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Kirov Regional Teaching Hospital

Kirov Regional Teaching Hospital (to found)__________________________ 230 years ago. It (to ad­
mit)_______________________ all types of medical and surgical cases. The hospital (to concern­
trate)______________________ on patients with acute illness. This 1000-bed hospital to have) an organized medical staff, a professional nursing staff, and diagnostic equipment. It (to equip) with up-to-date diagnostic and treatment facilities. It also (to include)__________ a pharmacy, several laboratories, X-ray and physical therapy departments, operating rooms, recovery rooms, an outpatient de­
partment, and an emergency department. There (to be)__________________ dental services, a department

of renal dialysis, equipment for inhalation therapy, and three intensive-care units, a volunteer-
services department, and, possibly, a home-care program. Over 1000 patients (to treat)
_________________ at any given time. Patients (to refer)___________________________ to the hospi­
tal from 39 districts of Kirov region. The complexity of the hospital (to reflect) the advances made after World War II, including the use of antibiotics, a vast new array of laboratory procedures, new surgical techniques, new materials and equipment for radiation therapy, and an increased emphasis on physical therapy and rehabilitation. The le­gally constituted governing officer of the hospital is Chief Physician. He (to have)_____________ full responsibility for the conduct and efficient management of the hospital. The Chief Physician (to establish)_______________________________________________________ policy, (to appoint)____________ a medical staff and department administrators. He (to exercise)____ control over ex­
penditures and (to have)_____________________________________________________ the responsibility for maintaining professional standards. The Chief Physician (to be)_ _______________ the chief executive officer of the hospital and (to be)_______________________________________________ responsible to the Health Department of Kirov Region. For many years, Associate Professor Vladimir Biteev (to run) the hospital. Each department of the hospital (to control)_________________________________ by a department head. Last week several department chiefs (to have) _______________________ to retire. They (to substitute) _____________________________________________________ by the younger doctors. The largest division in the hospital (to be) ________________________________ nursing. It (to follow)_____________ by the dietary department and house­ keeping. Other departments that are important to the functioning of the hospital (to in­clude)________________________ laundry, engineering, stores, purchasing, accounting, pharmacy, physical therapy, social service, pathology, X-ray, and medical records. The medical staff (to organize)_________________________________________ into such departments as surgery, medicine, pulmonology, gastroenterology, neurology, nephrology, cardiology, ophthalmology, cardiosurgery, and gynecology. Up-to-date technologies (to use) _____________________ in cardiosurgery, neurosurgery, opthalmology and gynecology departments. The chiefs of the medical-staff de­
partments (to make up)________________________________________________ the medical advisory board. It (to hold)_____________________________________________ weekly meetings on medical-administrative matters and clinical practice. The professional work of the individual staff members (to re­view)_______________________________________________________ by medical-staff committees. The committees (to report) ________________________________ to the medical advisory board. For many years, the hospitals (to have) _a formal role as a teaching institution. Kirov Regional Teaching Hospital (to affiliate) ________________________________________________ with undergraduate and postgraduate medical education at Kirov State Medical Academy. It (to provide) up-to-date and often specialized therapeutic measures and facilities unavailable elsewhere in Kirov region. The hospital (to house) ___________ KSMA's departments of internal medicine, neurology, surgery, and otorhinolaryngology. All the departments of the Futher professional Development Faculty (to locate)__________ in the hospital. Over 100 internship and residency doctors (to instruct)_____________________________ by the most experienced clinical supervisors. For over 10 years the hospital (to develop)_________________ contacts with leading health insti­tutions of the USA, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries. The most experience physi­cians and surgeons (to invite)_____________________________________________ to participate in long-term training courses abroad. They (to supervise)______________________________ often by recognized for­eign clinicians and surgeons.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 590. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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