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In humans, the incidence of vWD (to be) ______ roughly about 1 in 100 individuals.

Patients with vWD normally (to require) ____________ no regular treatment. However, they (to be) ______ always at increased risk for bleeding. Prophylactic treatment _____ sometimes (to give) _______ for patients with vWD who (to schedule) _________ for surgery. They can (to treat) _______________ with Factor VIII concentrates.

Anemia (to be) _____ due to a deficiency of red blood cells and/or hemoglobin. Anemia (to result) ____________ in a reduced ability of blood to transfer oxygen to the tissues. It (to cause) ______________. hypoxia.

Anemia (to be) ______ the most common disorder of the blood. There (to be) ______ several kinds of anemia. They (to produce) _______________ by a variety of underlying causes. Anemia can (to classify) _____________ in a variety of ways, based on the morphology of RBCs, underlying etiologic mechanisms, and clinical feautures.

Anemia (to go) _______ undetected in many people, and symptoms can (to be) _____ vague. Most commonly, people with anemia (to report0 _____________ a feeling of weakness or fatigue. People with more severe anemia sometimes (to report) __________ shortness of breath.

Pallor (pale skin) (to be) _______ only notable in cases of severe anemia, and (to be) _____ therefore not a reliable sign.

The only way to definitively diagnose most cases of anemia (to be) _____ with a blood test. Generally, clinicians (to order) __________ a full blood count. Flow cytometry (to be) ______ an important tool in distinguishing between the causes of anemia. A visual examination of a blood smear can also (to be) ______ helpful in some cases.

The lack of iron associated with anemia can (to cause) _______________ many complications, including hypoxemia, brittle or rigid fingernails, cold intolerance, impaired immune function, and possible behavioral disturbances in children.

Anemia (to affect) ______________ 20% of all females of childbearing age in the United States. Because of the subtlety of the symptoms, women (to be) _______ often unaware that they (to have) ____________ this disorder. Possible problems for the fetus (to include) _______________ increased risk of growth retardation, prematurity, and infection.

Consumption of food rich in iron (to be) ______ essential to prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Iron-rich foods include red meat; green, leafy vegetables; dried beans; dried apricots, raisins, and other dried fruits, and whole grains. In extreme cases of anemia, researchers (to recommend) __________________ consumption of beef liver, lean meat, lamb or chicken.

There (to be) _______ many different treatments for anemia, including increasing dietary intake of readily available iron and iron supplementation; the treatment (to determine) ________________ by the type of anemia that (to diagnose). In severe cases of anemia, a blood transfusion may (to be) _____ necessary.


What ___ Plasma (to be) ______? Plasma (to be) ____ the fluid portion of blood. It (to be) _____ the river which (to transport) _____________ red blood cells, white cells and platelets through the body to nourish and protect tissues and organs. This pale yellow liquid (to be) _______ also rich in minerals and substances which (to help) ______________ control bleeding. Who ___________Plasma (to need) _____________? Plasma (to need) __________________ frequently by trauma patients, burn victims and others fighting serious illness and injury. Why _____There (to be) __________a Special Need for AB Plasma? In addition to being the rarest blood type (only about 3 percent of the population (to have) ___________ type AB blood) AB plasma (to be) ___________the universal plasma type. AB plasma can (to give) ____________________safely to patients with any blood type. How _____Plasma (to collect) ___________________________? Plasma, which 9to make) _____________up about 55 percent of our blood's volume, can (to separate) __________________________ from whole blood donations. Through a process called apheresis (ay-fur-ee-sis), AB donors can safely (to give) _________________________ three times the amount of plasma as can (to separate) ___________________ from a whole blood donation. What ______ Apheresis (to be) ______? Apheresis (to be) _____ a special kind of blood donation. It (to allow) __________________ a donor to give specific blood components, such as plasma or platelets. Blood (to draw) _____________________ from your arm through sterile tubing into a centrifuge. The force of the centrifuge (to cause)_______________ the blood to separate into components. These components (to vary) _________________ in weight and density. The plasma (to draw) ______________________up then into a collection bag, while the remaining blood components (to return) _______________________________to you through your other arm. Who Can (to be) _________ an AB Plasma Donor? If you (to have) ___________ type AB blood and (to meet) ________________ the requirements for donating blood, you probably can (to give) _____________ plasma. AB plasma donors must (to be) ______ be at least 18 years old. They must (to have) _________ good health. They must (to weigh) ______________ at least 110 pounds. 1 pound (to be) _______ 453.6 gr. __AB Plasma Donation (to be) _______ Safe? Yes. Each donation (to supervise) ___________ throughout the procedure by trained staff. The amount of plasma collected (not compromise) _______________ your health and (to restore) ___________________ by your body within 24 hours. New, sterile donation equipment (needle, tubing, collection bags) (to use) _______________ for each donor - it (to be) ______ virtually impossible to contract a disease from the process. How long ______ it (to take) _________? The entire process, including registration, donor screening and donation usually (to take) ________________ less than 90 minutes. You may (to watch) ___________________ television or videotapes, listen to music, or simply sit back and relax while helping save a life. How can I (to become) ___________ an AB Plasma Donor? If you (to live) _____________________ in Western Washington, (to call) ___________ Puget Sound Blood Center's Apheresis Program at 425-453-5098 or 1-800-266-4033 for more information or to make an appointment.



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