (to invite - Simple Past)
7) The blue box. (can/not/to see - Simple Present)
8) I the book by my friend last Sunday. (to give - Simple Past)
9) The dishes by my little brother. (not/to wash - Present Perfect)
10) I by Robert. (not/to ask - will-future)


3. Decide whether the sentences are written in Active or Passive:


They listen to music.
She is reading an e-mail.
These cars are produced in Japan.
Alan teaches Geography.
German is spoken in Austria.
Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake.
Henry Ford invented the assembly line.
The bus driver was hurt.
You should open your workbooks.
Houses have been built.


4. Rewrite the given sentences in Passive Voice. Sometimes there are two possible answers (two objects in the active sentence).


1) They don't speak English in this shop..
2) Kevin asked Dennis a question..
3) Somebody built the house last year..
4) She gives him a box..
5) Max will look after him..
6) The waiter brought Fred a big steak..
7) Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday..
8) The teacher told us a joke..
9) They will meet Doris at the station..
10) Michael has not sent me a text message..

5. Rewrite the sentences using Passive Voice:

1) Julia rescued three cats.

2) The students handed in the reports.

3) Maria crashed into the blue car.

4) Alex learned the poem.

5) Steven has forgotten the book.

6) The mechanic has not repaired the DVD recorder.

7) They play handball.

8) Sue puts the rucksack on the floor.

9) The girls had lost the match.

10) The teacher is not going to open the window.


6. Rewrite the given sentences in Passive Voice:

1) She bought four apples.

2) We won the match.

3) The man stole the blue car.

4) The police arrested the thieves.

5) Jack swam the 200 metres.

6) The dog bit the old lady.

7) Tom and Max ate five hamburgers.

8) Oliver taught the children.

9) Victoria rode the brown horse.

10) Grandmother told good stories.


7. Rewrite the given sentences in Passive Voice:

1) Mr Jones watches the film.

2) The people speak English.

3) He reads comics.

4) We play volleyball.

5) They sing the song.

6) I take photos.

7) She does the housework.

8) The policemen help the children.

9) He writes text messages.

10) Mother waters the flowers.


8. Rewrite the given sentences in Passive Voice. Sometimes there are two possible answers (two objects in the active sentence):


1) They don't speak English in this shop.

2) Kevin asked Dennis a question.

3) Somebody built the house last year.

4) She gives him a box.

5) Max will look after him.

6) The waiter brought Fred a big steak.

7) Somebody broke into our bungalow last Friday.

8) The teacher told us a joke.

9) They will meet Doris at the station.

10) Michael has not sent me a text message.


9. Passive Voice - Present Progressive:

Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. -

My father is washing the car. -

Farmer Joe is milking the cows. -

She is taking a picture of him. -

I am writing a poem. -

We are not playing football. -

He is not wearing a tie. -

Is she preparing the party? -

Are they talking about the meeting? -

Is she watering the flowers? –


10. Change the sentences from the Active to the Passive:


They grow coffee in Kenya.


They publish The Times newspaper in London.


They make shoes in Calatayud.


They transport oranges from Valencia to Germany in special crates.


They are sending the parcel by sea.


They are destroying the forests in Indonesia.


The shark ate the man.


The arsonist started the fire.


The police took him away.


They've treated him very well.


They haven't cleaned the kitchen yet.


They didn't punish him for what he did.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 2141. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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