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Exercise 30. Open the brackets and give the correct form of the verb after need.

l. The vegetable garden needs (water). 2. The TV needs to be (fix). 3. They need (come) here at three o'clock. 4. The cottage needs to be (repair). 5. She needs (prepare) harder for her exams. 6. The lawn needs (cut). 7. You need (book) a ticket beforehand. 8. Granny needs to be (look after). 9. The walls need to be (paper). 10. I need (get) this book somewhere.

Exercise 31. Choose the right variant.

1. He says I (mustn't/needn't) do it. He has already done it. 2. You (needn't/mustn't) carry your driving license with you. 3. I can show my student's card, and I (mustn't/needn't) pay to get in. 4. I've hurt my knee and the doctor says I (mustn't/needn't) play football for two weeks. 5. Copies (needn't/mustn't) be done without permission. 6. He is a very discreet person, you (needn't/ mustn't) be afraid of telling him anything. 7. He (needn't/mustn't) be said twice. 8. You (needn't/mustn't) answer the question if you don't want to. 9. It's a non­smoking carriage. You (needn't/mustn't) smoke here. 10. She (needn't/mustn't) go to bed so late. Has she forgotten the doctor's instructions?

Exercise 32. Choose the right variant.

1. Don't argue with her, you___her age.

a) need respect b) have to respect c) ought to respect d) are to respect

2. You___it long ago.

a) must do b) should have done c) needn't have done d) are to do

3. This is serious; you___at it.

a) haven't to laugh b) should not laugh c) don't have to laugh d) must not have laughed

4. There___an interesting concert last night, but I didn't feel well and___home.

a) had to be, had to stay b) should be, was to stay c) must be, ought to stay d) was to be, had to stay

5. According to the rules a football player___the ball with his hands.

a) must not touch b) need not touch c) don't have to touch d) must not have touched

6. The situation was dangerous. You___frightened.

a) should have got b) must have got c) have to get d) need have got

7. We ___ to write and thank them for their hospitality.

a) must not forget b) must not have forgotten c) shouldn't forget d) don't have to forget

8. Why___I know where he is?

a) should b) must c) need d) ought

9. They___more polite.

a) need have been b) should have been c) must have been d) are to have been

10. You___so much noise or you'll wake up the baby!

a) must not make b) must not have made c) needn't have made d) don't have to make

Exercise 33. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the constructions in bold type. Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

1. I must have misunderstood her. 2. Upon my word! I can't make head or tail of it. 3. Mike was to learn later that the manager and the cashier... were not on very good terms. 4. "No, he doesn't know," she said. — "Don't you think you ought to tell him." 5. A week to wait. She couldn't just sit in the room and wait seven days. 6. This must be discussed seriously. 7. Glen knows he shouldn't have left you with his sister. 8. I am very sor­ry, Miss Webb, I am afraid you must have missed hav­ing your tea. 9. "Well,... and how is Edward* today?" — "Good Heavens, how should I know?" 10. You don't have to explain anything. 11. I have enjoyed this evening, Mrs. Maclain, I hope I may call on you again. 12. Hush! You mustn't say such things and even think of them. 13. What do you want me to do? Shall I speak to him? 14. Am I to take it that you are absolutely seri­ous? 15. I'm afraid you will have to look sharp. 16. "I think we ought to be starting for home," said Nan, after some little time. 17. "Pull your­self together," I said. "You must be imagining this." 18. I needn't have worried,need I? 19. She had so low an opinion of her husband that she could not understand why on earth they should make him such an offer. 20. You should have known from experience that to argue with Poirot is quite use­less. 21. You thought she should not have mentioned it to anyone?

Exercise 34. Complete the following sentences.

1. Ann must be sleeping…. 2. I told her I wouldn't have any more to do with her.... 3. I think we ought to be starting…. 4. He ought to have telephoned her…. 5. I shall not spare myself.... 6. She could just sit in the room and wait…. 7. You must have been alarmed…. 8. It can't be helped.... 9. You can't go anywhere with­out running into him.... 10. Nobody knows what I have to put up with.... 11. Everything you do is wrong, and everything you haven't done you ought to have done…. 12. I dare say you mean your advice kindly though I must confess that you put it somewhat strangely….You ought to have told him…. 13. You oughtn't to have allowed it.... 14. I don't need to ask.... 15. They ought to be arriving any moment.... 16. I feel I ought to have gone with him…. 17. You must have been bored…. 18. Even you must have noticed…. 19. It must have been disappointing for you.... 20. You needn't be so touchy about it….

Exercise 35. Make up short situations with the following statements.

I. 1. I can't help feeling sorry for her. You must have noticed how different she has been looking lately. 2. I should apologize for what I said to you yesterday. 3. I mean, what shall I do about this note? 4. You needn't think I haven't that in my mind all the time. 5. You ought to have known it better. 6. He must have gone back to town last night or early this morning. 7. Well, it must have been about ten. I can't say exactly. It might have been later. 8. I'll pick some lettuce and tomatoes for supper, shall I? 9. How dare you talk like that? 10. Forgive me, perhaps I shouldn't have said that.

II. 11. I can't help it. 12. Can I come too? 13. I've upset you. Forgive me. Perhaps I should not have come, but I felt I had to. 14. You needn't worry about it. 15. But that may be not true. 16. She must be in a hurry. 17. This must be nonsense. 18. I just thought you might be able to help us.

Exercise 36. Make up short dialogues with the following statements.

1. I can't say exactly. 2. Well, it must have been about ten. 3. I can see it by your face. 4. Must you really go? 5. Well, I suppose you must do as you choose. 6. Can't you say something to amuse me? 7. She should have come to me for advice first. 8. They ought to be arriving any moment now. 9. It shall be a secret between us. 10. What time shall I wake you? 11. They were to hold and detain any one attempt­ing to leave the grounds. 12. It must have been very difficult for you. 13. I simply can't believe, that's all. 14. What's it all about? Can I do anything? 15. You must have known what you wanted to do. 16. You should have reminded me. 17. He ought to be warned. 18. You needn't be frightened. 19. You'll have to be careful.

Exercise 37. Read the dialogue. Use it as a pattern for your own dialogues.

Harry: We shall have to hurry if we're going to catch that train. What's Robert doing?

Nora: Robert's gone on to the station with some of the luggage. He's meeting us on the platform.

Harry: Don't pack that book, Peter: you'll be want­ing it in the train.

Peter: Oh yes, so I shall, Dad.

Nora: I wonder whether I ought to have cut some sandwiches?

Harry: No, we shall be stopping ten minutes at the junction; we shall be able to buy something to eat there... You'll have to carry this case, Peter.

Nora: He can't, because he'll be carrying my hatbox, besides his own case.

Harry: Look here, we must get away or we shall be late.

Nora: It's going to be a lovely day. Are we all ready?

Peter: I'm ready; I'm waiting for you.

Nora: Have you turned off the gas and electricity, Harry?

Harry: I'll just make sure, dear.

Nora: Otherwise they'll be sending us bills for the time we're away.

Harry: Yes, it's all done. Come along now, off we go. Shut the door behind you, Peter.

Nora: Areyou sure you've got the railway tickets, Harry?

Harry: Good Heavens! I think I've left them on the piano.

Peter: (eagerly) I'll go in and get them, Dad.

Harry: No, it's all right, here they are in my waist­coat pocket.

(From "Meet the Parkers")

Exercise 38. Learn the proverbs by heart. Use modal verbs in your own stories illustrating the proverbs.

1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. — Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня. 2. A man can die but once. — Двум смертям не бывать, а одной не миновать. 3. As you sow, you shall mow. — Что посеешь, то и пожнешь. 4. As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. — Что посеешь, то и пожнешь. 5. Can the leopard change his spots? — Горбатого могила исправит. 6. It would make even a cat laugh.—Курам на смех. 7. What can't be cured, must be endured. — При­ходится мириться с тем, чего нельзя исправить. 8. If the sky falls, we shall catch larks. — Если бы, да кабы >.. 9. If the mountain won't come to Mohamed, Mohamed must go to the mountain. — Если гора не идет к Магомету, Магомет сам должен идти к горе. 10. One can (could) hear a pin drop. — Слышно было, как муха пролетела. 11. Wild horses shall not drag it from him. — Из него этого клещами не вытащишь. 12. You cannot make an omlet without breaking eggs* — Нельзя приготовить омлет без того, чтобы не разбить яиц. 13. If you don't like it, you may lump it. — Волей-неволей придется примириться, нравится ли вам это или нет. 14. A drowning man will catch at a straw. — Уто­пающий хватается за соломинку. 15. You can't touch pitch without being defiled. — Грязью играть — лишь руки марать (загрязнять). 16. You can't eat your cake and have it. — Что с возу упало, то пропало. 17. What is done cannot be undone. — Сделанно­го не воротишь. 18. A bird may be known by its song. — Птица видна по полету.

Exercise 39. Render the texts using modal verbs wherever possible.

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