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The Modal Verb Dare

The modal verb dare is used to express imprudence, effrontery, doubt (in negative sentences) or having the courage.

  • I never dare ask him about that
  • I dare not go yet
  • How dare you speak to me like that?
  • Dare we go in?

Note: When dare is used as a full verb it is followed by to + infinitive

  • I never dared to ask him



Глагол dare означает: осмелиться, иметь смелость или нахальство сделать что-л. Встречается не часто, и к нему относятся те же самые комментарии, что и к need.

Как модальный он имеет формы наст. времени dare и прошедшего dared [dFqd], употребляется с инфинитивом без частицы to, образует вопросительную и отрицательную формы без вспомогательного do.

Как модальный употребляется в вопросительных (обычно с How dare…?) и отрицательных предложениях. В утвердительной форме dare употребляется в выражении I dare say/speak которое переводится как (я) осмелюсь сказать.

How dare you say it? Как вы смеете говорить это?
For a while he dared not move. Некоторое время он не смел пошевелиться.

Примечание:Как смысловой глагол он спрягается по общим правилам, инфинитив после него употребляется с to, вопросы и отрицания образует с do:

Does he dare to contradict her? Он осмеливается противоречить ей?
No one dared to ask him about it. Никто не осмеливался спросить его об этом.

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the verb dare.

1. "You, impudent boy, how dare you speak to me like that!" cried Lady Visard, turning on him with flashing eyes. 2. How dare you address my friend and I in such a fashion? How dare you! 3. She laughed, shocked. How dare he tease her, right in the teeth of disaster! 4. For a full ten min­utes he dared not look at Christine. 5. How dare you? How dare you interfere? I won't stand it. 6. "Don't you dare touch him?" said Conchita. 7. How dare you say that of me! Get out! Get out now! 8. He did not look at her, but gazed straight, out to sea. I daren't run the risk, Bella. 9.... he honestly believed — though he would not have dared to admit it in New York — that the Flatiron Building was inferior in design to the great cathedral in Milan. 10. The girl handling tickets was so young shehad dared bleach her hair white. 11. I dare say you can guess the reason of all these questions. 12. She was crying, tears welled in her eyes and she pressed her hands against her cheeks. "How dare you upset me like this!" 13. I dare say we were a couple of young fools to take on such a job. 14.....Dora stared ahead of her. She could see that Paul's expression had changed, but she dared not look at him.

Exercise 2. Paraphrase the following sentences using the verb dare.

1. How can you be so impudent as to speak to your mother in such a tone? 2. He felt that he was wrong but had no courage to admit it. 3. The little girl had no cour­age to stroke the dog. 4. How can you be so impertinent as to interfere in their conversation? 5. I suppose you are right. 6. Look at your little sister, she is crying. Were you impudent enough to tease her? 7. It was impudent of you to insult that woman. 8. He had no courage to speak and he kept silent 9. He had no courage to tell them the truth. He knew it would upset them. 10. The boy had no courage to climb the tree. 11. It's impudent of you to try to deceive me! 12. How can you venture to reproach her for it? It was all your fault. 13. I suppose you can help me a bit. 14. I suppose this task is too diffi­cult. 15. He had no courage to open that letter.

Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences paying atten­tion to the constructions in bold type. Make up your own sentences with these constructions.

1. Bertha walked to her husband's room, and for a while dared not enter. 2. You've cared for me less of late, and I've been so unhappy, Basil, but I didn't dare show it. 3. "You impudent boy, how dare you speak to me like that!";cried Lady Vizard, turning on him with flashing eyes. 4. She had found that learning poems was a soothing way to take her mind off the disappointment of her marriage, a disappointment that had crept in before the honey­moon was over, and whose extent she did not dare to admit even to herself. 5. She took the photo­graph and, without daring to look again, withdrew it from its frame and quickly tore it in bits. 6. How dare you talk about David like that! 7. "Open the door for me. Oh, I'm sorry for you. Please let me in." Bertha looked wildly at the door; she dared not let Miss Glover in. 8. She dared not look up for fear of catching the sniggers of Mrs. Brander-ton and the Hancocks. 9. I've spoken about you; I go there two or three times a week just now to see if there's anything I can do; and I dare say your hus­band has told them about you.

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences.

1. I dare say.... 2. How dare you upset your moth­er…. 3. He dared not admit…. 4. Don't you see that she dare not meet your eyes because…. 5. How dare you say that to me.... 6. How dare you tease the child.... 7. I dare not interfere but…. 8. How dare you at­tempt…. 9. How dare you speak to her like that 10. He dared not argue…. 11. How dare you blame me…. 12. How dare you contradict your mother…. 13. How dared you open that letter…. 14. The child didn't dare….


Exercise 5. Complete the sentences using the verb dare.

1. Mrs. Page was beyond herself with indignation when Andrew Manson reminded her about his sala­ry. She hoped…. 2. Andrew Manson wanted to open his heart to Christine, to speak about his love in the train coming home, but the compartment was over­crowded and…. 3. It was dark in the room and the child.... 4. Why is your little sister crying….? 5. I knew that this news would upset them and.... 6. They broke the favourite blue cup of their mother 7. Give me that letter…. 8. Becky tore the teacher's textbook and when the teacher asked the pupils who had done it she…. 9. Though he understood that he was wrong…. 10. Don't contradict me.... 11. The girl couldn't swim.... 12. David's mother saw that Mr. Murdstone and his sister were cruel to David but….

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