Задание 11.2. Соотнесите английские и русские формы.
Задание 11.3. Форму действительного залога преобразуйте в соответствующую форму страдательного залога: is asking, have translated, has been doing, translated, read, will send, was planting, write. Задание 11.4. Раскройте скобки, выбрав сказуемое либо в действительном, либо в страдательном залоге. 1. The police (have arrested, have been arrested) three men. 2. Three men (have arrested, have been arrested) by the police. 3. They (are building, are being built) a new ring-road round the city. 4. A new ring-road round the city (is building, is being built). 5. They (will change, will be changed), the date of the meeting. 6. The date of the meeting (will change, will be changed). Задание 11.5. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя страдательный залог (исполнителя действия можно не указывать, если в этом нет необходимости). 1. They will build a stadium here in future. 2. The fire has done a lot of damage. 3. A friend of mine has invited me to a birthday party. 4. Nobody asked me to call back. 5. They were looking for the lost key everywhere. 6. They will have built the bridge by July 20.