Студопедия — In wilderness first aid, a possible heart attack (to justify) ____________ evacuation by the fastest available means, including MEDEVAC, even in the earliest or precursor stages.
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In wilderness first aid, a possible heart attack (to justify) ____________ evacuation by the fastest available means, including MEDEVAC, even in the earliest or precursor stages.

A heart attack (to be) ________ a medical emergency which (to demand) ___________ both immediate attention and activation of the emergency medical services. The goal of the management in the acute phase of the disease (to be) ______ to prevent further complications. As time passes, the risk of damage to the heart muscle (to increase) _______________.

In the hospital, oxygen, aspirin, glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin) and analgesia are (to administer) __________________ as soon as possible.

Thrombolytic therapy (to indicate) _______________________ for the treatment of MI if the drug can 9to administer) ___________________________ within 12 hours of the onset of symptoms.


Heart disease (to be) _____ an umbrella term for a number of different diseases which (to affect) __________ the heart. The most common heart diseases (to be) ______:

Coronary heart disease, a disease of the heart itself caused by the accumulation of plaques within the walls of the arteries that (to supply) __________________ the myocardium

Ischaemic heart disease, another disease of the heart itself, characterized by reduced blood supply to the organ.

Cardiovascular disease, a sub-umbrella term for a number of diseases that (to affect) __________ the heart itself and/or the blood vessel system, especially the veins and arteries leading to and from the heart.

Pulmonary heart disease, a failure of the right side of the heart.

Hereditary heart disease, heart disease caused by unavoidable genetic factors

Hypertensive heart disease, heart disease caused by high blood pressure, especially localised high blood pressure

Inflammatory heart disease, heart disease that (to involve) _________________ inflammation of the heart muscle and/or the tissue surrounding it.

Valvular heart disease, heart disease that (to affect) _____________ the valves of the heart.

Heart disease and strokes (to be) ________ common cardiovascular diseases. They (to be) _______ the third and first top cause of death for both genders. Cancer (to be) ______ in-between the two. Forty percent of all deaths, in America, (to relate) ______________ to a cardiovascular disease mainly heart attack or stroke. About 910,00 people (to die) ________ of cardiovascular diseases each year in America. That (to be) ______ about one death every 35 seconds. It used to be that it was mainly around 65 years or older. Nevertheless, heart disease and strokes around people 15-34 (to increase)_________________. 70 million people actually (to live) __________ with a cardiovascular disease. More than six million hospitalizations (to occur) ________________ in America each year because of a cardiovascular disease. The cost of all the heart diseases and stroke (to estimate) ___________________ to be about $403 billion including health care expenses and lost work from death or disability.

Two independent risk factors that (to have) ___________ a major impact for heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases, (to be) ______ high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol. Some symptoms for heart attacks (to be) _____ discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest, arm or below the breastbone, discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat or arm, fullness, indigestion sweating, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness, extreme weakness, anxiety, or shortness of breath, rapid or irregular heartbeats. These symptoms are similar to the ones for heart failure.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 535. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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