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Greetings:Hi! How _____you (to be)? – I (to be) ______fine and (to get) ___________________ better all the time. I (to go) __________________ from bad to worse. How _____ Bill (to be) _____? – He (to be) ______ fine. How _____ Mary (to be) ______? – She (to be) ________ fine. How _____ the children (to be) ______? – They (to be) ______ fine. How _____ your job (to be) ______? – It(to be) ______ fine. How______ Jack (to be) ______? He (to be) ______ sick. Oh, no. 3. Hello! How_____ you (to be) ______? It (to be) ______ so good to see you. Jack, you (to be) ______ back. I (not to see) ___________________ you for a long time. I (to be) ______ so glad you (to be) ______ back. – So ______I. How ______ you (to be) ______? – Just, fine. It(to be) ______ a long time.

Introduction:Harry, this (to be) ______ Marry. – Hi! – Hello! – How ______you (to) do? I (to like) __________________ you to meet my sister Mary.I (to be) ______ very glad to meet you. I (to hear) _________________ so much about you. I (to hear) ___________________ so many nice things about you. So many nice things! What (to be) ______ your name? Where ______ you (to be) ______ from? How long _______ you (to be) ____________ here? 5. What____ your first name (to be) ______? – Mary. How _______you (to spell) __________ it? – M-a-r-y. How _____ you (to pronounce) _________________ it? – Mary.

Saying good-bye: (to see) ___________ you tomorrow. – Bye-bye. So long. (to) have __________ a nice weekend. – Thanks, you too. (to see) ___________ you on Monday. (to have) fun! – Thanks, you too. It (to get) _________________late. And I really (to hate) _________ to say good-bye. – Please, (not to go)________________________. I (to have) ________________to go home. It (to be) ______ nice seeing you again. I (to enjoy) ________________seeing you again. – It (to be)______ so nice. – I (to enjoy) ______________ it too. Good-bye, Harry, (to say) _________________ ¨hello¨to Mary. – I _________l. (to say) ______________________ ¨hello¨to Bill. Bye-bye, Jack, (to say) __________ ¨hello¨to Gill. (to tell) ______________ her I (to miss) ____________ her. We (to go) ____________________________ to miss you. We really _______.


Giving and receiving compliments:1. You (to look) ____________ wonderful today. – So ______ you. That (to be) _______ a nice colour on you. – Thanks a lot. I (to be) ______(very) glad you (to like) __________ it. That (to be) ______a nice sweater. ______It (to be) _______ new? – Yes, it (to be) _____. Where ______ you (to get) _________ it? – I (to get) ________ it in Paris. It (to be) _____ beautiful. – Thank you. I´m glad you (to like) _______ it. I (to like) ________ your gloves. _____ they (to be) __________ new? – Oh, no, I´(to have) ______________ them for years. Where ______ you (to get) ___________ them? – I (to get) _________ them in London. They (to be) _____ beautiful. Thank you. I (to like) _______ your ring. _____ it (to be) ______ new? – Oh, no, I (to have) ________ it for years. You (to look) _____________ marvellous. You (not to change) ____________________ a bit. – Neither _________ you. You (to look) ______________ wonderful. – So ______ you. You (to look) __________ terrific. - So _____ you. You (to speak) ___________ English very well. – Oh, no, not really. – Yes, you _______, you really __________. You really (to speak) ___________________ English very well. – Thank you, you (to be) _______ very kind. – No, I (to mean) ________________ it, I really (to mean) ___________ it. You really (to speak) ______________ English very well. 6. I9to be) _______ afraid my English (to be) ______ not very good. – Don´t be silly. It (to be) _______ wonderful. – It (to be) _____ terrible.


Inviting, accepting, refusing:When ______ the best time (to be) _______ to call you? – I (to be) _____________usually (at) home after 7. Can you (to come) _____________ over the dinner tonight? – I (to like) ________________ that very much. What time should I come? – Come around 6 if you can. – Bye. Can you (to come) _________________ over for the lunch tomorrow? – I (to wish) I (can) _________________, but I´m afraid I can´t. We (to have) _____________________ a party next Saturday night. Can you (to come) _________? – I (to love) ________________ to. That (to sound) _______________ great. That (to sound) _______________ nice. I (to feel) ___________ like going to the movies tonight. I (not to feel) ______________feel like studying tonight. – Neither _______ I. Let´s go.


Expressions of likes and dislikes. Asking for giving an opinion:I really (to like)_______ it a lot. I (to love) _________ it very much. _____you really (to like) _________ it? – I (like) _______ it a lot. – I (to be) ______ glad. How ____you (to like) _________ it? _____ this (to be) _____all right? – It (to be) _______ wonderful. _____this (to be) ______ OK? It (to be)______all right, I (to guess) __________. ______you (to be) _______sure it (to be) _____ OK? – It´s all right, I guess It (not to be) ______________ quite right I (to be) _____ afraid. 6. I (not to like) __________ it (at all). – I (to hate) ________ it. I can (not to stand) _______________ it. I (not to like) ____________ like it a bit.


Asking the way:1. ____ there (to be) ______ a bank near here? – Yes, there (to be)____. Walk two blocks and turn right. ______ there (to be) _____ a phone near here? – Yes, there (to be) _____. Walk two blocks and turn right. ____ there (to be) ______ a coffee shop near here? – Yes, there (to be)____. Walk two blocks and turn left. 2. Who? What? When? Where? Why? Who did it? What did he do? Why did he do it? Why? 3. ____ the post office (to be) open tomorrow? – It (to be) _____ open from 9 to 5. What time _______ it (to open)? – It (to open) ________ at 9. What time _______it (to close)? – It (to close) ________ at 5. _______ the stores (to be) open tomorrow? – They (to be) ______ open from 9 to 5. When _____ they (to open)? – They (to open) _______ at 9. When _____ they (to close)? – They (to close) _________ at 5.


Giving and receiving thanks: 1. Thank you very much. – You (to be) _____ welcome. Thank you very much. I (to appreciate) ___________________ it. Thanks a lot (for everything). – Don´t mention it. I (to be) ________ happy to do it. Thanks a million. It (to be) _____ just what I (to want) ________. – I (to be) _____so glad you (to like) _________ it. It (to be) _____ just the right size (right colour). It (to be) ______ perfect. It (to be) _____ my pleasure. I (to enjoy) ___________ doing it. The pleasure (to be) ______ mine.


Expressing confusion:I (to confuse) _____________. I can (not to understand) _______________ what he (to say) __________________. He (to talk) _____________ too quickly. ________ this (to make) _____________ sense to you? I____ totally ____________ (to lose).


Making plans:What are you going to do? – I (not to be) __________ quite sure I (not to decide) __________________. What ______ your plans (to be) _________________?


Let´s make a date:1. Let´s make a date. ______ you (to be) _______ busy tomorrow? – I (to be) _______ free at two. What about you? – That (to be) ______fine with me. I (to meet) ____________ you at two. When ______ you (to be) ________ free? – Call me tomorrow. I (to finish) ________ at three. Can we (to get) _________ together tomorrow at three? – I (to be) _______ sorry that (to be) _______a little too early for me. How about eight? – That (to be) ______ a little too late. I (to be) ______ sorry but eight (to be) ______ a little too late. How about 9? – 9 (to be) ______ fine. – How about 3? – That (to be) _______ fine with me. – How about two? – It (to be) ______ up to you. – _____ (to be) 2 OK _____? – Whatever you (to say) ________. I (to have) _____________ so much to do today, so much to do. I (not to know) _________________ what to do first. I (to have) ______________ so many things to do. _____ you (to be) _________ here next year? – I (to be) __________ here if all (to go) _________ well. What about you? I (not to decide).


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