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Muscles (to be) ________ a contractile [ken’traektail] form of tissue. There (to be) _______ over 600 muscles in the human body. They (to occur) __________ in three different systems. There (to be) _____ three general types of muscles:

  • Skeletal muscles or "voluntary muscles" (to anchor, to attach) ____________ by tendons to bones. They (to use) ______________ to effect skeletal movements. Skeletal muscles (to use) ______________ to move various parts of the body. They (to) _____ striped or striated. Each muscle (to contract) __________ or (to strengthen) ________________ when a muscle (to receive) __________ a message from the brain. The individual (to control) ____________ the use of these muscles. That (to be) ______ why the skeletal muscles (to call) _____________ voluntary muscles.
  • Smooth muscles or "involuntary muscles" (to find) __________________within structures such as the intestines, throat and blood vessels. For the most part they (not to control) _______________ by the will. That (to be) _____ why they (to know) _______________ as the involuntary muscles.
  • Cardiac muscles (to be) _____ a specalized kind of muscles. They (to find) ____________________only within the heart. They (to resemble) ______________ both the smooth muscles and the skeletal muscles. They (to resemble) ________________ the skeletal muscles in being striped. They (to resemble) _____________ the smooth muscles in their involuntary nature.

Cardiac and skeletal muscles (to be) ____________"striated".

Skeletal muscles (to divide) ________________ into two subtypes:

  • Type I (to include) ___________ "red" muscles. They (to be) ______ dense with capillaries They (to carry) ______ more oxygen.
  • Type II (to consist) ___________ of "white" muscles. They (to be) ______ less dense in myoglobin. They can (to contract) ____________ more quickly and with a greater amount of force than Type I muscles.

Neuromuscular disease (to be) _____ a very broad term. It (to encompasse) _______________ many diseases and ailments that either directly (via muscle pathology) or indirectly (via nerve pathology) (to impair) __________________ the functioning of muscle.

Neuromuscular diseases (to be) ______ those that (to affect) _________________ the muscles and/or their nervous control. In general, problems with nervous control can (to cause) _____________ spasticity or paralysis, depending on the location and nature of the problem. A large proportion of neurological disorders (to lead) _____________ to problems with movement, ranging from cerebrovascular accident (stroke) and Parkinson's disease to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Symptoms of muscle disease may (to include) ____________ weakness or spasticity/rigidity, spasming and myalgia (muscle pain). Diagnostic procedures that may (to reveal) ______________ muscular disorders (to include) _______________ testing creatine kinase levels in the blood and electromyography (measuring electrical activity in muscles).

Diseases include myasthenia gravis, a form of muscle weakness due to antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor, and its related condition Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome (LEMS). Tetanus and botulism (to be) _______ bacterial infections in which bacterial toxins (to cause) _____________ increased or decreased muscle tone, respectively.

The myopathies (to be) _________ all diseases affecting the muscle itself, rather than its nervous control.

Muscular dystrophy (to be) _______ a large group of diseases, many of them hereditary. It (to lead) _______________ to progressive loss of strength, high dependence and decreased life span.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 485. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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