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Kirov State Medical Academy


Kirov State Medical Academy (to found) __________________________ in 1987. Over 4,500 students (to instruct) __________________________ by knowledgeable professors and educators. The academy (to comprise) _________________________several faculties and Komi affiliation of the academy. The academy (to compose) __________________________ of 7 faculties. The most prestigious faculties (to be) ________ the Internal Medicine Faculty, the Pediatrics Faculty and the Expertise and Economics Faculty. Last year, the competition (to be) ________ from 5 to 10 applicants per place. Over 80% of the staff (to be) ______ professors and associate professors. Over 50 professors and more than 150 associate professors (to work) ______________ for the academy. The academy can (to boast) _________________________ of academicians of the national and foreign academies of medical sciences and national state prize winners. The scientists of the academy (to involve) ______________________ in investigations of the most urgent problems of diagnosis and treatment for diverse diseases. Each year, the Day of the Academy (to mark) ________________by all the students and educators of KSMA. On the 2nd of April, 2007, all the staff and students (to celebrate) __________________ the academy’s holiday. On the 1st and 2nd of April, an international medical conference of young researchers (to hold) __________________________ at KSMA. It (to call) _________________ “Young Researchers and Scientists of the 21st Century”. Over 300 abstracts of the reports (to send) ___________________ to the conference from different cities of Russia and the former Soviet Republics. 26 young researchers from different parts of the country and neighboring countries (to take) ___________ part in the meetings. 9 sessions (to devote) ____________________ to urgent problems of treatment and diagnosis of common diseases, fundamental sciences and public health. Up-to-date multi-media equipment (to use) ______________________ to illustrate the reports. All the slides, figures, schemes and graphs (to record) _____________________ on CD-ROMs. The plenary meeting (to include) ________________ Professor Maltsev’s report and several reports of the conference’s prize winners. All the participants (present) ____________________ with certificates of attendance. The prize winners (to award) _____________________ first-, second-, and third grade diplomas. Souvenirs and gifts (to present) __________________ to the prize winners. A book of abstracts, a booklet about KSMA, a KSMA pin, a KSMA flag and a KSMA pen (to prepare) _________________________ before the conference (to begin). Of particular note (to be) ______ the book of abstracts. It (to design) ________________ very well and (to answer) ________________ all the requirements to high top international scientific conferences. KSMA’s emblem (to consist) __________________ of a medical cross, a textbook, a cup and a snake. In the evening, all the students and educators of KSMA (to attend) _________________ KSMA’s ceremony devoted to the 18th birthday of the academy. Professor Sheshunov (to make) __________________ a major report. He (to speak) _______________ on the achievements and accomplishments of the academy in 2004. Professor Zhuravlev, the founder of the academy, (to award) _____________ the “Honorary Professor and Rector” Diploma. The VIPs of the City Administration (to congratulate) _____________________ the academy on this occasion. The rector (to present) ______________________ the best educators and students with certificates and letters of honor and gifts. All the students and educators (to enjoy) ____________________ an amateur concert. The participants of the ceremony (to like) ____________________ modern and folk dances, songs, and pantomime performances. The concert (to follow) _______________________________ by a dancing party. The party (to spoil) ___________________ a bit by some strangers who (to consume) _____________________ a lot of beer before the party (to begin) ___________________.The Day of the Academy (to be) _______ a great success. If all (to go) __________ well the 10th international conference (to organize) ___________________ next year. It is the traditions that (to contribute) ______________________ a lot to KSMA’s progress and prosperity.




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